17 - First Love

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Hyukjin POV

'I don't know what to do' I sign to Minho 'about what' she asks softly 'Danha' I sign back, he laughed slightly and I give him a luck telling him that my crush isn't something to laugh at. 'Have I ever told you how me and your appa met', I shake my head, without much thought. Minho calls Jisung over and JaeJi, just to make my love life that much more embarrassing.

25 years ago

Minho POV

Where is the stupid dance room I say to myself walking down the hallway, aimlessly, I was in the art department, hoping to start dance lessons that the university offered for beginners in their first year as a side activity. I was actually studying psychology hoping to help kids similar to myself.

The paper said room S14 but there was no room S14. I gave up opting to drink some water from a nearby fountain and then just leaving.

'Excuse me' a small blonde boy said running straight towards me 'Hello' I say looking at him confused 'I think you have my schedule' he says out of breath. I look back at the piece of paper in my hand unfolding it just to see HAN JISUNG written at the top of it and not my own name. 'Oh, I'm so sorry' I say handing it over to him. He hands me what I assume is my own schedule. 'Excuse me, um Jisung' I say to get his attention, 'do you know where this room is' I say pointing to the room I'm supposed to be in. 'Oh that lesson ended an hour ago, I'm so sorry for taking your schedule, how can I make it up to you' he says looking genuinely upset. I smile at him and say 'a coffee is always a good way to break the ice' he giggle, and it was adorable, I giggle to, not really knowing why, I felt different with him. 'I saw a coffee shop on my here' he says grabbing my wrist.

'What would you like' he asks me letting go of me, and I feel sad, I look up at the menu 'an iced americano should be fine' he smiled and says 'that's my order too' I laugh, he orders two slices of cheesecake. And we sit down after we have been given our order.

Despite not being ordered by me I start eating a pieced cheesecake for me to stop and Jisung to tell me he bought it for me. 'How did you know the dance class had ended' I ask taking a sip of my drink 'oh two of my friends have enrolled into it, how come you are doing things like a first year tour like 20' he asks stopping his previous action of eating his cake 'I just transferred here' I say looking down awkwardly he hums and doesn't press further probably assuming I didn't want to talk about it. 'What are your friends called if you don't mind me asking' he shakes his head 'Felix and Chan' he says with cheesecake stuffed into his cheeks 'your cute' I say and he blushes.

Present day

Hyukjin POV

'And that's how we met, and fell in love' Minho says kissing Jisung on the lips, me and JaeJi look away disgusted.

'Look, when I confessed to your appa I was nervous that he wouldn't like more than a friend, I just went for it and look where we are, she seems like a nice girl Hyukie, what do you have to lose' Minho says, and I cry at that, realising that I'm in love and that I'm growing up 'Th,thank yo..ou' I say snuggling into Minho's chest.

'Appa...papa' I hear JaeJi say I look up at him as our parents look towards him and hum indicating him to continue 'I think I like someone as well but I... I don't know how I feel' he says looking down 'what do you mean' Jisung says going over to him 'I don't feel the way people expect me to I just like him and want to kiss him and cuddle him but I get scared and people tell me I should feel hormonal at my age but I don't feel like how everyone wants me to' he says looking desperately up at Jisung. 'Baby do you know what asexual is' he says I need my head as Minho keeps patting me despite it not being directed towards me 'no appa' he says Jisung gets in front of him and says 'it when you love someone with this and because of this' he says pointing to his heart 'and not because of sexual intimacy' he says looking up at me 'that's how I feel' JaeJi says barely above a whisper Jisung hugs him and says reassuring words I couldn't quite hear 'boys what you are experiencing is your first loves' Jisung says standing up excitedly 'and I think that means that talk would be had' me and JaeJi look at each other while Minho and Jisung laugh. I sigh and think I love my family. I'm happy.

Hope your enjoyed that chapter :)

Did people enjoy Kingdom, Mnet doing Ateez dirty with those chairs and that storage cupboard and making us wait another week but it's mnet so what else do we expect. Also what's the situation with streaking, no one knows.

Also this is a general question, that I hope someone answers, where can I get more Enhypen content and specifically Sunoo?

Cause I've only got two episodes left of I-Land and I'll finish it by tomorrow and I actually love Sunoo and need more content.

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