"Until next time" (LAST) ~Chapter 28

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(Hi! So this is the last real chapter! Sorry, but otherwise I would just be dragging out the story and not knowing how to end it so this is where it ends. BUUUUUUT!!!! There will be AT LEAST[!!] two epilogues coming up so that's something to look forward to I guess! OH ALSO I WOKE UP TOO 500 FOLLOWERS ON TIKTOK BECAUSE AN EDIT OF THE SMP I MADE GOT A SHIT TON OF VIEWS AND LIKES [for me] SO THAT'S COOL! OK LETS START! )

-Y/n pov- The morning Ranboo has to fly back to California.

I've been awake for 10 minutes just looking at Ranboo and being sad that it's his last day. After playing with his hair for a few more minutes he starts to wake up. 

"Morning baby," He says sleepily. His morning voice is just so-!!

"Morning bubs," I reply sadly. 

He notices I'm sad and asks "What's wrong?" 

"It's your last day here... I don't want you to leave..." I cuddle up to him more. 

"Oh... I forgot about that... Has it really been a month already? It feels like its been 2 days..." 

We lay there enjoying the moment for a few minutes before deciding to get breakfast. We go to the kitchen and make (JESUS CHRIST GUYS ANSWER MY FUCKING TEXTS! MY FRIENDS ARE ANNOYING AS HELL [well Hana I know you can't rn]) waffles. When they finish making enough waffles for them, and Quackity, Quackity comes down the stairs from his room. 

"Hey guys!" Quackity says grabbing a plate of waffles. 

"Hi," Me and Ranboo both say in sync. 

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"It's my last day here." Ranboo says putting his head on top of my head. 

"Right... I lost track of the days I guess.. Well! At least you have a flight at 9:00 pm so we have all day!" Quackity say trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah! What should we do today?" I question.

We all think for a few seconds before Quackity says, "We should definitely do something with Karl, Sapnap, and Hana because they'll want to see you before you leave. We could stream in an hour for a bit, then we could go to the park and hang out for a while?" 

Me and Ranboo say that sounds good, so I text Hana and tell her to come over while Quackity texts Sapnap and Karl. 

After a few minutes the three show up so we start stream. We're sitting farther back so we're all in frame- Ranboo has his mask, glasses, and gloves of course-. 

"HEY CHAT!!" We all yell in unison. 

"Today we're doing a Q&A, maybe some jackbox, maybe running around on the smp." Quackity explains. 

"Donate if you have any questions!" Sapnap says. 

After a minute of talking to chat a donation reads "Who are the girls?"

I look at Hana and in our secret language ask "Are you ok with us saying your name?" 

She nods so I say, "I'm Y/n, Quackity's little sister. And she's Hana my best friend."

Most of the chat knew that I was Quackity's sister but for those people who missed his stream where I came on were surprised. 

Another Donation came in and said "Is this why Ranboo hasn't streamed in a while?" 

"Yes, sorry about that! I've been here for a month but will be back to streaming tomorrow!" Ranboo tries to sound enthusiastic but I can still hear a little bit of sadness in his voice. 

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