I'm sorry. Chapter 17

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-Phil pov at 8:30 am in his room with Wilbur, Techno, and Fundy-

Wilbur is pacing around the room clearly mad at himself for yesterdays events... 

"What do I do now? I-I can't apologize because she doesn't want to talk to me, and I can't just act like nothing happened! I fucked up but can't do anything about it!" Wilbur punches the wall out of frustration. 

"Wilbur calm down! I say try and apologize today but if she doesn't want to talk to you then leave her alone." I pitch in.

!!!TW!!! Panic attack! (this story is just taking a turn for the worst goddamn. Also this is just from my experience seeing my friend have one so it may not be how it goes for you/someone you know)

"B-but what if she doesn't want to t-talk to me ever ag-again a-and ha-hates me!?" Wilbur stuttered as his breaths got faster and shorter.

SHIT! He's having another panic attack... um ok Phil you got this, you know how to help.

"Wilbur- Sit down, focus on your breathing, close your eyes and don't think about anything right now." I say.

"O-okay..." He sits down on the bed and his leg starts bouncing a little but after a few minutes his breathing is slowing down and getting back to a normal pace.


"Wilbur are you ok? What was that...?" Fundy asks as he looks at Wilbur with worry in his expression.

"Um, yeah no I'm fine! It's just a panic attack. I get them sometimes when I get too stressed about something..." He reassures.

"Wait, that's happened before!? Oh wait Phil is that how you knew what to do??" Techno asks me. 

"Yeah, but it hasn't happened in a while... I wanna say it's been like 2 months?" 

"Yeah that sounds about right... So how should I apologize if Y/n refuses to talk to me??" Wilbur wonders.

"I'm not sure, I'll go ask Hana what the best approach would be?" Fundy says as he leave the room.

-Fundy pov-

I walk out of the room and down the stairs to Hana and Y/n's room. I know Y/n went out somewhere with Ranboo, Niki, Minx, and Tubbo so I had expected Hana and Tommy to be in the room. 

To no surprise I was right. "Hey Fundy, what's up?" Hana questions.

"I was just wondering how Wilbur can apologize to Y/n without her having to talk to him? He feels HORRIBLE about yesterday and he kind of sorta had a panic attack because he thought she would hate him forever..."

"WHAT!? IS HE OK!?" Hana and Tommy both scream with worry in their tones.

"YEAH! He's fine now! Phil helped calm him down, no need to worry!" 

"Okay, that's good- but the only way I can think of him apologizing that would work is writing an apology and then sliding it under the door to her, with space at the bottom so she can write something to him. That always works." (I couldn't think of anything else sooo sorry *you know who you are S* kind of stole our thing for this hehe but whateverrr you're mad at me anyways so i don't careeeeee)

"Wait what? That sounds super dumb." Tommy says.

Hana gives him a death glare that says 'Say that again. See what happens.' 

"OK OK OK SORRY!" Tommy shrieks in fear. 

Hana laughs manically and says "Ok yeah just tell Wilbur to do that and she should be good." 

Big Q's Little sister (Ranboo x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora