Dates and a Birthday ~Chapter 27

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(Ok not sure how this is gonna be. Probably shit cause I don't know what the fuck couples do cause I'm 🎆 A R O 🎆 and don't pay attention to my siblings and what they talk about from dates. So uh yeah bare with meeeee) 

-Y/n pov in the morning- 

I wake up with my curtains open and sun blaring on my eyes. (your eyes are still closed.) After a few minutes of adjusting to the light, I actually open my eyes. The first thing I see is Ranboo looking at me.

"Morning!" I say as I hug him. 

"Good morning! You're really pretty, and you look super peaceful when you sleep." 

"That's not at all creepy- but not as pretty as you ender boy." I joke. 

He laughs, and we just lay there for a few minutes. "What should we do today?" He questions.

I think for a second before replying, "I kind of just want to lay around today since yesterday was... a lot..." 

"Yeah same." He agrees.

"Soooooo cuddles? Like all day?" 

He chuckles but says "Yes, of course baby." 

"Buuuuuuuuuut first lets go get breakfast!" I say as I jump off the bed and pull him up too. 

He groans not wanting to get up, but follows me down to the kitchen. We make some toast with peanut butter on it. (BITCH YOU GOTTA GET BETTER BREAKFAST IDEAS [Ryann I'm talking to you.] and yes this is the secret thing I'm not telling you about) After we finish eating we go back to my room and lay down in the bed to cuddle all day.

-Time skip to not the next day but the day after that and its around 12:00pm (there's gonna be a lot of time skips this chapter)-

"So what are going to do today bubs?" I ask looking at Ranboo. 

He thinks for a few seconds before saying "How about swimming?" (Ryann... dude... really...)

"Sure! I'm gonna go get a swimsuit on!" I quickly run upstairs and put on my favorite swimsuit. As I'm walking out of my room I see Ranboo waiting by the door, "Can I help you?" 

"I need to get swim shorts from my suitcase dum dum."

"Ohhhh right- Well go ahead," I move out of the doorway and make my way back down the stairs. 

After a moment of getting snacks, and two towels (and whatever else you would take to a pool with you), Ranboo comes down the stairs. 

You yell up the stairs to your brother, "ME AND RANBOO ARE GOING TO THE POOL! WE'LL BE BACK IN A FEW HOURS!" 

He shouts back "OK! DON'T DO ANYTHING DUMB!" 

You and Ranboo laugh as you walk out the door and head to your car. 

When you get to the pool, you pay and are surprised to see that absolutely no one else is swimming, but you're both happy about getting to be as loud and do whatever you want. 

-time skip yet again because I don't remember what to do at pools :]. about 3 days later at 12.-

"Got any plans for today?" Ranboo asks me.

"We could go to Starbucks? That's about a 20 minute drive, and then we could walk around?" 

He says that would be fun so we get ready. I wore a knitted sweater and jeans because I felt like dressing a little bit nice today. (if you want to change that outfit its fine I don't know what people like so im just going with that even tho I wouldn't wear it lol)

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