The Big Night. Chapter 8

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(LETS GO!! I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M GETTING EXCITED ABOUT MY OWN STORY- I feel like I'm writing this really fast lmao. Like we're only 8 chapters in- Although Idk how many chapters I'm gonna write...)

-Ranboo Pov the next morning. (most of this chapter will be Ranboo pov)

I woke up to Tubbo and Tommy talking at 8:00 am. 

"Hey guys" I drowsily say. 

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Are you excited for todayyyyy?" Tubbo grins. 

"Yeah big man it's a big day!!!" Tommy also grins. 

"huh?" they both look at me like I'm an idiot, then it hits me "OH! RIGHT! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT- oh... um yeah I guess I'm excited?"

"You sound like you're asking... Are you sure? If you don't want to tell Y/n today that's perfectly fine Ranboo!" Tubbo reassures. 

"What? No, I still want to tell her today but I'm INSANELY nervous that It'll make things weird."

"Ranboo, the only way it would be weird is if you guys avoid each other" Tubbo says. 

"Well, what do I do if she doesn't like me too? The chances of that being the case are like 85% sooooo" I trail off. 

"Ranboo. Trust us. She likes you." Tommy says in a surprisingly comforting way. 

"Okay, well if you guys are right... Then what if she doesn't love me. Cause I love her but-" 

"Ranboo calm down! You guys are definitely on the same page here. Trust me" I don't know why but I'm gonna take Tubbo's word for it.

"Okay... I don't know why but I'm going to trust you guys... We should probably go eat breakfast."

The three of us walk up stairs to see Techno, Phil, and Sapnap talking in the kitchen. 

"By any chance do any of you know how to cook?" Sapnap rubs the back of his neck. 

Me, Tommy, and Tubbo share a look and shake our heads, and the boys standing in front of us groan. "How does no one in this house know how to make food except for Y/n and Hana?" Techno asks. 

"I mean we can TRY to make something but it probably won't be good" Phil says. 

"We could just get the girls, and ask them to make breakfast?" Sapnap suggests. 

"Their probably sleeping so we shouldn't wake them up" I say in response. 

I very quietly hear Tommy whisper something to Tubbo, but I don't know what it was. I just saw Tubbo's eyes grow wide and him on the floor dying of laughter. 

"What- What happened...?" Techno is just as confused as everyone else. 

"N-no-nothing!" Tubbo barely manages to say through his laughs. 

We all brush it off and just decide to wait for the girls to wake up. We watch a few episodes of bob's burgers (I asked My friend to name a show and that's what she said -_-) until the girls all came downstairs. 

"Can you guys make fooooooooooooooood?" Phil begs. 

"You guys really need to learn how to cook. And Phil how are you so old but don't know how to make breakfast" Y/n laughs at her own joke, which makes me smile to hear. I can tell Tubbo and Tommy saw me smile because they start smirking at me. 

I roll my eyes and say "Well you could teach us how to to cook so you two won't have to for a month." 

"Alright get in here. What do you guys want to eat?" Hana asks. 

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