The Stream Chapter 1.

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-Y/n Pov- Early January. (CORONA DOES NOT EXIST HERE)

You and your best friend, Hana, are working on your Minecraft world together. You two have just finished building a massive PvP Arena. You are pretty good at PvP and like it a lot, as does Hana. Though you are both also decent at building, but do not find it as fun.

"Hey y/n... Ya know what I'm thinking?"

You don't even need to think before responding and jumping into the arena with Hana. "Yup. Heads up; theres no way you'll win" you say in a joking manner

"Pfft yeah right! On the count of ten we start. Got it?" You and Hana tend to get pretty competitive (a/n HA Hana if you see this somehow then see? made the character nothing like you!) when it comes to who is better at pvp. You both are very good and acknowledge that about the other.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...GO!" You both count in unison and then start attacking each other. You had the same armor, and the same weapons so it would be a fair fight. You got each other low a couple of times, but you both ate food and got your health all the way back up again.

After about 5 minutes of fighting each other you ended up killing Hana.

"YESSSS!! WOOOO" You started screaming in victory while Hana was just laughing at your reaction.

Then you heard your brother yell "Y/N! BE QUIET I'M STREAMING!" from the room across the hall.

"SORRY!" you hollar back.To which Hana starts dying of laughter

"Ok well I have to go. My sister wants to have a snowball fight" Hana manages to say through her laughs

"Ok BYEEE! Tell Ellen (Hana's sisters name in the story) I say hi"

"Will do! Bye! Call you later?"

"Probably!" you say as you end the call.

You sigh and flop down on your bed. You then remember that your brother is streaming and decide to watch. You open twitch to see he is streaming jackbox with a few of his friends. You sat there watching his stream for about 30 more minutes until you get a hungry.

You being the little sister you are decide to donate to your brothers stream with 30$, having the robotic voice read out "Yo I'm hungry. Can we get food. Use those 30$ if so--your starving sister"

You then hear your brother having a laugh attack. "S-sure- after stream-" he stutters out through his laughs. 

The stream chat then starts going crazy because they did not know that Quackity had a sister. Not only was chat going crazy but so were Quackity's friends that he was on call with. 

'why was no one aware of my existence?  eh whatever. it was probably so you wouldn't be overwhelmed or anything.' You thought to yourself. 

You were then quickly snapped out of your thoughts by once again hearing Quackity yelling "HEY Y/N! CHAT WANTS TO MEET YOU! AND SO DO MY FRIENDS! COME HEREEEEE" he pleads. 

you walk across the hall to his room and over to his filming set up. He then hands you his headphones "what- what do you want me to do with these?" you question

"talk to my friends...? and chat...?" he says as if it was obvious. which now thinking, it was obvious. 

You put the headphones on and quietly say "hey? I'm Y/N, Quackity's sister."

The call goes quiet for about 2 seconds before someone in the call says "Hey Y/N I'm Tubbo! nice to meet you! :)" he sounded about your age which was cool. 

you then heard other variations of 'hello' from the call and people introduce them self. From what you heard there were people named Tubbo, Tommy, Karl, Sapnap, Ranboo, and Fundy. You already knew who karl and sapnap were because they were two of Quackity's best friends and you all hung out pretty often. They were like two more brothers to you, and you were like their sister. Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo seemed to be around your age which was cool to you because besides Hana, sapnap and Karl you didn't have many friends. You had one or two but they weren't very close friends. You decided to write down the three of their discords so you could talk to them off stream. 

After about and hour of talking to Quackity's friends, he suggested that you should answer a few questions from chat. You did as he had said because you saw quite a lot of questions. "Well a few people are wondering How old I am, so I'm 16 but will be 17 in June." You try to read chat but its going really fast and is getting a little harder to read, but you still manage to read "Whats your favorite color? I'd say out of basic colors Blue. But then I also really like turquoise. I just like blue overall" you give out a chuckle as you say that last bit. "alright I'm gonna go, but DO NOT forget about food ok?" you say in a stern with a slight joking tone

"Yes ma'am" Quackity says with a terrified look. As you leave the room you hear him say "She's scary sometimes.." as he blows out a breath

"I heard that!" you hollar to him as you get your phone out to call Hana to tell her about what just happened. 


"Finallyyyyyyy that took longer for you to answer then normally" you say in a sad but once again also joking matter. 

"I know I know but you can blame Ellen for that! she stole my phone and was running around the house" She says to defend herself

"haha ok alright well I have a storyyyyyyyyyyyy!" you say with excitement. 

*blah blah blah time skip cause I don't wanna type that all out again. basically you just explain that you talked to Quackity's friends and stream*

After you tell Hana about what happened on stream, you had to go because Quackity FINALLY ended stream to go get food. Right before you left you added Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo on discord hoping that by the time you got back, they would have accepted your request (sorry idk how discord works. it has never worked for me so sorry if I say something wrong). You and quackity went out for pizza after that. :)


this is interesting. Idk if I like this chapter or not. not much of a "Ranboo x reader" BUT HEY its the first chapter so just wait. next chapter will have more Ranboo. But I'm not sure I will make a second chapter. I don't wanna just write a bunch and have 0 reads so if SOMEONE reads this let me know if i should make a second chapter!

Big Q's Little sister (Ranboo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now