Valentines day ~Chapter 20

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(this is not at all in correlational to valentines day irl because this is a full month after- but in the story timeline it is around valentines day. so It will be valentines day in this chapter. Gimme ideas for the next chapter because I don't really know what else to do for the rest of the trip. I only know what to do for the last day and then after everyone is back home. ALSO FOR THE PERSON WHO ASKED TO SEE A PICTURE OF MY PUPPIES, I will make a separate part for that but probably delete it like 2 hours after so no one i know sees it.)

-Ranboo pov in the morning- (ITS 4:20 for me right now lol [sorry i had to])

I wake up feeling a bundle of warmth in my arms. I open my eyes and see Y/n cuddled into my chest. Awww she's adorableee! WAIT! ITS VALENTINES DAY- OH- THIS IS GOING TO BE INTERESTING! TUBBBOOOOOOOO TOMMMYYYYYY HELPPPPPPPPP

I slowly and carefully get out of bed without waking up Y/n and sprint down to the basement. Luckily Tommy and Tubbo are awake already. 

"GUYS! HELP" I whisper yell as I enter the room. 

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED!?" Tubbo shouts with worry. 


"Ok? Whats the big deal?" Tommy asks. 

"Tommy you idiot. *facepalm* He doesn't know what to do for Y/n! It's gotta be special!!" Tubbo says. 

"Ohhhhh. Well you could do a movie night and set up a fort kind of thing in your room and watch movies together all night?" Tommy suggests. 

"Yeah! That's good but what should we do during the day??? Anddddd I'm going to need help with the fort." 

"1. You should let Y/n decide to what to do during the day, cause if there's one thing we all know about her she likes planning stuff too. And 2. We'll get everyone to help with the fort!" Tubbo exclaims. 

"Ok..." I look at my phone and see it says 9:00 am "Oh, we should probably eat." 

The two others in the room agree and we head upstairs. When we get there we see Wilbur and Phil walking inside with breakfast from *Breakfast place of your choice*. 

"Ranboo! Are you going to do something special for Y/n today!?" Fundy says coming from upstairs. 

I walk over to Wilbur and Phil and take some waffles. "Yeah, I was thinking a movie night in a fort." 

"HEY YOU BI-" Tommy starts but gets but off by Tubbo punching him in the arm. "Ow! Dickhead..." 

"She'll like that as long as you watch the Maze Runner Movies, and *the movie from last night*." Wilbur states. 

"Yeah, I know. I think she also really likes this movie called Nerve, so we'll watch that too." (Sorry if you don't like that movie. I think its good so deal with it.) 

Then Y/n and Hana come downstairs (bitch Ranboo is live when I'm writing this. -_- [watching it while writing thoo]). Y/n is smiling a lot more then normal... weird, but she has a nice smile.

-y/n pov like 5 minutes before you and Hana came down-

I wake up and look around my room to see Ranboo isn't there. I check my phone to see what time it is. OH! IT'S VALENTINES DAY! HANAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I get up and run to Hana's room as fast as I can. 

I swing the door open super fast and say "HANA! ITS VALENTINES DAY."

She looks at me with wide eyes because of entrance to her room, but says "YES! YOU GOTTA PLAN SOMETHING TO DO!" 


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