Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Same day,
10:15 am
Garcia's Estate
Seville, Spain


I slowly opened my eyes and was expecting that familiar sting but I only felt a slight pain. When I fully adjusted my eyes to the light, I furrowed my brows. Why am I in my room? Wasn't I at the lakeside earlier—Stef! Stef was here!

I frantically searched around the room and a sob slipped from my lips when I realized that I have been dreaming. I am back in my room and everything was a dream. Stefan was not here, and my heart broke into pieces again. I clutched my chest and choked my sobs, but the pain was so excruciating that I felt the need to become small. "D-daddy bwear... Ollie hurts..."

Being little in an unfamiliar environment was just adding to my anxiety. These past few days have been extremely stressful. From Grandpa Roman's confession to being abducted here in Spain... I feel like my body is about to break down. My mind is tired and I can't keep up anymore. Being small is the only escape I had to free myself from pain and distress.

I pulled my knees up and sobbed softly, calling out for Stefan. I wish I did not wake up. I prefer living in a dream to waking up in a reality where I don't have my daddy bear. My throat tightened and I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back the tears, but my body betrayed me.

Broken sobs poured out, echoing in the corners of the room, my cries getting louder by the second. I don't want this anymore. I don't want to feel pain anymore. I gripped the sides of my head when it started to throb. "Daddy bwear... Ollie hurts. Ollie sad... daddy bwear. Hug Ollie. Daddy bwear..." I mustered desperately, my throat hurting and shallow sobs falling from my lips.

Just then, the door opened and my head snapped to see who it was, but my eyes were blurry from tears. When I blinked it away, I was finally able to see him clearly. My heart blasted against my ribs and all my senses were brought back to life when I finally recognized the man.

"D-daddy bwear..." I sobbed and bawled, while Stefan frantically tried to comfort me, but I was just overcome with emotions that I can't stop the tears anymore.

"Shit. Little prince, my love... what happened? Why is my sweet bean crying? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt, hmm? Please, don't cry. Hush, hush. Daddy is here." In his gentlest voice, Stefan tried to console me but his soft voice just triggered the warm feelings in me, making me cry even more.

Stefan kept on hushing me as he brushed my locks and rubbed my arms, the warmth and comfort that he brought were appreciated but they were still not enough. My heart still hurts. My head still throbs. I am still not okay.

"Daddy b-bwear... not dweam? Ollie not dweaming?" Stefan kissed my tears away and lifted me until I straddled his lap. He gave me a tremulous smile and kissed my lips softly, then cupped my face, as those glassy green pools that I yearned so much stared at me intently.

"No, my little prince. Daddy is here to stay. Wherever you are, daddy will be there, hmm? Don't cry, baby boy. Daddy will be sad," he said in a sad tone so I wiped my tears and gasped.

"No... Ollie don't want daddy bwear sad. Ollie hurts when daddy hurts," I said in a shaky voice and Stefan smiled. I closed my eyes when he pressed his lips to my forehead. I miss this. I miss being with Stefan, just sitting on his lap, and him, doting on me. Burying and drowning me with affection.

"Of course. Daddy hurts too when his little prince cries. Don't cry anymore, okay? You don't want daddy's heart to hurt, right?" I shook my head furiously. Stefan being his kind self, stopped me from snapping my neck. "Okay, that's enough, sweet pea. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Does my little prince feel ouchie anywhere?"

✅ Little Ollie's Daddy |The Phantom Series #1|  [DDLB] [MXM] [MPREG]Where stories live. Discover now