Chapter 32

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Trigger alert: bullying, violence

Chapter 32

12:30 am
Stef's Office, Stefan's Manor


I tucked my baby gently into my private room inside my office. He was just so exhausted and stressed, and I just had to add to his worries. If I had asked for his opinion regarding the issue with his grandparents, then I wouldn't put an unnecessary burden on his shoulders.

I guess my bad habit of not relying on other people is holding me back, but Oliver is not 'other people'. He is my love, my heart, and my only. He is my loving partner and fiancé. I should've asked for his opinion on this matter before I decided one-sidedly.

I was on my way to the rabbit hole and spiraling staircase of anxiety when Oliver stirred in his sleep, mumbling something. "Silly...daddy," he murmured and reached for my pillow, inhaling its scent, then softly snored.

I can't stop the smile and the warm squeeze on my heart because, for the nth time, Oliver saved me. He saved me from being consumed by my anxiety and insecurities. And he always does it unexpectedly that I should have expected it. He always makes me feel better. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that Ollie's soul and mine are bonded, that's why my baby knows what I'm feeling at the moment.

I traced my fingers on his gorgeous face and kissed his forehead before leaving him to rest, but I left the door cracked open, so I can still hear him if ever he was disturbed from sleep. The security camera inside the room was also turned on, so I'm a bit relieved. With a heavy heart, I left Ollie in the room and joined Trevor and Devon as they try to make a solid plan, the ideas were already approved by Ollie.

When he wakes up, we will run the initial plan through him and his approval will decide how we should move forward. "Hey, guys. Sorry about this. Another night of planning and working," I apologized but both of them dismissed it.

"Oh, don't mind it, Stefan. After all, a month of all-expense vacation is in the line, right?" Trevor casually suggested, a silent pressure being sent through his questioning gaze.

I just chuckled and nodded. "No problem. I was planning to give both of you one, after this fiasco."

Trevor gave me a thumbs-up and grinned, and Devon nodded in appreciation. "How's Jesse? Is he comfortable in the guest room?" Since we will be working a few all-nighters to formulate a fool-proof plan, I suggested that Jesse stay in the mansion for now. Trevor would feel at ease and Oliver would have someone to talk to other than the three of us. He needs a change of environment, and maybe, someone his age will reduce his stress.

"He's comfortable. He just fell asleep. It's his last year and it's getting more hectic. I'm just glad he finds some time to rest," Trevor said with a sigh, and I gave him an understanding look.

Jesse is very smart and was able to finish his accountancy course in three years while studying interior design on the side. When it comes to his job opportunities, I already scouted him for my company. His accounting skills would be beneficial in helping me manage my hotel and restaurants, while his impeccable skills in interior design and event organizing will give a creative finish to any event and celebration my company will hold in the future. I have received Trevor's verbal approval in this matter.

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