Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

20hrs since Oliver got abducted

Garcia's Estate,
Seville, Spain


I gripped the doorknob so tight in an attempt to support my whole body but my knees turned into jelly as I drop into the middle of the room. What the hell?

The room is full of dad's pictures. Paintings were hung onto the wall from the day of his birth and stopped in his 20s. Frames were scattered all over. There were toys, poster collections, school materials, painting materials, and a huge floor-to-ceiling shelf was installed. The books on the shelf ranged from science, accountancy, and business management to astronomy, the social sciences, and the humanities. A small section was dedicated to his comic book collections.

I swallowed the lodge in my throat and wiped the tears that continued to roll down my cheeks. Dad. This is his room. His home. I remember... one section of our library has the same collection of books. Even his painting materials that we once used together... the brand is the same. Dad said it was his favorite; he had to order it abroad.

There was a very expensive chandelier hanging in the center of the room and everything inside was not dusty. It is well-maintained. Someone has been taking care of this room. The bed was huge, covered in black silk sheets against the white fluffy pillows. The balcony was open, and when I tried to stand up, I was amazed. This room has the best view of the entire estate.

This is even larger than Stefan's. There was an enormous maze, a wishing fountain in the middle. On the left of the maze is a lake surrounded by trees and wildflowers. The estate is like a huge forest, touched and graced by nature. Every corner in this room was designed with Dad's comfort in mind. I walked towards the bed and sat, then rubbed the silky sheets. Floods of memories with Dad came pouring into my mind like an avalanche.

Why am I here? What is happening? Isn't Dad an orphan? Who kidnapped me? Do they want the empire as well? That doesn't make any sense. People with eyes can see the elegance and luxury of this room alone.

The entire estate is so huge. Anyone can tell that the owner is extremely wealthy. They don't need my inheritance. I gripped the sides of my head when it started to hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed heavily.

Too much information was bombarding my system so I poured all of my feelings through my sobs. I cried so hard. I cried helplessly and pulled my legs up, then hugged them and rested my head on top of my knees. I don't know what's happening anymore. I was having the best time of my life with Stefan, but then I was whisked away into an unknown country.

Help me. Please. Anyone. I don't want to be in an unfamiliar place. I want my daddy.


I woke up because of a commotion; of someone's loud voice echoing throughout the corridor. My eyes shot open and winced when I felt the familiar sting. Only that, it hurts more now without Stefan to ease the puffiness.

I scanned the whole room and I was brought back to reality. It was not a dream. My eyes burned again when I realized that Stefan is not here, and my stinging eyes are proof of that. My sweet daddy has always made sure to put a warm towel around my eyes, so they would not swell and become puffy the next morning.

I never got to tell him how much I appreciate those little things he did for me. A sharp pain crossed my chest when I realized that I may never get to express my thanks to him again. That I may never get to see him again.

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