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Summer POV
As I wake up to my phone going off I see all my clothes on the floor and zo laying next to me. What the hell I say pulling the covers off me and grabbing my phone and going to the bathroom. As I check my phone I read a message from melo.

Mel mel- I'm going coming over today be there.
Summer🐉- I'm not in town🧍🏾‍♀️

After I get dressed I sneak out of the hotel room and go back to my dads house. Where have you been Alan ask. No where I say going to my room. Summer you lucky dad ain't here to see all those hickeys on your neck he says laughing. Shut up Alan, are you just going be staying here by yourself since dads gone I ask. Nah grandma is selling the house and I'm moving in with them he says. That's good I say putting my stuff away. I'm leaving he says throwing me the keys. Bye I say calling hazel.

Hey bitch she says in the camera

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Hey bitch she says in the camera. Heyy I say taking off my old lashes which one of them was missing away. You still with zo she ask. Huh why would I be with zo I say laughing. Girl I know ,he answered the phone last night I called you to see if you landed she says. Damn don't say anything hazel I don't even know what happened myself I say laughing. Your life is a movie wait till melo finds out she says laughing hysterically. He's not and your not going tell him okay I say putting new lashes on. As me and hazel are still talking someone knocks on the door. Wait someone's here I tell hazel before going to the door. There was zo standing there counting his money not going lie he looked fine as hell.

 There was zo standing there counting his money not going lie he looked fine as hell

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Umm yes I say looking behind him. You left this zo says holding my bra in his hands. Come inside I say pushing him in the house. Give me that I say snatching my bra from his hands and going to my room. Why so grabby he ask following me to my room. Hey zo hazel says from the phone. Imma call you back I say hanging up. What ever happened last night zo let's make it a far memory it never happened okay I say sitting on my bed. Why does it matter he says laying next to me. Because zo it's just all bad and I'm already being shamed for the tape with your brother I say getting on top of his lap. Shi I saw it glad I got to see it in real life too he says laughing. Boy you irritate me I say laughing and kissing him.

*2 weeks later*
It's my last day in Texas I fly back this morning, it's been fun here me and zo hung out a lot during my time here. We never actually talked what we are going doing when we both get back to LA but I'll guess we just hope for the best when we get there.
As I land back in LA I see my mom and Denise holding signs for me. Y'all are so dumb I say laughing and hugging them. As we get home they ask me how my trip goes and I explain everything except the zo parts of course. As I'm unpacking Denise comes in the room and sits on my bed. Yes I say laughing. Who did you meet up with in Texas she ask suspiciously. What are you talking about I say Turing to my closet so she couldn't see my face get red. Summer she says pulling me to my makeup chair and looking at my neck closely. Denise stop I say getting out of her grip. Who's been sucking on your neck summer she ask laughing. No one it's a bruise I say going to my bed. Mm ok she says leaving my room. After she's gone I go to my makeup kit and cover them before my mom sees them also. As I'm about to take a nap, my mom calls my name I get up and see what she needs when I see melo at the door.

 As I'm about to take a nap, my mom calls my name I get up and see what she needs when I see melo at the door

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Come in I tell him going to my room. As he comes inside my room he starts going through my shoes. What are you doing I ask looking at him. Shopping damn you were gone for a cool minute I was seeing what you got me he says blankly. I didn't get you anything melo I say laughing. Lie I saw on your snap you went to sugar factory he says. Stalker I say pulling out a candy bag I got for him. Take it hoe I say laughing. Aye watch your mouth he says grabbing the bag and eating it. Why you got so many hickeys on your neck he ask. Huh I say going to lay down. Never mind he says annoyed and turning on the the tv. I don't know why he feeling some type of way he usually acts like he doesn't care. So are you here to talk about something I ask. Yeah we need to talk he says.

⚠️End of chapter⚠️
Oop which relationship do y'all want more??
Have a good day💗💗

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