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"𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃!" Itadori called, watching it drip onto a rock and cause it to start to wear away from the burning. Y/n clicked her tongue as the wings grew in size spreading out at least ten feet on either side of him.

"We know!" Kugisaki said.

"Get out of here, both of you!" The sorceress said, jumping over the body of the snake.

"Okay!" They yelled, spinning and bolting the other direction.

"Yes. Start running and turn your backs to me," The cursed said darkly.

"Oi!" Y/n barked. "You leave them alone. Your fight is with me now."

"He warned us that you may be here," The cursed hummed. "He also said not to fight you."

"Huh?" She drug out, lip snarking up. "You're gonna fight me, you bastard! You started this bullshit in the first place!"

"I have no interest in you," He said, flicking his hand. A rush of the blood went straight past her, shooting towards the two teens. She saw Itadori scoop Kugisaki off the ground and book it. This shocked the curse.

"Surprised?" She questioned, two of her fingers curling in a come here motion. "You should be. Itadori is quite promising as a sorcerer."

The curse jumped away as the ten-foot snake shot towards him with open jaws. He narrowly missed it, shooting more blood towards Y/n. She ducked out of the way, and when she moved her arm, she found him gone. She cursed under her breath and jumped onto the spine of the snake.

Why wouldn't he give his attention to her? Could he feel the presence of Sukuna's fingers inside of Itadori, and directed his focus to him instead? Or was he going after Fushiguro, who had the uneaten finger? Either way, it was bad for her. There was still another curse out there, and if Fushiguro collapsed from exhaustion, there was no way she could help all three students at the same time. She cursed under her breath, damning Gojo to hell for leaving.

She spotted the missing curse crawling over the guard rail beside Itadori and Kugisaki. Y/n's eyes widened as she saw its cheeks filled with something. She let go of the giant serpent and dropped to the ground, making Itadori and Kugisaki yell at her sudden appearance. She shoved Itadori back, turning her head away as she raised her arm to her face.

"Sensei!" Kugisaki cried. Y/n hissed in pain, slowly peeling open her left eye as its blood dripped down the side of her face. She quickly flashed in front of Kugisaki, blocking the girl from harm as the second curse appeared, shooting tendril-like whips of blood to her.

"Tch!" Y/n winced, grabbing her coat and shed it before more of the blood could seep through. Another wave hit both teens, making Y/n growl with anger.

"There's no need to worry," The winged curse said. "My younger brother's blood isn't the same quality as mine. You wouldn't even die from mine unless you were drowned in it. But it does hurt like hell."

"Goddammit," Y/n spat.

"Our technique starts now. Supreme rot technique: decay," He grinned.

"What?" Kugisaki exclaimed as the blood began to swirl into the shapes of flowers on their skin.

"Membrane wounds," Itadori muttered quietly.

"If you take in one of our blood, and if a brother activates a technique, decay will start spreading from the point of entry," He said. "I'd say about 15 minutes for the young man, ten for the young miss, and maybe five for the older woman. Either way, by morning, your bones will be the only of you left."

"So it is poison!" Itadori growled.

"If it's a technique, we just need to deactivate it," Kugisaki said.

"It won't be very easy," Y/n muttered.

"Yes, the result is essentially poison. Our technique is 'decay'. Now...sorcerers...what will you do?"

Then, it struck Y/n who these cursed spirits were. Nine pregnancies and nine abortions. All records of what happened to the women who bore mysterious children of cursed blood were destroyed. The cursed energy didn't originate from a mother's hatred, they never had any memories of them. No particular hatred toward humans or sorcerers either. For 150 years, with only the faintest notion of another existence, they survived by being sealed away.

Death Painting Wombs: Number 1 and 2. Eso and Kechizu.

Y/n now cursed herself for not realizing earlier. She'd been so worried about the welfare of the students, she didn't think about the real threat in front of them. In reality, she should have worried about that first. Now, all three of her students were in grave danger. She knew that the curses had lied to them.

"If it's too painful," The winged curse said. "I can kill you now if you like."

Kugisaki chuckled, making the curse look at her. "A technique where you win if it hits, huh? You guys sure are strong. But, it's too bad I'm a bad match for you!" Kugisaki's face twisted with a sinister grin as she branded a nail in her hand, oozing with her cursed spirit.

"Straw doll technique: Resonance!" The nail shot from her hand and through each of the curses'. The teen giggled.

"Let's play a game of chicken, shall we?"

Y/n grimaced at the sudden pain in her body, forcing her onto her knees as she gripped her arm. The blood from the Death Paintings mixed in with her own, creating a bad fusion inside of her. Itadori looked down at her in worry, but as the woman flicked her eyes to him and grinned, he knew she would be fine. She looked back at the teen girl.

From what Y/n knew about Kugisaki's Straw Doll Technique: Resonance, it applies cursed energy to a specific body part by using an effigy. This technique causes damage to the targeted area. The range of the technique is broad, and its effectiveness depends on the difference between the user and the target's skill level and the value of the targeted part. When it comes to the Straw Doll Technique, blood is not important. However, resonance depends on the connection to the opponent. Since Eso and Kechizu's blood is inside Kugisaki, a strong connection is formed because of the Supreme Rot Technique.

Kugisaki used it as a counter technique. A literal game of chicken. If the curses didn't deactivate their technique, the pain they endured would never end. Kugisaki's will to win this would overpower her pain for the moment, allowing her to keep going.

"It's a nice surprise that it works on the younger brother too. If I go down, I'm using resonance to take you two down with me!" Kugisaki declared with a wide grin.

"Woah! That's nasty!" The curse chuckled. "But no matter how many times you do it, it won't be enough to kill us. In this game of chicken, you'll go down first! And while you're in decay with so much pain and poison, you won't be able to...move-"

The curse cut himself off as he spotted Itadori and Y/n standing.

"How can you move?!"

"Oi," Y/n deadpanned, glancing at the two teens. "Can I trust the two of you to do this alone?"

It wasn't her intentional plan to leave it to the two of them to defeat the curses, but after seeing their abilities in person, she knew they could handle it. They weren't as weak as she thought before. They had easily proven to her their strength was much more than they laid on.

"Yeah, we got this," Itadori said.

"Go find Fushiguro and make sure he's okay for us," Kugisaki shot a thumbs up.

"If any of you die, I'll bring you back to life and beat you back to death," She said, hopping over the guard rail. "It's too much paperwork."


(Gif not mine)

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