This is it

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"Goodmorning." Is the first word she heartily speaks out.

"Miss Blanchett, it's a pleasure to meet you." You reach out your hand and receive a solid handshake. Her hand warms up the chilliness of yours, and her skin feels smooth to the touch.

"Cate, please." She adds.

"Well then, Cate." You share eye contact with her for mere seconds. It's enough time to notice the heavenly alluring, sky-crystal pupils that pierce their way over to you.

It isn't before the nudge you feel in your back, that you remember who's standing behind you. "This is my assistent, Noah."

Noah reaches his hand out to the tall blonde woman. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Her deep, rich tone fills up the space in your head.

You know then and there, that she has overshadowed all of your qualities. Charm, warmth, confidence. She's got it all. And by the look on Noah's star-struck face, you know he agrees.

"Please," She steps aside to make place for you to pass by. "do come in."

Stepping into the grand house, you're absolutely amazed by it's beauty. Just as the outside walls, the interior has a vintage, aged feel to it, as well as a refined modern look.

Cate leads the both of you to the kitchen. "Did you come from far?" She asks, looking back and making eye contact with you, before turning her head back to aim forward.

"About an hours drive. We've come here from London." You say.

"London?" Having reached the kitchen, she darts towards you both. "Home of the royals."

You let out a small chuckle. "I suppose so."

All three of you don't speak for seconds, before the woman in front of you breaks the silence again. "Would you like anything to drink? Tea? Coffee perhaps?"

"A tea would be just fine, thanks."

"I'd also love a cup of tea." Noah adds.

Cate gestures to the seats that are placed a few paces away from the kitchen island. "Take a seat."

With the both of you making your way to the seats, your mind begins to race.

Well, that greeting was awfully formal. Did I say the right things? And how did I come across?

With all the doubts that are going through your mind right now, your heartbeat rapidly increases. This hesitant nervousness isn't like you.

Noah seems to notice your worry and gives you a reasuring smile. Just the thing you need to realise that you need to relax.

It isn't before you're seated, that you take your first, deliberate look at Cate. She wears a sky blue suit that matches the shade of her eyes, and accentuates her lean figure. You can't even imagine to think how her ethereal presence will be captured on camera.

The silence fills up the entirety of the space until you decide to break it. "I'm a huge admirer of your work." Like she hasn't heard that one before. Nice going, Y/N.

With the tea tray in hand, she makes her way over to you. "I can say the same thing." And adds the next sentence for clarity. "About your work, that is."

"I got that." You say lightheartily. It's the first time the three of you share a laugh, and you begin to sense that the setting is beginning to be more of comfort.

Noah joins the conversation. "I was delighted when I got the call from your agent."

"Aah yes, my agent. He should've mentioned the project to me right of the bat." She answers with slight neglect towards her agent.

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