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The sound of suitcases dragging their wheels across the marble flooring echoed, 3:01am. I pulled my hoodie over my arms, zipping it up across my torso. Yanking my suitcase out of the doorway quietly, I met Haknyeon on the hallway.
"Coincidence to see you here plane partner."He smiled weirdly, pulling his case behind him.
"You're so strange." I chuckled at the comment before attempting to pick up my billowing suitcase and carry it down the staircase.

It was soon taken out of my hands by Juyeon, who was stood behind me, carrying it downstairs himself and coming back up for his own.
"I could of done that myself." I huffed at his ignorance, as he brushed past me again.
"Yeah, not without an accident." He rolled his eyes bluntly, heading downstairs first before Haknyeon or I had even the chance to.
I walked downstairs in a moody strop, gripping my suitcase handle impatiently.
Haknyeon waddled down the stairs, dragging his suitcase and laughing as it hit each of the steps behind him childishly.

"Y/N, this is yours." Eric threw a passport at me, it's little blue pouch spinning, as it flew through the air.
"Uhh. Where did you get this?" I caught the small object between my fingers, opening it and flicking through the pages suspiciously.
"Oh, Jacob made a copy." He shrugged casually before returning back to a conversation with Sangyeon.
It was literally a real passport, engraved in gold writing with red and blue tinted pages.

The boyz began leaving the house in small groups, spilling out the door in elegant glides. Juyeon looked at me briefly, mid-conversation with Hyunjae. I had no idea what was behind the glances, they were blank - ever so slightly solemn. I followed Haknyeon out, knowing we'd be switching seats. They'd changed the number plate on the SUV once again, it's white sheen not even showing a singular mark. The doors opened with an automatic slide, the closed pressure relieving itself in a robotic huff.
Juyeon got in first, Hyunjae following and taking my place at the back. Everyone had sat in their usual spaces, apart from Hyunjae and I. He shared a sympathetic smile as he caught my glance - in general, he wasn't too emotional, I should of known better than to accept his false pity. Yet, I returned the smile bittersweetly, sitting myself next to Haknyeon nearer the front. Jacob was driving instead of Sangyeon this time, the leader sitting next to him in the passenger side.

The entire 3 am journey consisted of: Haknyeon never seizing to shutup, small silences that compensated for the long journey and a whole while of pondering on my behalf. I wanted to look back at him so badly, I could almost mirror what he looked like - the street lamps lighting up his divine features as we passed them. The vermillion lights of the dashboard sparking red hues in the black strands of his hair - all of which have residue gel from the night before and gathered in messy groups on his forehead. He'd wore a black shirt that morning, it was so simple yet seemed so heavenly. He was my boyfriend; however it felt like he was a million miles away from me.

The highway finally met with the airport terminals, we were surrounded by the red and orange lights of passing traffic. There were people everywhere, dragging their cases, children holding on to the arms of their parents desperately holding them close at the early hour. We'd parked in a far space, it felt as if I had been walking for hours as we trailed our cases across each sidewalk and crossing.

Eventually we were met by the revolving doors and the opening of the chunky metal building that was the airport. The familiar ringing of the airport sang, announcements being thrown out each after each other.

"Bags on the side for weighing." The lady at the counter smiled up to Sangyeon brightly, sat at the large metal machine - typing away on the computer behind it. Lifting up each of our cases on to the conveyer belt was a quick process, she tied a paper sticker on to each handle - stating the flight name and our info.

We'd gotten to duty-free, each of us splitting off in the store and looking around in small groups. I stopped myself at the perfume section, browsing each fragrance. The display was overwhelmingly bright, the white dazzling on to the cellophane wraps of each box. The tester bottle sat beside it and a small pot of testing paper strips. I picked up a small dior bottle that caught my eye, spraying it on to one of the paper strips and instantly falling in love with the scent. As much as I wanted it, I sat it back down with a click and glanced around to find Haknyeon. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, however next to me Juyeon stood - browsing cologne in the display beside me.

"Have you seen Haknyeon?" I approached him first, waiting for an answer, which I didn't receive. In fact, he didn't acknowledge my presence at all. Except just proceeding to browse bottles like he'd never heard anyone speak.
I huffed, slightly amused by the ignorance of the boy I still called my boyfriend. Before I could say anything I regretted, I felt a diminutive tug, yank at my jacket sleeve. I turned around to see what had pulled it, I was met with a little boy - seemingly no older or younger than 5 pulling at my sleeve pleadingly.

"Excuse me ma'am? Sir? " His eyes glistened innocently, his voice trembling in a worried pattern. "Could you help me find my Mom?"
I looked over to Juyeon, who had turned around to face him, he crouched on the floor beside him meeting his level.
He seemed endeared, taking his tiny hand in his significantly larger palms.
"Where did you last see her?" He spoke softly as the child pointed out the store.
"At the food court, she told me to wait by the big airport people whilst she returned something to the store. But I didn't stay where she told me to and now I don't know where she went." He became tearful, readjusting the straps of his backpack that were falling down his shoulders slightly.
"We'll look for her with you. We'll find her, we promise." I smiled at him, also crouching down and now wiping the tears that fell down the cheeks of his small face.

Juyeon held his hand as he guided us to where he'd been told to stay, it was beside the counter of the food court. It was busy, staff all around it seemingly a safe and in sight place. The mother must be also looking, as the child confirmed she wasn't in the crowd around the area.

I watched entirely, as Juyeon smiled down at him - there was something about the way he managed to cheer up the boy in a matter of seconds. Swinging his arm playfully whilst they walked. I was shocked, I never thought he'd be the type to be good with kids, I mean with him being in the mafia I don't think anyone would.

The boy dragged us in each of the stores, down each aisle, looking for any sign of the familiar mother.
Juyeon and I were beginning to panic as we approached the final store we hadn't been in yet, the chances were looking low that we would find her at all. However, our thoughts were completely disproven, as the boys face lit up vibrantly.

"There she is!" He yelled pointing at a black haired lady, wearing her hair half up half down, she was in a long beige coat and seemed to be completely frantic - whipping her head around each aisle in the store.

"Mom!" He shouted happily, dragging Juyeon's arm to meet her as I followed.
"Oh my Jaden! You scared the daylight out of me, where did you go?!" She grabbed him in her arms, embracing him in a tight hug as if they'd been reunited after years. She was tearful, wiping her eyes and standing up to greet us.
"Hello, thank you so much, I'm so sorry for wasting your time." She laughed bittersweetly, her jovial face lighting up so brightly knowing her son was safe.
"It's okay! I think the lil guy just got curious and decided to take a wander." I laughed slightly as the boy giggled shyly.
"He tends to do that a lot, you'll know when you have your own, you two." She winked at us both before smiling, "Thank you anyway! I'm late so I really have to go."
She waved goodbye, hurrying off out of the store with her son closely beside her.
Juyeon and I shared a glance. The passing comment clearly leaving a tension amongst the both of us, I shook it off first, walking ahead of him to find the others.



brb crying over Juyeon with kids.. although i'd be wrong if i said i still didn't hate his attitude <\3

i'm not getting updates out as fast as i'd like to !.. but i hope you're all still i enjoying nevertheless. ♡︎

have a brilliant start to your week.. sending love and wishes.. ♡︎

clover <3

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