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As the main door shut with a beep of the monitor, I knew they'd left. I decided against leaving the bedroom, feeling slightly guilty for overreacting. I sighed turning over in the covers that scrunched in a small ruffling noise over my frame.

An abrupt knock at the bedroom door broke my train of thought, I didn't say anything but whoever was behind it walked in anyway.
"Is what Sangyeon said true?" The voice belonged to Chanhee, I didn't answer him but felt as his weight sank on to the bed beside my legs.
"I was talking to Y/N last night." He sighed as he began, I turned around to face him. "I said how you'd changed for her, you'd completely detached from this side of you. Now it's back. I genuinely thought you'd changed for the better, a lot of us thought you were going soft. It was an issue back then, your moods, constantly fighting and threatening anyone that bothered you. When it left, we all mocked it, joked how we wanted the old Juyeon back. I'm now realizing, perhaps the old one is even worse." His words sank, the silence that fell for a moment had irritated me even more than his rant.
"Get out." I spoke through gritted teeth not really caring whether he was finished or not. His words upset me because they were true, he knew that behind my front I knew the same. He looked at me vaguely, before getting up and leaving.



We'd been around various clothing stores, Kevin helped a lot - picking out clothes, jackets & anything else I needed. It was Saturday, therefore business was booming, various families, couples and teenagers each shopping together in small crowds.

"We're going to Paris and you have no going out outfits. It would be a crime not to." He gasped as he yanked my arm into a dress store in the mall. He hadn't brought me to any regular mall, he'd brought be to one of those fancy boutique ones. The ones that have the high rimmed storefronts made out of mahogany wood. Everything was made from crystal glass panes and engraved in rich gold fonts across the signs and stop posts.
"Okay this one." Kevin said pulling out a mesh black dress that wrapped around the middle.
I nodded smiling as he continued to pick out dresses from the many metal racks across the store.
Apart of me was sad Juyeon wasn't here, as upset as I was with him. I wish he was here to pick out dresses or clothes he liked, for me to wear. I soon snapped out of it, as my eyes landed on a cream satin wrap around. It was draped and flowed so prettily. I picked it out holding it up in front of me.
"What do you think?" I asked Kevin who stood across the other side of the clothing rail.
"Woah. Yes, you win." He walked over taking the hanger and throwing it over his arm with the other dresses he'd picked out. I'd usually complain if it was anyone else, but Kevin aside from Chanhee picked out the best outfits.

After paying and leaving the store, Kevin insisted on carrying all of the various bags from each store. I managed to grab one from the boys grip, not allowing him to take upon the huge task of taking them back to car. The engine began with a small roar, as Kevin backed out of car park. It was getting darker outside, the winter always brought the sun to set early during the late afternoon.
"Are you gonna try talking to him when you get back?" Kevin asked as he gripped the steering wheel lazily with one of hands.
"I haven't thought about it yet." I sighed rolling my eyes slightly.
"Just leave him for a while, the others are planning on hanging out downstairs. Sit with us and he'll decide whether or not he wants to snap out of it." He replied to which I just nodded with a small smile and carried on staring out the window for the rest of the journey.

Pulling back into the garage, Kevin turned the radio down slightly and looked at me.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked with a sigh as I turned to him.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired honestly." I laughed bittersweetly, unbuckling my seatbelt from across my torso.
"Doesn't sound legit, but I'll take it." He huffed getting out of the car himself.

Inside the house, there was a low-lying chatter that surfaced through the ground floor. We dumped the bags at the bottom of the stairs, before following the voices that came from the living room. The rest of the boys were sprawled amongst the couches, talking between each other.

"Oh hey." Sangyeon smiled as we walked back in, "Did you get everything?"
"Yeah. Thank you by the way." I smiled sitting beside him on the chair arm.
"No problem." He said before leaning back into the cushions.
"Have any of you seen Juyeon?" I glanced around them as they shrugged.
"I went and spoke to him earlier. He told me to get out, he hasn't been out since." Chanhee replied sitting up from beside Haknyeon.
I sighed getting up from the chair arm and walking into the kitchen.

I retrieved a plate and slotted some bread into the toaster. Waiting for it to toast, I leant against the counter and stretched my arms in front of me.
"Is the only kitchen function you know how to use a toaster?" Sunwoo walked in from behind me, making me jump slightly.
"Apparently." I raised my eyebrows with a huff as the bread popped out from between the two slots.
I put the pieces on the plate started slicing a banana to top them.
"I'm sorry by the way." He leant against the counter where I was stood. I turned around to face him, laughing slightly.
"If you're gonna apologize, at least make it convincing." I chuckled at the boy who hung his head low in defeat.
"No, I really mean it. I didn't mean what I was gonna say, I just got defensive that's all." He laughed slightly, however it was clear his words were sincere.
"I'll accept it this time I guess." I tutted, picking up the plate and leaving the kitchen.

I brought the plate upstairs, walking to Juyeon's room. He hadn't moved since I last checked, completely adamant to staying in between the covers of the cotton bed sheets. I sat beside him, he was awake I could sense that through the way he shuffled further away when I entered. Leaving the plate on the night stand, I walked out slightly annoyed.
"Please eat Juyeon. I don't care if you want to speak or not." I said with a stern tone, closing the dimly lit room once again and took myself back downstairs.



kevin best boy award ♡︎('̀-'́)..

clo manages to pull another double update.. who thought we'd see the day tehe..

hope you're all enjoying the book still, even though there's much trouble in paradise ♡︎..

sending love always ..

clover <\3

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