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The nights drew colder in January, my breath smoked as I scurried through the main city that was bustling with sweaty party-goers and the chaos of Friday nightlife. The streets were crowded this time of year, 27 days into the new year and people were still celebrating.

"Ayo pretty lady." A low male voice hollered cunningly. "Wanna come with us? We can have some fun."
I picked up my pace, which only teased them follow to me. Beginning to pick up my feet, until I'd reached the end of the nightclub zone - chasing me down the street as far as it went. I launched myself down a back alley in hopes of losing them. Dead end.
"No escaping now." One of his companions chuckled demonically.
"What a slut, she probably did that on purpose." Another smirked at me as I desperately backed into the brick wall behind me.

As they got closer to me, a cacophonous bang caused me to flinch as one of the men had dropped to the floor.
"Come on boys, that's not how we treat the ladies." A man chuckled evilly, dressed in all black holding a shotgun in place of where he shot the last guy.

"Of course you come when we're unarmed." The boy that began chasing me laughed before putting his hands up.

"Oh don't flatter yourself, we weren't originally coming to kill you." Another entered the back alley with a shotgun - he too - was dressed in all black.
"We just crossed paths." The other said before shooting the boy stood next to me. I flinched again as they shot the last.

"Do we kill her?" The man that originally swept in mindlessly asked the other.

"I don't want to."

"Neither do I."

"Boss will be mad."

"I have an idea."

The second one grabbed my wrist, as I struggled to loosen his vice-like grip on my worst.I was thrown into the back of an expensive looking SUV.
Both of them got in the front, my doors were locked.
"Where the fuck are you taking me?" I asked firmly despite fear bubbling inside of me at the smirk of the second man, his eyebrow arching curiously.

"Home." He replied whilst the other never spoke a word.
"Why cant i just thank you and leave?" I retorted.
"If you weren't seducing random men, you wouldn't have to give us thanks." The other seemed aggravated with my remark. He gripped the steering wheel and drove faster. He was in no state to drive, he seemed almost psychotic.
"We're doing you a favor. So don't take advantage of it. I'm Eric and this is Changmin." The one with the blonde hair said diffusing the situation with a bitter tone.

I remained quiet to not anger Changmin anymore.
"What's your name?" Eric asked.
"Y/N" I spoke feebly to avoid any further aggression.
We pulled up into a gated mansion, the security was so advanced I couldn't believe where I'd been taken. I thought I was going to a junkyard to get tied up with the stuff that gets burnt.

They brought me into the home, the open hallway was huge and marble white. The stair case curved up to the second floor where a huge chandelier overcast the first and second level.

"Boys it's an emergency, come to the kitchen." Eric spoke through the intercom, he brought me to the kitchen where him and Changmin sat down whilst I was at the end of the table as subject.
A herd of footsteps trampled down the staircase and 9 men arrived into the kitchen - earning strange glances from each of them as they gathered around the table.
"What the fuck." One of them that wore red hair and full lips chuckled whilst another elbowed him for him to be quiet.
"Explain." A man with fawn hair sat opposite me, i assumed he's the boss as Changmin gulped before speaking.
"Me and Eric were on a city mission, when that associate gang that betrayed stray kids was backing this girl down an alley. We killed them, but we didn't wanna kill her." He explained.
"She's too pretty to kill." One of them with honey hair and a sadistic smile smirked down the table.

"Shutup Hyunjae, so you brought her home, what are we gonna do buy her bowl and cage? What are you thinking ?! We barely manage with the 11 of us nevermind a fucking Pet." I jolted as the one with the red hair spoke again.

"I agree with Sunwoo." The boss said.
"But Sangyeon, Y/N here, didn't do anything wrong, it would cause major trouble when the other gang members find we killed not just their members but an innocent girl with them." Eric replied.
"You make a valid argument." He sighed leaning back into his chair. "Who wants to keep her?"
Everyone raised their hands including Sangyeon, however one hand was down. The blue haired boy. Juyeon.
"Whys your hand down?" Another boy that has blonde hair with a blue stripe chuckled bitterly.

"I just don't think it's a good idea. She's clueless." The seemingly grumpy boy responded with a pathetic chuckle.

"You've just met me." I finally spoke to which they all turned back to me.

"I'd be fucking careful with what you say to me." He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists; slightly sitting up in his chair.

"Calm down Juyeon. Y/N don't push us." Sangyeon warned him.

"We're keeping her anyway." Another boy that had dark brown hair with small blonde flecks leaned on to the table.

"Okay we keep her, but I'm going to have to make some conditions." He sighed once again before getting up. "Someone show her to the spare room."

Eric got up and signaled for me to follow him.
I was still scared "dont push us" what does that even mean. Who are these people?
I followed him up the staircase, he led me to a room further up the corridor nearing the end.
"This will be your room, Juyeon is opposite you. Sunwoo is next to you in the end room. Chanhee is next to mine on the end. Further down the corridor is everyone else and I - but I doubt you'll be going there." He said as I looked into the room, there was a window made of tinted glass. Bulletproof I imagine, I looked out on to the forest behind it, where was I?

"Eric?" I asked as he looked up expectantly. "Where am I?"

"I can't tell you that Y/N. But you're in the hands of a mafia group. There's things I can't exactly promise or tell you. Just don't disobey anything we say. It could end up bad for you and us. No one wants that." He announced bitterly, he seemed incredibly loyal to his profession. That seems to be the issue I've identified with Eric already. Rule abider, a people pleaser.

Mafia.. I knew it.. I'm done for.

"I'm not looking for any trouble and I never was." I snapped to his sudden change of attitude.

He just sighed. "It's late Y/N. You should sleep."

I just remembered, I don't have anything of my own. No belongings, No phone, No clothes..

"Oh uhm.. Eric?" I asked before he went to
close the door.

"Hm?" He hummed leaning in the frame.

"Do you have a change of clothes I could borrow to sleep in?" I asked slightly embarrassed or afraid he would turn aggressive saying I was asking for too much.

"Oh yeah.. wait a second.." He nodded before going to his room and returning with some clothes.

A grey hoodie and some track shorts. "Thank you." I smiled as he politely handed me them before leaving.

I slipped myself into the polyester. I had no idea where I was, but sleep seemed better than lying awake wondering. I got into the unfamiliar white covers and drifted off. I should be more worried than I am.

Mafia Y/N, real life Mafia.

TARGET: lover | lee juyeon  ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang