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"Juyeon you're paired with Hyunjin. You're gonna be sniping, staying at the furthest point away from the targets at all times." Sangyeon handed me and Hyunjin an outline of our position marked in a red X around the warehouse.
"Changmin you're with I.N at the gates. You'll close them upon arrival, make sure there's no way they can leave or anyone can enter." He carried on notifying everyone with their own personal plans.

It was the night before D-day and the entirety of Stray Kids were inside our base. There was a slight embarrassment from me and Changmin both. We didn't want to be protected like this, I felt slightly helpless with everyone getting more important positions. It hurts my ego a little bit. I think we were both so used to being at the front of everything, however this time we couldn't do anything.

I sighed sitting down on the counter top, Hyunjin following me to lean over the marble finish beside me. "Is that your girl, who Sunwoo's with?" He asked looking up at me, I'd been close friends with Hyunjin since middle school. He was a few years younger, however his mother was close to my own before she took off. He'd been a great friend growing up, it's a shame the dark lifestyle had almost tore us apart.
"Yeah, that's my girl alright." I smiled to myself proudly at the thought of Y/N. I hope that little shit is taking care of her.
"You have a lot of trust in her huh?" He smiled at my reaction, I thought about it for a while.
I did trust Y/N, I had no reason not to. She's expressed she doesn't remotely even like Sunwoo and I trusted him for the most part too.
"Yeah, I mean I love her too much. I talked to them both before they went. I said if I heard anything bad he'd be dead." I laughed sarcastically, this conversation was going to cause me to overthink.
Y/N wouldn't cheat on me right? surely not... not with him anyway..
"He knows you mean it. I wouldn't worry Juyeon."Hyunjin elbowed me jokingly, I chuckled in response as everyone had now their own personalized plans.
"Everyone knows the plan?" Bang chan spoke up, looking around the room for a response. The 18 people in the room shared a simultaneous "Yes" before proceeding with physical preparations once again.



The wood burner had finally heated up the icy cabin, both me and Sunwoo had decided to eat something as the night fell upon us. After serving us both cup ramen, I sat down beside him on the worn and dense leather of the sofa.
"Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked the brunette boy to my right. He knew who I was referring to, there was no other person I'd aim the question at.
"He'll be fine Y/N. When we say he's survived worst than this we mean it." Sunwoo laughed in a bittersweet tone compared to usual. His brown eyes lighting up in the apricot flames of the fire in front.
"What does that mean? If i'm allowed to ask." I asked once again, this time quickly back tracking in case this was sensitive territory to the boy sat next to me.

"It's fine, you see a few years ago when we first started all this. Juyeon was in major debt with a drug dealer group, I mean we all were in debt of some sort and his wasn't the worst. However, Juyeon joined the group a while before me and was battling major drug addiction - meeting Hyunjae through his casual use of the same group. The drug group eventually found Juyeon, holding him at gunpoint until he repaid the money for everything he had used and stolen. He never told us what happened exactly, but it was easy to infer from the bloodied state he came home in. We of course, got him out of the situation in a similar way to how we're getting him out of this one. So don't worry Y/N, he's got this." Sunwoo retold the story rather bluntly, I appreciated his last words of reassurance. I returned a small smile, despite being slightly shocked at the story he'd gone on to tell.

"Does he still use drugs?" I asked, hoping he'd return it with a firm no or at least an occasional reply.
"When he can get a hold of them."He sighed shaking his head slightly, "we've been trying to get him clean for years. He hasn't since you've been here though, in fact it must of been even a few months now."
It made me slightly glad he had stopped for now, he had no reason to carry on. At least so I thought...

"I'm just glad it's less frequent then. What about the rest of you, how did you get here?" I asked, turning to face him as he glanced in response. I felt slightly bad, but I had to know at some point I guess.
"Well, Kevin told me he mentioned my background. So beginning after the accident, I never really had anywhere to go. Chanhee, took me in as he lived alone due to his parents working constantly. I guess then forward, I joined the group when he did. It wasn't for a few months, until I figured out that Juyeon was slipping his father money before the accident. Nor did I know that it was his Dad that killed my family. I remember the night I found out, it was probably one of the worst physical fights I ever had and that's coming from a close contact assassin." He chuckled towards the end of the story, reminiscing on his past. It was incredibly sinister and quite frankly stomach churning in parts. But everyone deals with things differently and that's what I had tried to understand. How could somebody possibly forgive their friend after their relative did something like that? So maybe Sunwoo wasn't all wrong at times, he was just.. hurt.

"I'm sorry Sunwoo. However, I hope you know Juyeon carries incredible guilt, seeing you so angry must be no great reminder. It's not good for you either, I of course haven't walked in your shoes. But family-wise, I guess Juyeon is family now. He's not his Dad, just like you aren't some remorseless reject." I sighed trying to gather a reply that didn't sound too pretentious or conniving.

It upset me how selfish Sunwoo was at times... but perhaps that was unlikely to change.

"He can drown in remorse for all I care. It's not gonna bring my family back." He sneered stabbing his fork into the noodle pot with great force.
I looked up, quite frankly shocked at the boy.
"And neither is being a complete and utter asshole about it." I laughed unbelievably, getting up from the couch to settle in to bed, just to stay clear of the brown haired boy I had to stay with.



juyeon talking about Y/N is so cute pls.. ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜

not @@ sunwoos character having some sort of development then completely destroying all progress with only a few words.. ('。_。`)..

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter !.. once again a bit more of a story telling chapter !..

however sending all my love as always !..

best wishes for your days&nights wherever you are...

clover <3

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