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Boarding the plane, we had exceeded airport security with ease. I was shocked, that the mafia-made passport had gotten me through the checks. Flashing our boarding pass to the attendant, we walked to the first-class bay. It was beautiful, it had turning chairs and large TV screens. It would have been even more of a luxury if I never had to sit next to Haknyeon. He's told me a total of 7 life stories and I can't tell you any information from a single one of them.

"Go see Changmin." Sunwoo walked over as the seatbelt sign was now off, talking to Haknyeon like a child - gesturing over to where Changmin sat browsing the horror catalog on the screen in front of him and giggling slightly.

Sunwoo sat beside me, taking Haknyeon's place as he waddled over to where Changmin sat.
"I'm sitting here now." He sighed glancing over to where the other sat and he'd just moved from.
"How come?" I asked slightly confused at why he'd moved.
"Horror films just aren't really my thing. I figured you would have wanted a break from him too." Exhaling once again, he harshly wiped his palms across the dense material of his jeans. Reclining back into his chair, he took a quick glance over to Juyeon who was sound asleep in his chair by the window, Hyunjae next to him sent a warning sign over to Sunwoo, nodding his head to Juyeon stirring beside him. Sunwoo shrugged carelessly, it was as if they'd just had an entire conversation via facial expressions and hand gestures.

Sunwoo would be lying, if he said he wasn't on edge at the chances of Juyeon waking up whilst he was sat there. You could see it in the way his chest rose and fell hastily.
"You're gonna get in trouble." I bluntly stated with a sigh, glancing over to the other sleeping boy who rested his head lazily against his arm - I could almost hear his familiar small snores and sighs that left his lips so distinctly.
"I couldn't care less. I'm just not sitting with that psychopath." He rolled his eyes, setting his head back onto his hands and kicking up his feet.
"So what are you assigned to in Paris?" I asked beginning a conversation with the brunette sat beside me.
"Bodyguarding, I think. Just sticking closely beside his security team because they aren't armed guards. I guess." He shrugged, explaining his assignment.
"There's no way we're having a mid-flight fist fight. Y/N go sit with him." Hyunjae was now stood in front of us interrupting the conversation and leaning against the plane chairs.

Juyeon was beginning to stir, his eyes fluttering slightly. I hesitated for a moment, before swiftly letting Hyunjae sit in my seat. Taking his, Juyeon beside me was still asleep. The idea he was waking up was clearly highlighted through the way his brows furrowed and eyes began to open. As he gained alert, he looked at me vaguely - blinking exaggeratedly and adjusting to the light.

Unexpectedly, the boy snuggled his head into my shoulder. Resting his head between my neck and collar bone. If it wasn't for the way he's treated me the past few days, I would of been slightly endeared by the boy if it wasn't for the way he'd treated me the past few days. Shrugging him off felt too cruel, instead I just huffed in annoyance and let him fall back to sleep. There was a few hours left of the flight yet, as the chatter around the group faded into the background, I soon fell asleep myself.


"We could just leave them here." A voice was audible as the light started to leak into my eyes.

"I swear to god they hated each other a few hours ago."

"Shutup, she's woke up."

I looked up from where I had rested against Juyeon, facing a few of the members who had gathered around the seats.
Haknyeon and Sunwoo ducked from behind us, leaving Chanhee and Changmin to wander away acting as if they were never there and coughing inconspicuously.

We had landed, the plane was on the tracks surrounded by the grass around us. Jacob and Sangyeon began retrieving bags from the overhead compartment. Younghoon passed me my bag from where I sat previously, I retrieved my hairbrush from my bag and combed down any loose strands before the plane unloaded. Juyeon, now waking
up slightly, had strands of hair messily sticking up and falling onto his face. He stretched his arms in front of him, staring at me as I began to comb through his hair fussily.

"Okay let's go." Sangyeon shouted from the the entrance of the class, pulling the curtain aside and giving us no time to pass any words between each other. I closed my purse, getting up and following them out. Juyeon did the same, catching up to Hyunjae on the way out - I'd imagine he was asking why he'd switched seats. I rolled my eyes, catching up Younghoon, who was walking alone.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he raised his eyebrows, noticing my presence.
"Yeah I'm fine. What about you? What's going on with you and him?" He asked, gesturing over to Juyeon. He was seemingly genuine rather than nosy. There was a reason Younghoon was so quiet, he was never interested in anyone's business, he just minded his own and never seemed to get too involved.
"I'm not sure, he's a bag of mixed signals." I laughed bittersweetly, walking across the tarmac, my shoes dragging slightly and creating a scratching sound across the gravel.
"He tends to be. Don't let him play you too much, he'll get used to it. I'm sure he'll snap back into reality in a few days." He sighed, smiling slightly and patting my shoulder.
"Thanks Younghoon, I'll try my best." I rolled my eyes before thinking to myself. Younghoon had hit the nail on the head. Juyeon had gotten used to me, he was treating me like the others when he's upset - isolating and only speaking to the people he selects. I snapped out of my thoughts, dragging my case and walking ahead behind Sangyeon.

We were in Paris, however I couldn't feel more like I wanted to be at home.



welcome to paris loves..

is juyeon coming around ?.. or is he just treating y/n like the others.. ('ω')?

sorry for the slow update again! well 6 days is kinda slow for me.. so i apologize :,)

i hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and i wish you plenty of rest and love <3

sending love...

clover ♡︎

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