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The blonde haired boy with the blue stripe, Chanhee, visited me earlier to lend me clothes, he seemed to have good taste and I actually was extremely satisfied with how I looked. I tied a knot in the shirt, which was oversized on my frame as he's quite tall and toyed with my appearance. I hobbled down the marble staircase. I didn't really feel like staying in my room so may as well bond with the psychotic kidnappers.

In the kitchen, a few were sat eating and talking. Hyunjae was sharpening a set of knives from a case, letting off metallic hisses as the tools collided and looking up as I entered. "You look pretty." He smirked holding the blade in his mouth and grabbing another one.

"Wow.."A boy with jet black hair said looking up from his food. "Close your mouth haknyeon, you'll catch flies." Sunwoo walked in from behind me, heading to fridge.

I sat down at the table next to Changmin, opposite Hyunjae and his massacre stash.
"You're not gonna eat anything?" Haknyeon asked.
"I'm not that hungry." I smiled awkwardly and just looked elsewhere.

Juyeon entered the kitchen, heading over to make something for breakfast.
"Ha speak of the devil, you'll never guess what i saw this morn-" Hyunjae laughed closing the knife case but was cut off by Juyeon slamming the kitchen drawer.

"Someone's in a fucking mood again." Changmin laughed next to me.

"Keep your mouth shut , don't start shit you won't fucking finish." Juyeon came over to the table and threw his plate in front of him sitting next to me. Sunwoo and Hyunjae looked at each other and laughed to themselves silently.

Sangyeon walked out from the living room that was connected.
"Just because there's someone new in the house, does not mean you can all start arguing." He tutted before sitting at the end of the table.
"It's not our fault Juyeon can't keep his hands off the new addition." Sunwoo spat laying back in his chair.
"What are you? Jealous? What's it gotta do with you anyway?" Juyeon chuckled bitterly.
"Don't you fucki-"Sunwoo began but was cut off.

"Shutup the both of you, you're acting like kids. If i hear you arguing again, I'll be talking with you separately." Sangyeon sighed leaving the table.
"God I hate you already, I bet you're enjoying seeing men arguing because of you and acting fucking innocent." Sunwoo glared at me, none of the boys said anything as if they were silently agreeing.

"God what did i do to you? Get over yourself, i'm not looking for your attention of all people." I laughed astonished at the claim.

The last thing i wanted was some insane angsty gang members throwing hands over me.

"Who said you're allowed to speak to us like that." Changmin said from next to me.
"Let her. He deserves to hear it." Juyeon got up putting his dish to wash.
"When did you turn into some moral compass?"Hyunjae laughed at him.
"When did you get so pathetic? Oh wait.. you always have been." Juyeon smiled to himself.
"OH THATS IT" Hyunjae chased after Juyeon, the argument had suddenly turned into a joke which really confused me.

"Scary people" My ass, they're just boys with some
childhood trauma and access to firearms.

I got up from the table not really feeling talking to Sunwoo. "Eat something." Sunwoo said coldly grabbing my wrist which prevented me from leaving the table. I sighed, walking over to the kitchen where I slipped some bread in to the toaster.

Juyeon and Hyunjae came back sitting at the table.
"Can we have a movie day?" Haknyeon chimed in taking a sip from his drink.
"We're really doing a good job at making ourselves look scary." Hyunjae sighed laughing slightly looking back at me.
"No let's do it. Eric and Kevin will be back in a few hours and it's our only day off. We haven't done something normal in a while." Changmin replied.
My toast was done, i burnt my hand slightly on the metal of the toaster.
I winced going to get the slice out again but i was stopped by someone else getting it out not even flinching at the heat of the metal.

"Be more careful." Juyeon sighed putting it on the plate. His mouth in a flat like, setting his stone cold features.

In return, I thanked him and ate my toast in peace.
"Y/N, are you gonna watch movies with us?" Changmin asked me as I began washing the dishes.
"Am I allowed to?" I laughed sarcastically poking fun at all the restrictions I have.

"No." Sunwoo said rather bluntly.

"Yes you are." Changmin sighed slapping the back of Sunwoo's head.

"Okay sure." I smiled.


After a while of talking , they were watching movies in the living room. Of course, being the pack of chimpanzees these men were, there was nowhere to sit for me, they all hogged the couches with their limbs sprawled all over the place. I sat on the floor in front on Juyeon, briefly looking at me as my back pressed against the firm sofa.
"I forgot how much I hated the movie channel." Changmin rolled his eyes after choosing a channel on the TV.

Why don't y'all own netflix what is this the 90s ?

It was a horror film, I wasn't scared. However neither were they.. I've never witnessed anyone laugh at a gruesome horror until now. They were sick, it was as if they were watching a comedy. Not in the way friends did, but how sadistic criminals did. Not giggling at the acting or how silly the props were, but the pain and suffering involved.

The floor was uncomfortable, the hard wood was freezing too. I shifted uncomfortably. As they were all immersed in the movie, Juyeon tapped me signaling me to sit in the gap between him and the sofa. I quietly moved over him and laid on my side.
A really horrifying scene flashed on the screen, the murder scene clearly a the boyz favorite. I hid my eyes preventing me from seeing any brutal parts. Juyeon noticed and put his hand on my head, making me rest against his chest.

He stroked my hair instinctively, as I hid from the incredibly graphic and gruesome scene. They all watched the screen intensively, it was satisfying to them. Murder, pain, suffering, they enjoyed it when it wasn't at the cost of themselves. I wonder to myself what caused them to end up this way.

Silly Y/N, looking for a reason to excuse the villain.

As I wondered that, I also wondered how I was finding comfort in a boy like Juyeon in this very moment. I didn't trust him, nor did I at all enjoy this mans company as of yet.

What i didn't know, was an onlooker wasn't to happy with my choice of company either...

TARGET: lover | lee juyeon  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now