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Throwing my things into the trunk of the car, Sunwoo had finished screwing on another number plate to the SUV; parked towards the back of the lot.
Juyeon and Sangyeon were waiting by the car to see us off.
"I'll miss you." Juyeon sighed embracing me, his head resting between my neck and collar bone.
"It's only a few days Juyeon. I'll miss you too." I smiled as he kissed my lips goodbye.
"Okay cut it out. Be safe. Sunwoo you know where you're going, Y/N he's an idiot but listen to him." Sangyeon cut us off and hurried me to the car, opening the passenger door with a swing. I slid into the car, immediately soaking in the beige interior and scent of faded cigarettes.
"If I hear anything bad when you get back. You're dead." Juyeon warned Sunwoo who just rolled his eyes and yanked his seatbelt across his torso.
"Goodbye love." Juyeon said as he pecked my lips once again.
"Goodbye Juyeon." I smiled solemnly, "Be careful for me."
"Only for you."He smiled chuckling to himself, knowing I'd roll my eyes at the comment.
Sunwoo's face scrunched in disgust, starting the car with a growl that erupted from the engine.
Juyeon closed the passenger door, I smiled to him as him and Sangyeon waved.

Driving past security, the highway lied off the roads behind the forest. Sunwoo gripped the steering wheel as we reached the end of the woodland, pulling on to the main road in a quick whip of the car. In the background, lana del rey hummed quietly fading behind the low rumbling of the engine. Glancing over to Sunwoo, his eyes focused on the road, the red of his hair now dyed a deep brunette that fell over his eyes. The early morning sun broke through the obscured sky, falling onto my skin as I closed my eyes slightly.

The drive was lengthy, most of it had been spent in a silence amongst us both as the album filled in the gaps. Arriving at the gas station off the highway, Sunwoo filled the tank leaning against the metal of the car.
"Take this, go get us food for the next few days." He said handing me 20 dollars as he went in to pay for the gas. I picked up simple things like cup ramen and soup packets. Anything that was easy and salvageable for the few days we would be there. Approaching the counter, I paid the elderly lady behind counter. She typed in the items manually on the vintage cash machine as it creaked and ricketed.
"Thank you." I smiled taking the clouded plastic bag of items from the counter.
"You're welcome honey. Hope you and your boyfriend have a nice getaway!" She smiled, her dimples wrinkling at each corner of her mouth.
"Oh we're-" I went to reply but Sunwoo just grabbed my hand taking me out of the gas station as she laughed purely.
"She thought we were dating." I cackled getting in the car, looking over to Sunwoo who smiled at me.
He started up the car again, pulling away from the gas station.

Another lengthy amount of time spent driving had caused me to grow slightly tired. I looked over to the brunette beside me, his eyes still on the road. He opened the tin beside him, pulling out a cigarette. He lit it between his lips, rolling down the driver's seat window. The sun slightly beamed onto his tanned skin as he inhaled and exhaled the toxic air coming from the stick that burned an iridescent orange from its end.
"Are we almost there?" I asked the boy who glanced over at me for a brief moment before switching back to the road.
"20 minutes or so now." He said as I hummed in response, I rested my head against the side of the car. I watched as each tree passes by in a blur, the further we went the quieter the area got.

He drove into the woodlands, passing by various cabins, old people had sat outside talking on their porches. It seemed to be a holiday park, driving further uphill to a cabin that was more hidden than the others. It was well behind the park, yet had the same build of the ones below. The spruce forest that surrounded it completely camouflaged the area. Pulling the car into the driveway of the log cabin, we got out of the car grabbing our luggage.
Sunwoo held a pair of silver plated keys, which he fumbled with to open up the chipped green door.

Inside was all open plan, there was a living area, a minuscule kitchen and a double bed. The whole space was a vintage style layout, it looked as if it had come out an 80s honeymoon resort.
"Sunwoo, there is a singular bed." I sighed sarcastically looking over him. He was putting wood in the small fire, lighting it with a match to heat up the freezing cabin.
"You know, I'll sleep on the couch." He replied getting up, I shook my head at him taking the bag from the gas station over the kitchen.
"It's fine. Sleep in the bed, just no funny business." I warned him as he just smiled and shook his head.
"I'm fine on the couch. Juyeon would want me on the couch."He sighed filling up the kettle to heat water on the stove, I turned around to face him leaning against low lying the counter.
"Juyeon doesn't want you with me full stop. But if you think i'm letting you sleep on that thing you're wrong." I pointed to wore down leather couch, coated in a layer of dust and it's cushions appearing more like a stone slab than mattress.
"You're hard to work with Y/N." He tutted, the water bubbling vigorously as it was brought to boil.
"Likewise." I glared jokingly, as he caught my gaze and scoffed to himself in reply.

With the water he had boiled, he poured out tea in the cups. The cabin was still coated in an arctic frost, my shivering hands wrapped around the cup he handed me. "Thank you." I smiled quite shocked with the gesture of the boy who just smiled in reply. Sitting in front of the wood burner fire, we waited for the room to heat up. The day would be drawing to a close soon and already the only thing I could think about was Juyeon.



good evening? good morning? '' who knows what to call this hour.. it's 3am..

poor y/n and juyeon.. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

also do i smell a sunwoo character arc on the horizon.. who knows ?.. hope you all enjoyed the update nevertheless as always!

have a lovely upcoming day all..

clover <3

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