Chapter 19

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Eva Rose's POV

We were back at the hotel and I was just laying in my room. Louise was trying to mommy me and make me try to feel better and it was kind of nice I guess, but I didn't want sympathy. She turned the air conditioner down a couple degrees and ordered a fruit smoothie from room service. I guess I could drink the smoothie but then I'm only going to be able to eat a little on my date, or if I did eat a normal amount of food then, well, you know what has to happen.

My date with Jack oh my gosh I still can't believe that he actually asked me out. I'm actually fangirling a little this is an issue. What do I wear WHAT DO I WEAR???

"Hey, Louise, I'm having a crisis!"

"Are you okay? Do you need anything, should I call a doctor?"

"No, not that kind of crisis. I need help picking outfits for my meet and greet and my date with Jack."

"Oh, you're still going on that? Are you sure you're up for it?"

"Yeah, the medic at the park said that if I rested and stayed cool until it was time for activities tonight that I should be set."

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything while you're out later. Onto that outfit, though..."

Louise then made her way over to my luggage with all my clothes. She was rummaging around and looked so into helping me pick the perfect outfit, but she also looked kind of confused.

Louise's POV

Eva Rose had a lot of clothes that she brought with her. She has some shorts, a couple bathing suits with the tags still on, and a whole bunch of long sleeve tops. Not one single short sleeve top or vest in sight. I asked her why no short sleeves and she said that because she is so thin she loses body heat quickly and gets cold easily. It makes sense, when you think about it.

...Her outfit...

Ooh I see a cute pair of printed red and gold white tulip-style shorts and the perfect white top to go with them. For shoes, I think she should just wear her red flip flops, and I'm going to do her makeup for her!! She will look so good!! I then went into my bag because I realized that I have the prefect headband and necklace to go with the outfit and I know they would look great on her.

I'm still shuffling around in her bag looking for more accessories when I felt a little plastic bag. Hoping that that was the answer to my accessory prayers, I pulled it out of the bottom of her suitcase. When I saw the contents I gasped quietly. I didn't even know that she did this to herself... wow okay what am I to do with this knowledge? Should I talk to her first or should I talk to one of her friends or should I try to contact her parents? Thank god my back is to her! Oh well. I won't do anything about it yet except keep a close eye on her and make sure she's alright. But now it's time to get down to business so I shoved the baggy to the bottom of her suitcase and pretended like nothing happened.

"Eva Rose, get over here there's only an hour or so until it's time for your event so come over here so I can get you ready."

"Oh you don't have to do that, I can do it myself I promise."

"No, I want to do your makeup and hair please pretty please."

"Okay. As long as you don't burn my hair off then I trust you."

"Okay come sit on the counter in the loo."

Eva Rose's POV

This is the second time today that I'm being bombarded with makeup products and stuff. I trust Louise to do her best and do a really good job with my makeup and hair. If I'm being honest, it's nice knowing that there's someone looking out for me and that cares for me.

I was just about to start thinking more about plans after Playlist when Louise interrupted me and told me that she was all done. I was so excited to see!

She had done my makeup perfectly, with all the right contrast and perfect colors for my skin tone. Louise put this very pretty braided headband in my hair but she had done this thing where she tucked my hair into it so it was covered in the back but not the front and then curled the rest in these pretty loose ringlets. I wish Louise was always around to do my hair because it looked so heart eye emoji!

I looked at my watch and realized that I have twenty minutes to get dressed and get my ass downstairs and checked in for the event even though it won't start for an hour and a half. I get to meet fans tonight oh my god I hope people show up and actually want to see me!

I get dressed and then hand Louise my iPod and ask her to take a couple quick pictures so I can post one on Instagram. She does so and I thank her and on the way out the door she stops me. She hands me my room key, and my lanyard with my Playlist Live pass because I would've forgotten it. She also gives me forty dollars and I try to give it back but she tells me that it's her treat and to go have fun tonight. She then kisses the top of my head and tells me to be safe and have fun. If this is what having a mother is like then I'm so sad I missed out all these years.

On the way down the elevator, I messaged Anthony. I ask him where he is and if he's going I be at the meetup. He said yes, and that he was already downstairs waiting behind the scenes in the green room. I told him I'd be down there momentarily and that he's not allowed to make fun of me for how I look.

When I got downstairs, it was insane! There were so many people in the lobby of the hotel, waiting behind a velvet rope in a crowd that went out the doors. When they saw me come out of the elevator, some of them started screaming my name! My NAME! Not anyone else, me! Now I'm so excited for this meet and greet meet up thing oh my god there are people here to see me!

I said hello and waved but I told them that I have to go get checked in but to come to my line and see me. All of a sudden, I hear a woman yelling a girls name and "no" and I was so confused. I looked around the room and saw nothing extraordinary so I turned around and kept walking. Next thing I know, there is a little baby girl sitting on my foot latched onto my leg. This it the cutest thing I've ever seen, wow.

The first thing I did was take a picture of this little girl on my leg. One for snapchat, and one for Twitter. The next thing I did was tickled the top of her head to get her off my leg and picked her up. This child is so smiley like she has teeny tiny teeth and she is so so cute I want to keep her.

I walk over to the crowd and I see a young woman, maybe late teens-early twenties waving frantically and yelling "SIERRA" over and over again. I went over to her, still with the girl in my arms.

"Is this your daughter?" I asked.

"Yes thank you so much for bringing her back I was afraid I'd lost her."

"Oh it was no trouble at all. She's really cute, by the way."

"Aw thank you so much! Honestly I'm surprised that she recognized you out of all these people but I'm so glad she did thank you again."

"Recognized me?"

"Oh yes! I play your cover of Mordred's Lullaby for her every night and she loves it!"

"Wow I didn't realize that people so young liked my stuff. Would you like a picture?"

"Can we take one of you and Sierra and then one of all three of us?"


We took a few pictures and talked a little bit more but then I realized how late it got and I had to go. I gave the baby back and I think I literally sprinted to the conference room to check in with the team. Anthony was in there and practically glaring at me because I was so late.

"Where have you been young lady do you realize what time it is? I was starting to think that I was going to have to go to our line alone and that would have been no fun."

"Oh true."

As those words came out of my mouth, we were called to go out to our station line things. I can't believe it I'm about to have my first meet and greet with viewers this is so cool wowowowow.


Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since the last chapter was uploaded but this one is kinda long so I hope that makes up for it! Leave votes and comments and just let me know what you think!


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