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Roxy - 5 weeks later
       It's been 5 weeks and dad has decided to postpone all the investigations until this evil entity is gone. And I can't go anywhere alone, including the restrooms outside of the house. For that, Aunt Ashley, Uncle Jay's wife, has to escort me. It's like I have to have a bodyguard everywhere I go.

Lucky for me, most of the time Jake is my bodyguard. We were making out on the couch when it felt like someone was watching us. We stopped and turned to see Uncle Aaron standing there with his mouth wide open. "Are you...?" He asked.

    "Yes, we're a couple" I told him.

   "Does this mean that...?"

    "Yes. I'm letting your Joxy ship sail."

   He beamed and took out his phone, taking a video of us, "my Joxy ship has finally sailed. Jake x Roxy" he said. I rolled my eyes. "You two are so cute together."

     "Ok. Um, do you mind?"

     "Oh, right, sorry" he said, smiling, "I'll leave you two alone" and he left. We continued making out. After a while, we pulled away and talked.

    "Oh, isn't your birthday coming up?" He asked.


      "Man, I almost forgot you were older than me."

      "Only by a year" I laughed, "you are still sixteen."

     "Yeah, but you are going to be seventeen. Just like Jason."


      "So, you got any plans for your birthday?"

     "No. Not really."

      "Hmm, I bet you would think of something."


"Jake?" Dad said.

"Yeah, Zak?" Jake asked.

"Can I talk to you in private?"

"Yeah, sure" he said, he got up, "I'll be right back" and followed dad into the kitchen.

Jake's P.O.V
"So, what is it you want to talk about?" I asked.

"You are aware that Roxy's birthday is coming up?" He asked.

"Yeah. We were just talking about that."

"Oh, well, I was planning a surprise party for her. Invite her friends from Florida."

"Oh, that's a great idea."

"Yeah, but I'll have to call her friends and the only why to do that, is to get her phone. But, how?"

"Hmm, you can just ask her if you can barrow it? I'm pretty sure she'll gladly let you."

"Maybe. But I will have to give her a reason to use it, because she knows that I have my own phone."

"Well, you can say that your phone died and you really need to make an important call?"

"That might work. Thank, Jake!"

"No prob! So, does any of the other's know?"

"Well, yes. I've already told the crew. They'll help getting things ready."

"Ok, what should I do?"

"All you have to do is keep her away from the house for a little while. You can get to know her friends."

"Quick question? Are her friends girls or boys?"

"Why? You the type of boyfriend who doesn't allow his girlfriend to befriend boys?"

"No. I'm just curious."

"Sure. Don't worry, their girls."


"Anyway, I should call her friends today, so if they can come, they can arrive on time" he said as he walked into the living room.

"Ok" I said, following.

"Hey, sweetie?"

"Yeah, dad?" Roxy asked, looking up from the couch.

"Can I barrow your phone? My phone died and I need to make a really important call."

"Sure, dad" she said, giving him her phone.

"Thanks, sweetie" he said, taking it. He left down the hall.

I sat back down next to Roxy on the couch, "so, what did dad want?" She asked.

"Oh, he just gave me the 'talk'" I lied.


"Yep. Making sure I will not break your heart. If I did anything to hurt you or make you cry, he'll beat me up."

"Really? I never knew my dad to be the violent type."

"With big muscles like that? Who would want to cross him?" I laughed. She laughed as well. I turned on the TV and put my arm around her shoulders, she scooted closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

Zak's P.O.V
I looked through Roxy's contacts and called Sarah's number. It ringed twice before she picked up, "hey, Roxy! What's up?" She asked cheerfully.

"Actually it's her dad" I responded smiling.

"Omg! Zak!?" She calmed herself, "hey, Zak. What's up?"

"So, you well aware that Roxy's birthday is coming up?"

"Yeah. I have it in my calendar on my phone."

"Well, I was planning a surprise birthday for her and I was wondering if you and Mia can fly down? I can pick you guys up."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you!" She gushed, "but, I got to ask my mom first. If we can, we will need to buy tickets."

"Well, ok."

"I'm going to ask right now" she said, "stay on the line, I'll be right back."

"Ok" I said, than silence.

"My mom said yes!" She said excitedly.

"Ok, all we need is to see if Mia can come."

"I'll text her" she said, "hold on another minute."

"Ok" I said. A minute later.

"Ok, she said she can come."


"When should we come?"

"As soon as possible. Before Roxy's birthday."


"Here, I'll give you my number" I said and I told her my number.

"Omg, thanks Zak!"

"Yeah, no worries. See you then."

"You too. Bye."

"Bye" I said and hung up. I went back into the living room and handed Roxy her phone back. Well, there are some many things to get done before her big day.

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