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In the car on the way home, my favorite song came on the radio and I started singing along. (A/N: the song up top is her favorite song). Until, my dad was watching and I stopped, Redding. "What?" I asked embarrassed.

"You have an amazing singing voice" he said, smiling.

"Thanks, dad" I said, I changed the subject, "anyway, how's Gracie?"

"She's doing good" he said, than he laughed, "she has more energy than me. She's like a puppy."

I laughed.

Many hours later - Dad's house
When I got into the house, Gracie came over, barking and wagging her tail, she jumped on me. "Hi girl" I said laughing and petting her, dad was laughing too as she was licking me, "I missed you too." When she got off me, I walked around.

"Make yourself at home" dad said, "the movers already came, your stuff is in your room."

I went down the hall and into my old room, there were boxes all over the floor with my stuff, the bed was already put together and the only thing that was the same was the walls. They were still blue with little clouds covering them. "We can paint over those" I heard my dad say behind me, "I've kept this room closed and locked ever since you left. So, the crew doesn't see it when they visit."

I turned around and saw him holding 3 paint cans, a tray and 2 paint rollers smiling, he lifted them up, "you ready to start?"

I smiled and together we painted the walls and ceiling my favorite color, hot pink. Hey, just because I'm Zak Bagans' daughter doesn't mean I don't like the color pink, in fact, pink and black are my two favorite colors. When we were done, we stepped back to admire our work, dad put his arm around my shoulders. Our arms and clothes had paint on them.

"Hey, want to take a picture?" He asked taking out his phone.

"Ok" I said smiling. He put the phone in front of us and smiling, holding up our paint rollers. He took the picture. Than he wrote My daughter lives with me after 13 years. Painted bedroom walls together and posted it on Snapchat.

"I'm going to take a shower" he said, he kissed my head, "get settled in."

"Ok" I said, as he leaves. I put the paint roller down and start unpacking. After I finished, it started to feel more like home. I went to take a shower.

4 minutes later
After I got changed, I went into the living room and turned on the TV. Looking through the guide, I turned on a rerun of a Ghost Adventures episode. Gracie came over and laid down on my lap, I stroked her head. I heard dad talking on the phone, "yes mom, she's hear " I heard him say, "yes, hold on" and walked over to me, "sweetie, you're grandma wants to talk to you."

"Ok" I said, taking the phone from him, "hi, grandma."

"Roxy! Oh, it's so good to hear your voice again, I've missed you."

"Missed you too."

"Zak told me what happened to your mother, I'm so sorry."

"Thanks, grandma."

"I heard you are living with your him now."

"I am."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" She said, "we can have Christmas and Thanksgiving as a family, now!"

I smiled.

"Anyway, I should get going. Bye pumpkin."

"Bye grandma! Love you!"

"Love you too!" She said and she hung up, I handed the phone back to dad.

"She was really happy when I told her you're here" he said smiling, taking his phone.

"Oh, she was" I said, smiling, "how's Aunt Meredith? And cousins Morgan and Maddox?" (A/N: that is the name of Zak's sister and niece and nephew. He also has 2 half siblings, I looked it up).
Just than his phone rang, he looked at it.

"Speak of the devil" he said, he put it up to his ear, "hello, sis. Yes, she is. How did you find out? Ohhh, mom told you. Ok, hold on a second" he gave me the phone.

I took it, "hey, Aunt Meredith" I said.

"Roxy? omg! it's been so long, how have you been?" She said excitedly

"Good. How is Morgan and Maddox?"

"They are doing good" she said, than silence, than, "Hi, cousin Roxy!"

"Hi, guys! How's it going?"

"Good. We missed you!" My cousin Morgan said.

"I missed you guys too."

"Mom missed you too" my cousin Maddox said.

"Mom said you where staying, is that true?" Morgan asked.

"Yes. I live her now."

"Yay!" They said.

I chuckled. It was silent and then I heard my aunts voice "it's good to hear from you again" she said, "maybe we can get together."

"You too. Yes, I think that would be a great Idea."

"Ok, we'll think of a day and let you know, ok?"

"Ok, bye."

"Bye" she said and hung up. I gave dad back his phone.

"Well, it seems that everyone is glad that you're back" he said, smiling taking his phone.

"Yeah" I said smiling, "it feels good to be back."

Zak Bagans' Daughter Where stories live. Discover now