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Jake's P.O.V.
    I was outside of the restroom waiting for Roxy, when I heard her scream. "Roxy!" I yelled and ran into the women's bathroom. Don't think me a creep, I'm just helping a friend. I stopped to see that Don guy coming towards her with an axe and Roxy cowering by the sink.

        "No!" I shouted and ran in front of her, stretching out my arms, he came down with the axe and I thought I was going to die, when an invisible force stopped it. I realized it wasn't an invisible force, it was Jason, "Jason! How...?"

       "Let's just say that I might have followed you guys. Keeping a watch on you guys, making sure you guys are safe."

       I didn't know what to say. Don growled, looking angry, "you again!?"

       "I am not going to leave until you are gone!" Jason told him, he turned to us, "go!" he whispered. I didn't need told twice, I took Roxy's hand and ran towards the door. I opened the door and ran out.

       "Wait! What about, Jason?" Roxy said.

       "He's going to be fine, he is a ghost" I told her, "now, let's get you home and tell your dad what happened."  She nods and we keep running, until we reach my car. I unlock it and open the passenger seat for Roxy, she got in, and closed the door behind her. Then I went around and got into the front seat. I started the car and drove to her house.

Roxy's house
We park, get out and run towards the door. When I knocked, Zak opened the door, letting Roxy pass. He looked at us, confused "why do you guys look frantic?" He asked.

"That Don guy tried to kill Roxy" I said breathing fast.

"What!?" He said looking horrified, "you should come in and tell us everything."

I walked in and saw the whole crew standing there, watching me. Zak closed the door and came over, "tell us everything that happened."

"Well, the Don guy tried to kill her in the restroom, I went in after I heard her scream and I ran in front of her, but Jason appeared and held him off so we could escape."

"No one else was in there?"

I shook my head, "no. It was empty apart from us."

"That guy is determined."

"He would do anything to see Roxy dead!"

"Jake, do you want to spend the night again?"

I nod, "yes, sir."

"Ok. This guys is determined to get her alone to kill her, any chance he gets. Even if that means to go into a women's restroom. As long as she's not alone, he won't get to her, I think."

"You think?"

"This guy might actually have to kill us to get to her. But, whatever happened's, I will die to keep my little girl safe."

Roxy gasps, "dad, no!"

"It's ok, baby. That's what a parent's for. To keep his or her child safe."

"But, you promised you won't leave me" She said, tears sparkling in her eyes and lowers her head.

"Oh, baby" He said frowning, he walked over to her, cupped his . Let's hand under her chin and lifted her head up. He whipped a tear that fell down her cheek, "I know I did and I promise I will. But, sometimes promises have to be broken to protect those they love."

She nods and hugs him, crying, "You are all I got left. I-I don't want to lose you."

He hugged her back tightly, bearing his face in her hair. "If something does happened to me, I will always be with you, in your heart."

"Please don't talk like that!"

"Ok. Let's just focus on the present, not what might happen, ok" he said, letting her go.

She nods and whips her eyes, "ok."

Jason appeared, "you are lucky I'm dead, that guy's insane. He could of definitely killed me."

"Is he mad?" I asked.

He nods, "Yep. He's angry and he definitely hates me. He said that he will do anything to get to you and he will kill anyone who gets in his way, so, none of you are safe."

"We would sacrifice ourselves to protect her" Aaron said, Billy and Jay nod in agreement, "And not let Zak sacrifice himself because his daughter needs him."

"I will sacrifice myself. She is my girlfriend and also my best friend. I love and care about her, I would do anything to keep her safe."

"Man, I which I had people who loved and cared about me when I was alive like this. I would have reconsidered killing myself. The only person who ever loved and cared about me died two years before I did."

"Who?" Roxy asked.

"My older sister."

"How did she die?"

"Remember when I told you that I was abused by my parents?"


"Well, she was abused by my dad. Abused to death."

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped, flinging her hands to her mouth, "that's horrible."

"Yep. After she died, I was super disappointed and taking depression pills. Contemplating life and rather I wanted to live or die. Well, you know the answer."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I don't want you to die because you are still young. You are only sixteen. I made a mistake of killing myself, realizing that life has more to offer and I was still young. When I met you, for a long time, I have finally found love and hope."

She yawned, "I'm tired" she said, "I'm going to go to bed" and left to get ready.

"It is getting late " Zak said. Everyone nods, after saying goodnight they left and I went to get ready for bed too. Roxy came out of the bathroom, hugged and kissed her dad goodnight and went in to her room. I said goodnight to Zak and followed her into her room.

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