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At home
I was getting ready for bed, when Jason showed up again. I almost jumped out of my skin, "gah! You scared me" I said breathing heavily, with my hand over my heart.

"Sorry" he said, "I saw what happened to your dad."

"Wait, you saw-you were there?" I asked suspiciously.

"Y-yes" he stammered.

"Are you following me?"

"No, um, maybe. But just to keep you safe."

"If you were there, than why didn't you help?"

"I, um, couldn't. I'm sorry" he looked down, "I'm always a disappointment to people, that's why I killed myself, because I'm just a big disappointment."

"I forgive you" I sighed, "and, I don't think you are a disappointment. I didn't expect you to help."

"Is he going to be ok?"

"He's fine. The doctor said that he will be discharged in two days, I'll take him home."

"Well that's good. Listen, I think it's time to tell him and the others about me. I mean, after your dad gets out of the hospital."

"Are you sure?"

He nods, "yes."

"Ok, but I think we have to wait a few days after, before I tell him and the others."

He nods.

I yawned, "well, I should get to bed. Goodnight, Jason."

"Ok, goodnight, Roxy" he said and disappeared. I  crawled into bed and fell asleep.

2 days later
I had discharged my dad out of the hospital and driven him home. Right when we got into the house, he claimed that he need to a shower and went to take one. I had to laugh. I went to sit on the couch, when the doorbell rang, I got up and answered it. It was my uncles.

"Hi, guys!" I said, smiling.

"Hi, Roxy! they said, smiling also.

"Is Zak home?" Uncle Aaron asked.

"Yep, he's in the shower. Why don't you guys come in?" I asked moving aside for them to pass.

"Ok, thanks!" He said and walked in, Uncle Jay and Billy follow, "so, you drove him home?"

"Yep" I said, closing the door and walking over, "want anything to drink?"

"Yes please, can I have a beer?"

"Ok, anyone else want anything?"

"I would also like a beer, please" Uncle Billy said.

"Me too" Uncle Jay said.

"Ok" I said and I went into the kitchen to get them there beers. I come back and gave it to them.

"Thanks!" They said, smiling and taking them.

Just then, dad came out wearing a black T-shirt and pants, but he was bare foot. "Hey, guys!" He said smiling, he went into the kitchen to get a beer and came back out.

"Hey!" They said smiling.

    I heard the door bell ring, "I'll get it" I said, as I walked toward the door. I opened it, "oh, hi, Jake."

    "Hi!" Jake said, smiling, "I heard your dad's home."

     "Yep, come in" I said as I moved out of the way for him to pass, "the whole crews here."

Zak Bagans' Daughter Where stories live. Discover now