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A week later-at home
    After the whole incident at the hotel, my dad said I wasn't allowed to go on any other investigation with them for 5 weeks. I was upset, but I didn't argue. When my dad was a away on an investigation, I was at home watching Gracie. I had got a call from Sarah.

     "Hey, Sarah. What's up?" I said.

     "Omg, Roxy! Mia and I saw the episode and when you had that asthma attack we almost had a heart attack! We were so scared for you girl, we thought you were going to die! Thank goodness that ghost boy was there to tell your dad and his crew before it was too late."

       "Yeah, thank goodness."

       "Anyway, I still can't believe a ghost called you pretty. A ghost and right in front of your dad!"

      "Yeah, me neither. But, it's not like he kissed me or anything."

       "I guess. But, I feel bad for him, I can't believe no one cares about him and even worse his father abused him and he got bullied in school. I must of felt super depressed to end his life like that, he was so young."

        "I know. But, he was only a year older then us."

      "Yep, but it was just so sad. I literally cried."


     "Anyway, what are you doing?"

     "Nothing. Just sitting and watching TV. My dad said I'm not allowed to go to any more investigations with them for five weeks."

      "Oof. That sucks. Well, he is looking out for your safety and I mean, what happened on your first investigation with them."

        "Yeah. You're right."

      "Oh, I got to go, my mom's calling me."

     "Ok, bye."

     "Bye, girl!" And she hung up. I decided to go for a swim, so I got up and went to change into my bikini, (A/N: picture of bikini is down below). It's pink and black with Skulls on it.

At the pool, I step in by the stares and slowly and carefully

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At the pool, I step in by the stares and slowly and carefully. The water was warm and I swam all the way to the other side. I was swimming laps, when I saw a figure standing by the pool. I stop and look at it and find it was transparent.

It was a ghost! I almost wanted to scream, but that's when the figure spoke, looking panicked, "don't scream."

I recognized the voice: it was the voice of the ghost of the 17 year old boy from the hotel. "Jason?" I said.

"Yes" he said smiling, "sorry, I scared you and I'm definitely not stalking you or anything."

"How did you get here?" I asked, shocked as I was getting out. I wrapped a towel around me, "I thought you were trapped at the hotel."

"I'm not trapped, I just can't go to heaven" he said, "well, I followed you. To keep you safe if that evil spirit comes after you again."

"Well, that's sweet of you, but also kinda stalky."

"Didn't mean to be, yet I am a ghost, so."

"Oh, yeah. Some spirits have a habit of following people home" I said. I walked down the hall and into my room, he followed and sat down on my bed. "How can I hear you without a recorder and see you?"

"I don't know. But have you seen enough Ghost Adventures episodes to know that sometimes you can hear a voice with your own ears and see shadow figures with your naked eye?"

"Oh, yeah" I said, drying off. I sat down next to him.

"Your father seems to really care and love you."

"Yeah. I haven't seen him for thirteen years, but he still remembers me."


"Why does he still remember me?"

"No, why haven't you seen him for thirteen years?"

"Oh, because he and my mom are divorced. My mom and I moved to Florida and didn't let him call or even visit me."

"Oh, but, why are you here know?"

"Because my mother died and I had know were else to go."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I meant to tell you, thanks for saving me back at the hotel."

"I didn't really save you, I just told your dad and his crew."

"Still, if you didn't tell them. They wouldn't have any idea where I was."

"Yeah, well. You guys care about me. No one else has ever cared about me before and well, I know this might sound weird, but I love you."

"Oh" I blushed, "I really don't know how to respond to that." Just then, the door bell rang, "oh, I need to get that."

"Oh, ok" He said, "I should better go" and with that, he disappeared.

I walked to the front door and opened it. On the other side, there was a boy about my age with shaggy brown hair that fell into his bright green eyes, beaming. "I can't believe it!" He said, "When I saw you on TV, I told myself that that wasn't her, know I realize, it was! Roxy, it's Jake!

My face lit up and I beamed. Standing right in front of me was my best friend, who I've known since I was a baby. I still can't believe he's remembered me all these years.

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