Chapter 27: Ressurection

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When they touched it, the world around them began to spin, throwing them into a sort-of graveyard place that seemed unfamiliar at first - just like the port-key boot at the beginning. "Are you ok, guys?" Josie asked, brushing herself off as she got up. Cedric nodded. "Yeah, and you?" Harry asked. Josie nodded in response.

"Where are we?" Cedric asked, looking around.

"I've been here before..." Harry said, finding the atmosphere seemingly familiar.

Cedric ignored him and looked closely at the cup, "Jo, look! Its a port key! Did you hear that Harry? The cup, its a port key!"

Harry ignored Cedric in return, "I've been here before," he repeated, "In a dream-" he then looked at a nearby gravestone. He traced his fingers over the letters delicately. "T-O-M R-I-D-D-L-E" it read. Harry had a moment of realisation before turning back to Josie and Cedric, "We have to get back!" Harry said, "WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE CUP, GUYS!" he repeated, yelling this time.

"What? Why?" Josie asked. Cedric and her then walked over to Harry, away from the Cup. Harry then yelped in pain and put his hands on his forehead, sinking to the ground as his scar burned. "What's wrong?" Cedric asked, worriedly.

"Doesn't matter! GET BACK TO THE CUP!" he yelled, his voice expressing the pain he was clearly feeling.

Wormtail then came out from the shadows, holding Voldemort in his arms. Josie siphoned Cedric's wand and stood in between Harry and Wormtail, "Who are you? What do you want?" she demanded.

"Kill the Siphoner!" Voldemort whispered to Wormtail.

"No!" Harry exclaimed, too much in pain to do anything about it.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Wormtail yelled, pointing the wand at Josie. However, Cedric managed to push her out just in time. Unfortunately, he was hit. "CEDRIC!" Josie cried. She rushed over to him, trying to use the magic to heal him.

But it was too late- he was already gone.

Wormtail was about to cast another spell when Harry interrupted, "Leave them alone, they aren't going to get in your way anymore, you can have me just don't harm them," he begged.

"Leave the children and get on with what I asked of you," Voldemort demanded in a quiet, wispy voice.

Wormtail said nothing as he pointed his wand at Harry, levitating him and punching him against a statue that then trapped him in its stone cold arms. Voldemort then urged Wormtail to hurry- his impatience clear as day. His loyal servant followed his orders and threw his master into a cauldron.

Josie looked up from where she was holding Cedric's lifeless body, crying. Realising, they had bigger issues, she put Cedric down and attempted to run over to Harry. However, Wormtail realised this and quickly turned around and casted a powerful boundary spell to keep her out. Thinking quick on her feet, Josie began to siphon the field. It was powerful and would take time but she knew she could do it eventually.

Wormtail took a deep breath and pointed his wand at something underneath Harry, "Bone of the father, unwillingly given," he chanted as he levitated a bone from Thomas Riddle (Tom Riddle's father)'s grave, then dropping it in the cauldron. "Flesh of the servant- willingly sacrificed," Wormtail continued, drawing a knife from his inside-pocket and cutting off his hand into the cauldron, screaming in pain.

In one sharp movement, Wormtail turned to Harry and proceeded to chant, "Blood of the enemy," he walked towards Harry, using the same knife as before to cut Harry's wrist, "Forcibly taken,". After putting the final ingredient in the cauldron, Wormtail declared that his messiah would return.

Harry and Josie looked at each other worriedly as the cauldron started to bubble a bloody red. Crying out in agonising pain, Harry reached for his scar that was practically torturing him. The cauldron set alight and immediately evaporated so all that was left standing was Voldemort- or what seemed to be Voldemort. It looked like an ugly, undernourished baby, growing before Harry and Josie's very eyes. The very sight was insufferable. 

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