Chapter 11: Truth

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Harry shook his head, "No, you have to believe me, I didn't do it!"

Hope raised an eyebrow but believed him nonetheless. However, as the adults came into the room to question Harry, Hope said nothing. The Minister of Magic came to a conclusion, "Mr Potter has no choice. As of tonight, he is a Triwizard Champion..." Crouch said solemnly as everyone turned their heads to Harry.

Hope took a deep breath and walked away from the other competitors and sat down to do a spell in the corner. Cedric followed her whilst the others were too occupied by Harry. Hope had a piece of paper in her hand. "What's that?" Cedric asked, nodding towards the piece of paper. "Nothing," Hope said, shoving it in her pocket.

Cedric narrowed his eyes, "If it were nothing, would you try to hide it?"

Hope stood up and stood face-to-face with Cedric, "If it were something, would it be any of your business?" she asked before walking past him.

Hope went to the lockers where she had texted Josie and Lizzie to meet her. They arrived in their pajamas, "Why are we here, Hope?" Lizzie asked, "Can't you see I was trying to get a good night's sleep after that torturous Defense against the Dark Arts lesson?" she said, indicating to her pajamas.

Hope rolled her eyes, "Lizzie, this is important! Harry didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire!"

"How can you be so sure?" Josie asked.

"Long story short, I used a truth spell. Anyway, I have the piece of paper with his name on it!" Hope said, pulling the piece of paper from out of her pocket, "I was hoping that you would help me do a spell to identify the handwriting of who wrote it?"

Lizzie sighed, "You always need us, Hope! Anyway, you've already ruined my night so I guess I could help you since there is absolutely no chance of a good night's sleep now!"

"Jo?" Hope asked, turning to Josie.

"Sure! What do you need?" Josie replied.

Hope placed the piece of paper on the floor and sat down in front of it, instructing the girls to sit in a circle with her, linking hands and closing their eyes as they chanted a spell with her. Suddenly, the three of them opened their eyes to reveal that the entirety of their eyes had gone white before they closed their eyes and opened them again. Hope frowned, "Why didn't it work?" she asked herself before picking up the paper, "It's like the person who wrote this didn't write it. But how does that even make sense? Do you think they were possessed?"

"Take it from a girl with an evil alter ego, if someone does something else in your body, you would probably know!" Josie replied, "But then again, I wouldn't say that I was "possessed","

"Well, your spell didn't work, Hope. Can I go to bed now? I need my beauty sleep!" Lizzie said before getting off of the floor and brushing the dust off her pajamas.

Back in Harry and Ron's dorm, Ron turned to Harry, "How did you do it?" Ron asked, "Oh, nevermind, it doesn't matter. You might have let your best friend know though!" Ron said spitefully.

Harry frowned and turned to face him, "I didn't ask for this to happen, Ron!" Harry said, defending himself, "Ok? You're being stupid!"
"Yeah, that's me: Harry Potter's stupid friend," Ron said, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't put my name in that cup! I don't want eternal glory. I just wanna be-" Harry sighed, "Look, I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why; it just did, ok?"

Ron shook his head dismissively and turned away from him, jealous that Harry got to do what he only dreamed of, "Piss off," he responded.

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