Chapter 5: Sorting

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"Jade," Mcgonagal said.

A brown-haired girl with blonde streaks went over to McGonagall, wearing her leather jacket, dark red top and black jeans, she sat down on the chair and waited for the Sorting hat to be placed upon her head.

"Easy, Slytherin!" the Sorting hat called out as Jade gave Josie one last look before sitting at the Slytherin table, beside two empty seats.

"Sebastian," McGonagall continued.

A tall boy approached the chair with brown, curly hair and a white, button-up shirt with a black sort-of-coat and black trousers to match.

"Slytherin!" the Sorting hat repeated before even touching Sebastian's head.

Sebastian smirked and winked at Lizzie before sitting as far away from Jade as he could possibly get.

"Milton Greasley,"

A smiley-looking boy with really curly, brown hair approached the chair. He was also smiling at Lizzie but not in the same way as Sebastian, it was more friendly and comforting. He was wearing a white polo-shirt underneath his yellow jumper with the Salvatore School's logo embroidered into it.

"Hufflepuff!" the Sorting hat announced, before Milton thanked him and sat at the Hufflepuff table, next to Cedric Diggory .

"Kaleb Hawkins,"

Kaleb gave MG a smirk before approaching the chair, almost strutting in his white polo-shirt and black waistcoat with a red "S" embroidered into it. His hair was black and in dreads.

"Confident... hmmm... Gryffendor!" the Sorting hat continued.

"Landon Kirby,"

A dorky looking boy with short, curly brown hair warily approached the sorting hat, still unsure about how safe it was to put an alive hat on his head. He was wearing a plain navy-green shirt with a denim jacket on top.

"Oooo... interesting, I say... Gryffindor," the Sorting hat yelled, shocking Hope as she honestly thought he would be a Hufflepuff and Landon as the Sorting hat just yelled in his ear. Landon, still in shock, walked over to the Gryffindor table, sitting in between Kaleb and an orange-haired boy, causing Kaleb to move at least two seats further away from them.

"Hope Mikaelson-" McGonagal said before she was interrupted by the indistinct chatter after hearing Hope's name. "Who is she?" Harry asked.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "You seriously have never heard of Hope Mikaelson?"

"Mikaelson sounds familiar..." Harry said, wondering where he had heard it from.

"Of course it does, Harry, Hope is the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson, you know, the Original Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid. Hope's mother was Hayley Marshall. She was also a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid BUT ALSO the Crescent Pack Alpha. Not to mention Hope's grandmother, Esther Mikaelson the ORIGINAL WITCH!"

"What does that make her?" Harry asked.

"A hybrid of three different creatures- a Tribrid," a male voice said from behind Ron.

"Who are you?" Ron asked.

"Weren't you listening to Professor Mcgonagal when she announced his name???" Hermione asked. In return, Ron shrugged.

"Landon Kirby, Hope's boyfriend," he said, "and she's more than just who her family is," he reassured them.

Professor McGonagall silenced everybody and placed the Sorting hat on Hope's head after the poor girl sat down. Her face did not portray worry but inside her head, she was praying for it all to end, knowing that everyone was talking about her. She was wearing a purpley-red top that was left untucked from her black jeans, with a black leather jacket over it all.

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