Chapter 23: Death

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As Harry was reaching the shore, Barty Crouch greeted him, "Congratulations, Potter!" he began, leading Harry off into the woods, astray from his friends, "I'm sorry we have not spoken. After all, your story is one I've heard so many times. Quite remarkable really; tragic of course - to lose one's family... never whole again, are we? Still, life goes on and here we stand. I'm sure your parents would have been really proud of you after today, Potter-''

Barty was then interrupted by Professor Moody, "Bartimaeus!" Moody began, "Not trying to lure Potter into one of the ministries summer internships ,are we? The last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out!" Moody said, licking his lips really quickly.

Barty got a quick sense of... de ja vu, shall we say? And his eyes widened. He walked up to Moody and looked him in the eyes as Moody did the same thing again. Barty then looked at the floor and walked off as both Potter and Moody watched him stroll into the woods alone, looking as though he had seen a ghost.

The trio were just walking through the woods with Hagrid as Hagrid kept talking about Harry coming second place out of five great young witches and wizards.

However, Harry's mind was still buzzing- thinking about how Barty had reacted to meeting Moody even though they had met before. Could it be that they had a difference of opinion somewhere? Was it something Mood had said?

As Harry was walking, he spotted a round, black top-hat just lying on the floor. He frowned and walked a little further, his scar giving him a burning feeling. He spotted a leg and then Hope jumped in front of him, "Harry!" she exclaimed. He frowned and looked around her- the body had disappeared. "What did you do?" Harry asked, breathing heavily.

Hope frowned and smiled, "I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, it was nice talking to you but I really must be off.. Um... Invisique," Hope whispered as she too disappeared. Hermione walked over to Harry, "Harry? Are you quite all right?"

Harry nodded as he picked up a piece of ripped cloth from a nearby thorn-bush that he had noticed out of the corner of his eye. He turned around, "Hermione?" he asked, "Do you happen to know if there is some magical way to test like a piece of clothing or DNA?" he asked.

There was some talk the next day of the fact that nobody could seem to find Barty. Hope completely avoided Harry. Harry caught Lizzie's arm, "Hey, Lizzie?" he asked, "Can we... talk for a sec?"

"Um, I'm kind of busy right now... sorry, how important is it?" she asked.

"It's about Hope..." Harry told her to get her attention, "Has she ever hurt anyone?"

"Well obviously, some villains you can't just put in a Hogwarts dungeon, Harry and I know that I don't slay them!" Lizzie reminded him.

"Right, but has she ever hurt an innocent person?" Harry asked.

"Where are you going with thi-" Lizzie began.

"Answer me, Lizzie," Harry demanded softly.

"Well, she did kill that one human by accident when she had a power surge. It's a long story but there was like this demon thing and she needed to let her anger out- she did it to a bunch of evil vampires and then like a human in the store room got a bookshelf knocked on him. Oh, and she tortured her ex-boyfriend I think but then again he did aid in the brutal and torturous murder of her mother but they're sort of friends now. You should hear how many times she killed Landon. I mean, he comes back to life but personally, I still think it counts. Oooo there was that boy who Hope didn't technically kill but she gave him some of her blood so that he could kill himself and then come back so I think that that comes pretty close. Going back to the power surge thing. All the vampires were unarmed so she technically killed like 40 unarmed vampires whose only crime was joining some ultra-weird, witch-racist cult. Though, then again, they were vampires so technically they don't like, need to be armed. They also might have done something bad to Klaus or whatever I'm not too sure and honestly, it's none of my business. Or yours for that matter. I don't know why you are asking but whatever reason it is. You should probably stop- I'm gonna go now..." Lizzie finally finished before flicking her hair and walking off.

Harry soon got his results back from his magical DNA test, conducted by Hermione who was suspicious but did the spell anyway. With the results, Harry rushed into Dumbledore's office, "Mr Crouch is dead!" Harry exclaimed.

Dumbledore frowned, "Now, Harry, calm down and tell me what you know,"

Harry explained how he was out in the woods when he found presumably Barty's hat and they saw some legs of a still body before it disappeared and then Hope showed up and they both disappeared. And also that he found the ripped clothing piece and when he did his DNA test, it belonged to Barty Crouch who was deceased, according to the results.

"Therefore, I think that Hope Andrea Mikaelson killed Barty Crouch!" Harry concluded hurriedly. 

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