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Pony's POV:

I got glares from the entire gang and ran into my room. I heard david and james leave while slamming the door behind them. i had to run into my room to hide my never ending tears. i lost the person who meant more than anything to me, my best friend and my girlfriend.

tomorrow was July 21, the day before my birthday. which also meant it was the day before y/n's birthday too.

all though she was mad at me i was still going to get her a birthday present. we usually got each other a card and a funny gift as a tradition, so this year i was going to get her a stuffed chicken since when we were little she got chased by chickens at a farm.

i was really hoping we would make up and at least be friends again before our birthday. wow we were going to be 15.

Your POV:
i may have been mad at pony but i still needed a gift for him. this year i got him a really funny book he could read.

i heard david and james come inside. i went out into the living room to see why they came back.

"why aren't y'all with the rest of the gang?" i asked.

"well pony ran into his room crying and it was dead silent so we came back to make sure you're alright," david explained.

"i'm fine just still kinda mad," i said.

"you should probably get to bed soon kiddo," james told me.

"alright goodnight guys see you tomorrow," i
said walking into my room.

i walked past my bed and to my window. mine and pony's windows were right by eachother so we used to use flashlights to talk whenever we were supposed to be sleeping.

part of me wanted to pick up my flash light and turn it on but another part of my wanted to close the blinds.

i sighed and closed the blinds.

Pony's POV:

i lifted my head from my tear drenched pillow and looked towards my window. i got up and walked over to it. i looked through the blinds and saw that y/n already closed hers.

i let out a sigh and heard someone come in.

"hey pony, you want me to sleep in here tonight?" i heard soda ask.

"yeah okay," i replied.

we both laied down in the darkness of the room.

"soda you still loved sandy after she cheated on you right,?" i asked.

"yeah i did but it still hurt knowing she did that to me and i was pretty angry at her. i'm sure y/n still loves you, she just needs time," soda replied.

"how much time is this gonna take i mean it's our birthday soon," i said.

"as much time as y/n meeds," soda said.

"how much time did you need," i asked.

"pony i know me and y/n are similar people but we aren't gonna love people the same way sometimes," soda said.

"man this sucks," i sighed.

"why'd you even do it pony?" soda asked.

"i really didn't mean to. i saw curly touching y/n and got so jealous i let the girl from the shepard's gang get what she wanted. i wasn't really thinking," i told soda.

"well that makes sense but the only person who really needs to know that is y/n," soda said.

"she said she just isn't ready to hear it," i said.

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