Love Struck

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Your POV:
The next morning Pony came to my place to pick me up for school.

"Hey Pone!" I said.

"Oh hi," He said tiredly.

"Someone looks tired," I said.

"Yeah I got no sleep last night," he responded.

We walked up to the school and saw Jack and Mary holding hands. It was a relief for both of us.

In History I got bored and decided to take a trip to the bathroom and walk around the halls for a while. I walked past Pony's class to blow him a kiss through the window but didn't see him. I walked a little further and saw him leaned up against his locker almost asleep.

"Wake up idiot," I said.

He quickly jolted awake and looked around.

"Come on Pony let's get outta here," I said.

We walked out of the school confidently and like it was nobody's business. We decided to go to the DX to visit Steve, David, and Soda.

After about 2 minutes of walking Pony looked like he was about to collapse from exhaustion.

"Hop on my back loser," I said.

He got on my back and rested his head on my shoulder. I'm pretty sure he fell asleep.

We got to the DX and got confused looks all around.

"Nice baby you got there Y/N," Soda said.

"Apparently I'm a mother now," I responded.

We went inside and I put Pony down on a bench.

"Soda, why's he so tired?" I asked.

"He decided he wanted to sleep alone cuz he said he was tough, but I think he really just couldn't sleep and was too embarrassed to come get me," He replied.

I helped out the boys with their work while Pony slept peacefully on the bench. After about an hour he finally woke up.

"Finally, sleeping beauty has arisen," I say.

"Y/N come on I wanna show you something," He said.

"Fine," I replied.

He made me close my eyes the whole way there which made the walk ten times slower.

"Ok and.... open!" He said.

"The lake? Pony We haven't been here since the last family camping trip," I said.

"Come on, get in the water!" He said.

"Oh hell no," I responded.

But before I knew it he picked me up and threw me in, jumping in after me.

"Two can play that game!" I said splashing him with water and laughing.

We stopped the nonsense for a second and looked at each other. I could feel us moving in closer to each other. We were inches, then centimeters, then millimeters apart until our lips pressed against the others.

It felt like fireworks had exploded inside of me. I was so happy. I was love struck.

We got out of the water and watched the sunset together.

We started to walk back to our houses holding hands then we heard a car behind us. I looked back and saw a mustang...

thank you so much for reading! I'm gonna do like one event per chapter that kind of goes with the name. every singe read makes me so happy thank you. stay gold! (didn't proofread)

-author <3

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