Not A Date

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Your POV:
I got up that morning with the butterflies still fluttering in my stomach. I got ready and walked to the Curtis house.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Someone seems happy," Darry said.

"Shut your trap Darry I'm just happy to be walking and feeling better," I replied.

"Hey Y/N!" Pony said.

"Hi Pone! So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Oh you'll see..." He said.

Yup. I fell for this boy.

Eventually we left and started walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Calm down you'll see in a second," He replied.

We walked up to our old elementary school.
what. the. fuck.

Pony grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the school. We got into the playground area.

"We're going on a play date?" I asked.

"Just go to the swings. Do you remember which was yours and which was mine?" He asked.

"Of course i do!" I ran over to the swing i had claimed as my own in the first grade, and pony ran over to his.

"Sooo what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Do you remember what happened here in second grade?" He asked.

"I thought that was off limits?" I replied.

"Ok yeah forget that, Y/N, I like you, a lot. And-" I cut him off.

"I like you too Pony, a lot,"

"That went better than i thought," He said.

"Yeah... I'm sorry for keeping a secret from you. I was telling Soda that I liked you and I didn't know what to do," I said.

"Oh that's what I told soda too! This was his idea. Well, the hangout, not the swings, that was my idea," He said.

"We need to give Soda a big hug when we get back," I said.

"We do," Pony agreed.

"So... I was told this was not a date," I say.

"I mean, do you want it to be?"

"I think it should be a date," I said.

"Then... it's a date!" Pony replied.

We left the school and walked around the town holding hands. It was what I think I always wanted deep inside me. I loved this kid.

I got tired much quicker than usual cuz I was technically still "healing"

"Hop on my back," Pony said.

"Fineeeee," I said.

I hopped on his back and giggled.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Your name is Pony and I'm riding on your back like a horse," I said in between laughs. Even he laughed himself.

Eventually we went back to our houses, we decided I'd get my brothers and Pony would
make sure the rest of the gang was there and we would tell them.

Once we were all in the Curtis house, it was time.

"Ok so guys, we have gathered you here toda-" Pony said before i cut him off.

"WE'RE DATING!" I said, grabbing his hand proudly.

"HA PAY UP DAVID!" Soda said.

There was some sarcastic cheering and clapping.

"Are you guys not happy?" Pony asked.

"We've seen this coming for 14 years, it's no shocker," Darry said.

"Oh," I said.

"Let's go watch the sunset in the lot," Pony said.

"I was hoping you'd say that," I reply.

He carried me to the lot on his back again and we sat down. I laid my head in his lap and he played with my hair. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time," He said.

"I think i have too," I replied.

In that moment I knew, I didn't fall for Pony because of a silly polaroid picture, i fell for him a long time ago, and somehow never knew it.


this was much shorter than i wanted but it's ok haha! i pinky promise there will be some juicy stuff later on! i'm planning on making this pretty long since i always loved reading long fan fics. thank you so much for reading! stay gold everyone!
P.S. i still didn't proof read, so sorry for errors!


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