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Your POV:

Turns out walking around the town wasn't the best idea while i was healing because I was aching the next morning. Darry and James agreed I could stay home, they were basically the parents of the 2 households.

I felt bad making Ponyboy go to school alone but he said he would be fine. James carried me over to the Curtis house so I could hang out with the gang for the day.

"This isn't just a day off, I'm having Pony bring your homework back for you to do later," James said.

"Ughhh! Fine, I'll just make him help me," I replied.

The day was spent eating chocolate cake and watching mickey mouse. The gang had some questions about me and Pony,

"Soooo, how long have you been in love with Pony?" Two-bit asked.

"I'm not really sure," I replied.

James went to get groceries for the week and when he got back i heard fighting from the kitchen.

"James, we get brown eggs, you know this!" I heard Darry say.

"Eggs are eggs!" He replied.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey Two, what time is it?" I asked.

"About 2:30," He replied.

"Pony should be home soon," I said.

Eventually, Pony walked in the door, but he wasn't alone. A BLONDE GIRL WAS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM.

"WHO THE HELL-" Soda put his hand over my mouth before I could finish.

"Guys, this is Mary, she's my partner for a project. Y/N was absent so we got paired up," Pony said.

"Hello," she said. This girl made my blood boil.

"Soda, can you come back to my place with me," I whispered.

"Sure, Y/N,"

Pony watched as Soda put me on his back and carried me towards the door. I tapped Darry on  the shoulder,

"If they try anything, kill them both," I whispered to him. He nodded his head.

Soda and I hung out at my place for about an hour.

"I think they're gonna be done soon, let's go back," Soda said.

"Fine," I replied.

We walked back in and Mary was giggling. Soda plopped me on the couch next to Ponyboy.

"I don't wanna sit here," I said.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Pony asked.

"Ask Mary what's wrong I'm sure she'll tell ya," I replied.

I know I was acting weird but, I hadn't seen Pony all day and he just brings another girl home? I dont care that it was for a project, Pony and the gang was all I had left, so I was super protective over them, especially Ponyboy.

It wasn't Pony that I didn't trust, it was Mary I didn't trust. She clearly had a thing for him.

"Ponyyyyy wanna go to the dingo with me tonight?" Mary giggled.

"I would but I gotta help Y/N," He replied.

"Oh no Pony you go ahead, I've got Soda here to help," I chimed in. He gave me a blank stare because he clearly just didn't wanna go.

"Well Mary it's been nice having you, the door is over there," Two-Bit said.

"Ok!" She giggled.

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