𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛

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Word count: 1241
Third person
Hope Andrea Mikealson is known for three things her species being one of a kind, being the heroine turned dark, and being the daughter of Klaus Mikealson. Hope leaves mystic falls for good after the monsters were gone. After leaving she had snapped and went dark falling  into a depression causing her to become the monster she always was trying not to be. But unknowingly everything would change when she was reunited with the love of a her life who was supposedly dead. Landon Kirby had been "Dead" for about 6 months before seeing a glowing light through the darkness which he followed leading up a door that he opened and then stepped through and then ended up back at the Salvatore school but was it real or not? Landon walked though the door to see everyone staring like they had just saw a ghost. "Oh my.." Mg said but was cut off by Lizzie. "Is he real?" She asked. Landon was just as confused as them. "Yes, I think so? How long have I been gone? And where is Hope?" Landon asked very confused. "Better question how are you here?" Kaleb asked everyone was beyond confused. "I saw a light, and a door, I walked though it and now I'm here. I don't know how or why."  Landon said. Alaric looks at Landon. "That's strange we definitely need to do some research on it, we're happy to have you back." Alaric said. "Thanks Dr. Saltzman. Also again where is Hope?" Landon asked. "You should probably sit down it's a long story." Alaric replied. "The school has been struggling a little since you died, there has been no monster since but after you died Hope kinda lost it, she was killing, feeding, drinking, and completely isolating herself from everyone. We did the best we could but we had to send her back to New Orleans for her own good." Alaric said. Landon gave a look he obviously wasn't happy about the situation. "What no? You can't do that, your supposed to help her." Landon said. "We tried trust me. We think you may be the only one who can stop her now."  Alaric said. "Fine then I'll go." Landon said. "You shouldn't it's dangerous." Mg said. "I don't care, I love Hope Mikaelson and I will do anything to help her, now I have to go to go pack." Landon said before walking to his room and packing. Alaric went to his office and called Fraya. "Hey Mrs. Mikaelson it's Alaric again. How is everyone? I just wanted to let you know that Landon Kirby, Hope's boyfriend can back from the dead. We don't know how but it's really him and now he's coming for Hope." Alaric said. "Hello, we are fine Hope not so much. And that's great if he can get my niece back he can do anything he wants. I'll see him soon then." Fraya said. Meanwhile in New Orleans Hope was in her room laying on the floor until her emotions started to come though she then camped out found a few humans and ripped their throats out band then walking back. "Hope Andrea Mikealson, not again." Rebekah said seemingly angered. "I can't do this anymore." Hope said with tears  in her eyes. "I just want it all to stop, why won't it stop?" She asks as she cries. Rebekah sighs and hugs her. "Hope I know you're in pain but you can't kill anymore." Rebekah said. "I can't control it." Hope replies. "I know love." Rebekah says. "We'll help you control it, now please try to get some sleep." She added. Hope nods. "Okay I will, goodnight auntie Bex." Hope said before walking to her room. "Night Hope." Rebekah said before walking to the living room. Hope went to the bathroom and turned the shower one before getting in. She stood in the water for about 20 minutes before going to her bed. Back in mystic falls Landon was getting on a bus to New Orleans he went alone. The next day  Landon arrives in New Orleans it was different from last time he was their much darker.. Landon was  walking up to the Mikealson house where he knew  Hope was staying that's when a elderly woman looked at him and says. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you, some people who go in don't go out."  "Excuse me ma'am but what do you mean?" Landon asked with confusion written all over his face. "The child has grown to powerful she can't control it, bodies everywhere. Hope mikealson is going to be the downfall of this city." The woman said. Landon became annoyed because she was calling Hope a monster. "She's going through a lot, she just hurt." Landon snapped before knocking on the door it was answered by Fraya. "Hello Mrs. Mikealson. I'm Landon Kirby." Landon said. Fraya smiled slightly. "Hello Landon it's nice to met you." She said. "You too." Landon replied. "I should warn you Hope might freak out when she sees you." Fraya said. "I understand, where is she?" Landon asked concerned. "I'm not sure she's probably in her room."  Fraya said before Rebekah walks in. "Nope not in her room, probably out feeding or killing again." Rebekah said. "Wait again?" Landon asked very concerned. "Yes, she doesn't take death well." Rebekah said. Landon sighs. "I know. I wish I was there for her. But honestly I don't even know how I'm here right now." Landon says very worried about his girlfriend. "It's not your fault. We should probably go find her." Fraya said. They all agreed before looking all over town finally Landon walked into a bar where was Hope was standing over bodies, she was covered in blood some theirs and some hers. Landon walk up behind her. "Hope." He said. "I told you to leave me alone, why the hell won't you leave me alone." Hope says before placing her hand on her head thinking she was just hearing Landon's voice again. "Hope baby please turn around." Landon says before she does and almost instantly breakdown crying she then throws him against the wall thinking he was a Malivore monster or something. "Hope, please." Landon says quietly before looking into her eyes. "You aren't really him, he's gone." Hope says. "I am, I don't know how or why but I'm here, I'm right here." Landon said before placing her hand on in his cheek. Hope didn't move it instead through herself into his arms as she cries. Landon sighs softly and holds her. "It's okay baby, I'm here, I'm right here." He says. "Are you really here?" Hope asked before looking at him. "Yes I'm here." Landon replies before placing her hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. Hope takes a deep breath and looks at him. "I'm sorry about the bodies.." She says. "It's okay well fix it together." Landon replies. Hope nods before hugging him again. Landon held her. Later that night Hope and Landon were back at the Mikealson house in Hope's room. They were laying in bed rapped in each other's arms before Hope looks up at him. "Never leave me again." She says cuddling closer to him. "I won't ever again, I love you Hope Mikealson." Landon says before kissing her head. "I love you too." Hope replies they then kiss before falling asleep like that.

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