𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒

676 16 0

Word count: 1607
A/N: This story is pretty much in the same settings as legacies only different is Hope and Landon are best friends but what happens when they start developing feelings for each other.

No one's POV
It was dinner time at the Salvatore school everyone was done with class and for once there wasn't a monster attacking the school so the group of friends were sitting at their normal table talking. "So it's Friday night what should we do?" Lizzie asks the group which made up of Hope, Landon, Lizzie, Josie, Rafael, Mg, and Keleb. "I say throw a party." Keleb said. "You throw parties every weekend can't we just relax for one night." Hope said in a irritated tone before taking a drink of her water. "It's called teen spirit Hope chill out." Lizzie says shaking her head. "Calm down you two." Raf pipes in. "Sorry I'm just tired." Hope says before taking a breath. Landon glancing over at Hope. "You guys can party, I'm staying in tonight maybe another night." He says. "Okay love birds have fun having-"
Lizzie starts to say but was cut off by Josie. "Lizzie come on knock it off, you know their just friends." Josie said as she smiles at Landon as she kinda likes him. Hope was well aware of Josie's feelings about Landon and got slightly sad every time she saw the way Josie looked at him she wasn't sure why though they were just friends right? Landon on the other hand could see the sadness on Hope's face even though she desperately tried to hide it. He was worried about her so he looks at her as if trying to read her which obviously wasn't working. After dinner they get up. "Mg, Josie come on let's go plan a party." Lizzie said. Mg smiles and happily goes with her. "I'll be there in a minute." Josie says. Lizzie nods before her and Mg walk off. Raf and Keleb also left. Josie then looks at Landon. "Hey, do you want to hangout this weekend?" She asks. "Sure with the group?" Landon asks. "Oh I was thinking more like just the two of us." Josie said. Hope was already walking out she surely did not want to hear her best friend be flirted on by Josie out of all people. Landon looks at Hope and then sighs. "Like a causal thing?" Landon asked. "I was thinking a date." Josie said with a smile. "Look Josie you're a great person and all but I like someone else. I'm sorry." Landon said. "Oh that's fine.." Josie says before walking out. Landon sighed before the walking to his and Raf's room. "Hey Lan." Raf says. "Hey Raf, what's up?" Landon asked. "Nothing much I'm getting ready to head to Lizzie's party. How about you?" Raf asked. "Oh cool. Nothing really Josie just asked me out on a date.." Landon says. "What did you say?" Raf asked. "I said no." Landon replies. Raf then smirks. "Does this have something to do with Hope?" He asked. Landon quickly shakes his head. "No of course not why would it?" He asks. "No reason. Are you going to hangout with her tonight?" Raf asks. "Probably if she isn't too tired." Landon said with a smile. "Good." Raf replies. Meanwhile Hope was in her room sitting on the floor thinking and of course once again she was thinking about Landon. After it got to much she goes into the bathroom and turns the shower on before getting in once she was done she got dressed and laid on her bed before hearing a knock at her door. "Come in!" She says. Landon chuckles to himself before walking in. "Good evening princess." He says teasingly. "Hello to you too Landon." Hope says with a smile before Landon walks over to her bed and sits next to her. "But seriously are you okay?" Landon asked concerned because he knew she was upset earlier. Hope nods and looks into his eyes. "Yes I'm fine." She said. "You sure?" Landon asked. "Yes." Hope replies. Landon nods. "Okay good." Hope sighs softly and looks at Landon. "So you and Josie?" She asked trying to be supportive by giving a fake smile. "Oh no there is no me and Josie." Landon said. "Thank goodness. I mean why?" Hope asked letting out a sigh of relief. "I'm just not interested." Landon said before looking at her and chuckling. "Careful Hope or I'll start to think you're interested in me." He says jokingly. Hope bites her lip before playing shoving Landon. "Shut up." She says. Landon just chuckles before shaking his head. "So you wanna ditch the party and bing movies all night?" Landon asked. "Yes! I'll get snacks." Hope said. "Okay I'll be back then." He says before walking to his room to grab his computer while Hope got snacks and then went back to her room. "Okay let's see what should we do first?" Hope smirks. "Horror." She says. "Do you actually have want to watch horror or just want me to hold you?" Landon asked as he chuckles. "Hold me? More like the other way around." Hope said giggling before Landon plays it. They watched it until it got to a part that there was a very bad bloody death and Landon screamed a bit, Hope just shook a little. Landon then shut the screen off. "Too much?" He asked. Hope nods. "Oh yeah definitely." She says before rapping her arms around him and cuddling close. Landon pulled her close to his chest and holds her. "Don't tell anyone about this." Hope whispers. "Oh I won't." He whispers back before holding her closer Hope gladly stays close to him normally with anyone else this would be awkward but they often held each other like this. About twenty minutes went by before either of them spoke, Landon was the first one to break the silence. "So wanna try that again?" He asked. Hope nods. "Sure but I'm not moving." She said. Landon smiled. "Fine by me." He said before turning the movie back on. They watched about three more movies after that until Hope fell asleep in his arms. Landon just chuckles to himself knowing one of them was likely to fall asleep it happened almost every time. Sometimes depending on who's room they were in they would go back to their own room or sometimes they would just sleep over. And tonight was a sleepover night. Landon knew Hope didn't sleep well and any movement would wake her so he just turned off the computer before covering her up with the blanket and the kissing her forehead before falling asleep himself. The next morning they were woken by Josie who just abruptly walked into her rooms shocked by the slight of Hope rapped up in Landon's arms. "What the hell do you want? It's 7 am on a Saturday." Hope snapped very annoyed. Landon was still half asleep he just groaned and mumbles something under his breath. "Are you kidding me? She's the reason you wouldn't go out with me?" Josie asked annoyed. "What are you talking about? Hope is my best friend." Landon said. Hope just started getting upset causing stuff to start shaking. "Josie we will take about this later." Landon said before Josie walked out. Landon then rubs Hope's shoulders "Shush it's okay just calm down. It's okay love." He says. Hope breathes trying to calm down and she did after a few moments. "Thanks." Hope said. "No problem, all better?" Landon asked. "Yes much better." She replied. "Good." He says before looking at her. "Well I should go, see you later?" Landon asked. "Yeah see you later." Hope said with a small smile. Landon then get up and walks out. Later that day Josie and Landon were talking about her throwing a tantrum after seeing Landon and Hope it was all normal until Hope walked in then Josie kisses Landon just to upset Hope. Landon pushed her away. "What then hell is wrong with you?!" He shouts mad. Hope saw like Josie wanted and tried to keep herself from crying she then runs out into the woods and transformed into wolf form before running though the woods. Landon was beyond pissed so he walked off  to go find Hope. After hours of roaming through the woods Hope got dressed and walked to the dock where she sat thinking before letting tears out. She didn't even know why she was so heartbroken it's not like her and Landon are together. Minutes later Landon walks behind her and she nearly threw him across the dock with her mind. "Woah calm down it's just me." Landon said. "Sorry." Hope mumbled still teary eyed. Landon sighs softly before sitting next to her. Hope tried to keep quiet but couldn't hold back anymore. "I thought there was nothing going on between you and Josie" she said. "And there isn't she kissed me I swear I had no idea it would happen." Landon said feeling bad. "Don't, you don't have to explain your single you can kiss whoever you want." Hope said. "Well I don't want her." Landon said. "Why not Josie is perfect? She's everything. Why don't you want her?" Hope asked trying to figure it out. Landon takes a deep breath and looks at her. "Because she's not you." He said. Hope just looks shocked. "Wait what?" She asked. "She isn't you," Landon repeated. Hope said nothing she just pulled him closer before passionately kissing him. Landon gladly kissed back. "I think I'm in love with my best friend.."

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