𝑆ℎ𝑒'𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑒

563 18 5

Word count: 1187
Trigger warning this chapter contains mentions of death, depression, and greaf


Third person POV
It was coming up around that time of the year, the time that Hope's mom Hayley was killed. Even though it had been 4 years it still was very rough on Hope. During this time she began to push everyone away including her boyfriend Landon. She started to isolate herself from everyone, she even was skipping class, and meals because she was having a hard time getting out of bed. Landon was becoming very worried about his girlfriend due to the fact he had absolutely no idea what was going on because she refused to talk to him, or anyone for that matter. After three days it was finally the day, the anniversary of Hayley's death. Landon became worried since he hadn't seen Hope, she also didn't answer any of his calls or texts so he went to check on her. He knocked on the door. "Babe, it's me. Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked. "Nothing just go away." Hope said with a broken voice from the other side of the door. "Baby.." Landon said as he sat on the other side of the door knowing something was wrong. Hope didn't answer just sat there crying, she wanted to unlock the door and let him in, but didn't want him to see her when she was weak. She kept her back pressed against the door with her hands over her face. Landon sat there for hours until he heard the cries stop. He had to know what was going on so he went and asked Hope's best friend Lizzie. "Hey Lizzie." Landon said. "Hey, how is she?" Lizzie asked worried knowing how rough this time of year was for Hope. "Not good I assume. Do you know what's wrong?" Landon  asked. "Today's the anniversary of her moms death." Lizzie said. "Oh no.. Poor baby, what should I do? I don't want her to be alone." Landon said more worried about her now. "I don't know, she isolates herself during this time." Lizzie replied. Landon nodded. "Thanks Lizzie." He said. "Take care of her Landon." Lizzie said. "I will." Landon said before walking out. Meanwhile with Hope she was laying on the floor of her bedroom staring up at the ceiling completely lost in thought, she stopped crying now only feeling nothing but numbness. "It should have been me. I'm so sorry mom." She said silently knowing it should have been her to die not her parents. After awhile she heard a knock on her door. She unlocked it, and Landon walked in and almost instantly got onto the floor, and hugged his girlfriend. Hope didn't say anything. She allowed him to hug her until a few minutes went by, and she began to feel guilty. "No, no." She muttered before pushing him away. "Baby.." Landon said. "No. You shouldn't be comforted me, I did this. I got her killed, I got them all killed. I'm a killer, I killed my family." Hope said before breaking down again, but this time her breathing got heavy. Landon took her back into his arms even though she was desperately trying to push him away, not feeling like she deserved it. "Hey, baby no it's not you're fault. You didn't kill them, it's not you're fault. Just breathe." Landon said while holding her tightly. Hope continued to cry. "It is. I trusted Roman, I let him get close to my mom. If it wasn't for me she would still be alive." Hope said. "No, this is not on you. Roman, and his mother did that not you. This is not on you okay? And you're mother wouldn't want you blaming yourself." Landon said before picking her up off the floor, and setting her on her bed. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Hope cried. The pain she experienced on this day, was almost like reliving that day again. "Shush, it's okay. Everything going to be okay." Landon said while rubbing her shoulders trying to help her calm down. "She's gone Landon, and it hurts, it hurts so bad." Hope said while looking at him with teary eyes. "I know babygirl, I know. I'm so sorry." Landon said before kissing her head. Hope leaned back. "Can you just.." She asked. "Yeah of course, that's what I'm here for." Landon said before laying down on the bed, and pulling her down with him and holding her. He conformed her the best he could, after so long Hope ended up passing out from sleep deprivation. Hope hadn't been able to sleep in over a week. Even for tribrids that wasn't healthy. After a little while Landon decided to go make Hope food so she could eat, knowing she hadn't eaten in three days. After a few hours Hope finally woke up. "Landon.." she muttered before reaching for his hand. "Hey, it's okay baby. I'm right here." Landon said before taking her hand. "I miss her." She said before cuddling up against him. "I know babygirl, I know." Landon said before kissing her head. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Hope said feeling embarrassed about crying so much. "No don't be. I'm your boyfriend, I love you okay? That's what I'm here for. Don't be sorry." Landon said. "I know but I hate being weak." Hope said quietly while looking up at him. "You're not weak, you've been strong for way to long." Landon said. "I try to stay strong but inside I'm like a train wreak." Hope said with a sigh. "You're not a train wreck. You just need to learn to let people in, and help. You're not alone Hope." Landon said. "I know. I'll try. And thank you for everything Landon." Hope said. "No problem babe, that's what I'm here here for. Do you feel a little better now?" Landon asked. Hope nodded she did feel much better then she had. She was still sad, but not in that depressive state anymore. "I feel better then I did. I'm still sad, but not like I have been." She said. "Good. Well in that case you need to eat something. I made you food." Landon said. "Thank you." Hope said before sitting up. Landon handed her the tray so she could eat. She did, but had a bit of a hard time at first. "Thanks babe." Hope said. "No problem. Now just relax okay?" Landon asked before setting her plate on the dresser and then laying her down. "Hold me?" Hope asked while cuddling up close to him. "Of course." Landon said before holding her. "You're going to be okay Hope." He whispered before kissing her cheek. Hope nodded feeling safe in the arms of her lover. "I love you." Hope said. "And I love you."


Author's note: Soo this chapter was kinda short I apologize for that. Also this one was kinda dark and angst. (Not more then my others books) but yeah I'm sorry if that triggered anyone. Anyway I hope you have an amazing day. And thanks for reading❤️

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