𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 1)

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Word count: 1383
This story is probably going to be more then one part. It's how Hope and Landon get back together after the 3x13 breakup. Also a warning this story contains possible triggers such as depression, and heartbreak.

Third person.
It had been three weeks since Landon left Hope and Hope was utterly heartbroken. Day by day it became harder and harder for her to get out of bed each morning. Unless their was a monster problem she wouldn't leave her room. One night she was laying on the bedroom floor in complete darkness just lost in her own thoughts. She had lost track of time and was actually laying there since 6pm it was now 9pm. She felt her chest get tight and her throat close up and with ever thought her breathing go heavier and heavier but that's when Mrs. Forbes walked in. Caroline had gotten back from Europe last week and had been helping out around the school. The twins were extremely happy their mom was back, Caroline also had been acting as a mother figure to Hope as well. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Caroline asked hearing the violently loud breathing coming from the tribrid. "I-I can't breathe." Hope managed to get out and Caroline went over to her and picked her up off the ground. "Let's breathe together okay? Breathe in." Caroline said and Hope did. After her breathing back to normal Caroline stood up. "Hope sweetie, your stressed you need to let some of it out." She said. "How?" Hope asked. "Scream, cry, break. Whatever you need." Caroline said. "I need to scream." Hope muttered. "Then come on." Caroline said before leading the girl to the woods so she could let it out. "Now scream." Caroline said. Hope could feel all the emotions building up inside of her and that's when she screamed. It was a loud sorrowful scream that unleashed a blast of magic that took out the power all threw mystic falls and the other towns around it. Hope broke into tears feeling guilty for what she did. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She says. Caroline hugged her. "Shush it's okay sweetie." The blonde vampire said. Hope just cried into her arms. Three towns over Landon was in a hotel looking up things about Malivore that was until the power unexpectedly went out. "Great." He muttered to himself before walking out of his room to see that the whole block was out of power. "Landon, did you feel and hear that?" Cleo asked after stepping out of her room. "The shake yeah. What are we thinking Banshee? Siren?" Landon asked. "No, I don't think so. It felt more like a witch, I could feel the magic it was most definitely a witch." Cleo said. Landon nodded. "Well that's unusual. A witch took out the power? Is that possible?" Landon asked. "Yes, if it's a powerful enough witch then it could have come from towns over." Cleo said. "Well we can check it out tomorrow." Landon said. "I agree. Goodnight Landon." Cleo said before walking back in her room. Landon did the same but for some reason that night he couldn't thinking about his ex girlfriend. He loved her, he would always love her, but he couldn't be with her. Meanwhile back at the Salvatore school the students were kinda a bit worried that the power was out. Hope felt so awful she was on the verge of a mental breakdown all night. Since some of the students were worried they camped out in the lobby. Hope was sitting in a corner when Alaric walked up to her. "Hope, you did this?" He asked in a calm tone. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too." She replied. "It's okay. It was an accident, don't feel bad. Just try to get some sleep okay? You need it." Alaric said. Hope nodded and walked back to her room. She did cry herself to sleep that night like she had been doing every night. She was completely heartbroken. The next morning the power was back on luckily but Matt Donavon came by the school to talk to Alaric. "Hello Matt, what can I do for you?" Alaric asked like he didn't know what that was about. "Last night there was a huge power outage that wiped out the power from here to three towns over. Now their is no natural reason for this so I'm thinking one of your students may have had something to do with it." Matt said. "Yes you are right but it was an accident and you will not go near her." Alaric said. "What happened? Was she trying to hurt someone? And who is she?" Matt asked. "No she wasn't. She was upset and screamed but accidentally let out a blast of magic. She's a good kid she's just struggling right now." Alaric said. "Understandable. Well try to make sure she doesn't do that again. Have a good day." Matt said before leaving. "I'm sorry Dr. Saltzman." Hope said with a sadden look on her face. "Hey, it's okay. It was an accident Hope we all know that." Alaric said. "No one got hurt right?" Hope asked. "No of course not. But someone got hurt but you didn't cause it hope you have to know that. He was an idiot for leaving you." Alaric said. "I don't want to talk about him. It hurts enough just thinking about him." Hope said. "I'm sorry Hope."
Alaric said. "Thanks." She muttered. Alaric put his hand on her shoulder. Hope nods feeling her eyes start to water again. "Go try to relax." Alaric said to the girl. And Hope did well sort of. Meanwhile Landon was trying to think of a witch that would be powerful enough to whip out the power from three towns over... His ex girlfriend could and that's when he realized it was most likely all his fault and it was. He left her heartbroken and now she was out of control. "Cleo.. I need to talk to Alaric Saltzman." Landon said to the witch. "Is this about Hope?" Cleo asked knowing that it was Hope scream the whole time. "Maybe I'm not sure." Landon said before packing his stuff and got on the next bus back to mystic falls. "Landon, are you sure this is a good idea?" Cleo asked. "No it's probably a horrible idea. But my ex is the one of the most powerful beings in history if she's flipping out it could be deadly." Landon said trying not to worry about her. "I understand." Cleo said. "Hey I wanted to ask you about something. I've been having these weird recurring dreams every time I got to sleep since I got back from the prison world. Their more like flashes though I see this girl with curly black hair and blue eyes, she can't be much older then 10. Then I see a baby a blue eyed baby, and a bunch of other things. Is that magic related?" Landon asked. "I don't know. We can look into it." Cleo said. "Thanks. Anyway we're here. I'll just go talk to Alaric." Landon said before walking in. Meanwhile back with Hope she started feeling a little discomfort in her stomach but because that had been happening she ignored it but ended up throwing up which she had been doing as well. She just thought she was upset and it was causing her to be sick. "Hope? Are you sick again? Maybe you should see a doctor." Josie said to her friend. "I'll be fine Jo." Hope said before slashing water on her face. "You don't seem okay." Josie said. "I'm just upset. It's probably causing me to be sick." She said. "I don't know, do tribrids get sick?" Josie asked. "I don't know." Hope replied because walking out of the bathroom. "Hmm well maybe we should take you to the doctor." Josie said. "I'm fine Jo really. Now didn't you need help with a spell?" Hope asked. "Are you sure you should be doing magic sick?" Josie asked. "I'll be fine let's go." Hope said before they walked out of the room but when turning the corner and saw Landon both of them stared at each other. Hope couldn't it and walked off.

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