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Word count: 1166
No one's POV
It was a normal day in July now of the students at the Salvatore school were coming back from summer break and some were just starting at the school. This was the case for 17 year old Landon Kirby a phoenix. He was currently at the school talking to the headmistress Mrs. Caroline Forbes. "Okay so now that we've went over the basic rules, guidelines, and signed all your paperwork you may go settle into your room. You'll be rooming with Hope Mikealson. That's room 23." She said. "Alright thank you ma'am." Landon said with a small smile before Caroline showed him out. Hope Mikealson is a 17 year old tribrid. Her parents had died last year so she had been staying in New Orleans before deciding to go back to the school. She had already been there a week so she was already unpacked. 'Great I have a roommate this year. This should be fun.' She thought to herself before someone walked into the room. To her surprise it was a boy with curly black hair and greenish gray eyes. She hadn't seen him there before so she just assumed he was new. Landon had walked into the room not thinking anyone would be there but he was wrong. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I thought no one would be here." He said awkwardly as he looked at the girl which he assumed must have been Hope. "It's fine, I'm guessing you're my roommate." Hope said looking at him. Landon nodded. "Yeah well I think so, are you Hope?" He asked. "Yes I am. And you are?" She asked. "Landon Kirby. Nice to meet you." He said. "Nice to meet you too." Hope said. Landon then stepped into the room before just standing there. "This side is yours." Hope said before pointing to his half of the room. "Ah okay thank you." Landon said before starting to unpack. "No problem, I have some business to indent to. I'll be back later if you need any help." Hope said before putting her jacket on. "Alright. And thank you."  Landon said with a friendly smile. "No problem." Hope said before walking out.... Later that night Hope finally arrived back it was about 7 pm now so it had been a few hours. Landon had finished unpacking and was now  just laying on his bed reading when Hope walked in she was in a mood. Landon didn't even notice her coming back he was to busy reading.  Hope just walked over to her bed and laid face down on the bed. After about 15 minutes Landon put the book down and saw Hope who seemed off for some reason. He hadn't known her for more than a few hours but he could tell she seemed different. "Hey." He said. Hope didn't look up. "Hey." She says back. "Everything okay?" Landon asked before Hope sat up. "Yeah everything is fine." She says. Landon nodded not sure if he believed her but also didn't want to push her. "Okay. Well if you don't mind me asking what are you?" He asked. "I'm a lot of things. My dad was a the original hybrid, my mom was a werewolf alpha, and my grandma was a witch. Making me a hybrid of three different species. A tribrid I'm the only one of my kind." Hope said. Landon looked at her. "Wow that's really cool actually. Well I'll make sure not to get on your bad side." He said. Hope smiled slightly before looking down. "Yeah um I can be very dangerous. What about you?" She asked. "I'm a phoenix. I'm the only one known to exist." Landon said. Hope looks at him. "So can you like fly?" She asked. "I think so. I'm not sure." Landon replied. They talked for a few hours before it got late and bedtime. "Night Hope." Landon said as he lays in his bed. "Night Landon." Hope said back before turning of the lights. Landon went to sleep almost instantly after laying down because he had been tired from the trip there. But Hope was a different story she tossed and turned for two hours before finally being able to fall asleep and it wasn't long until her nightmares started. It was about 3 am when she woke up from her nightmare she was trembling and sobbing uncontrollably she tired to be quiet but all hope of that was lost after she started hyperventilating because of the panic attack the dream triggered. Landon heard it and at first thought he was just dreaming but when he figured out what was going on he got up and went over to Hope. "Hey, hey. Deep breaths." He says before holding her hands trying to calm her. Hope tried to breathe but was struggling too. "Okay breath in now hold." Landon said before Hope did that. "Okay now out." He said. Hope's breathing then started to get normal again her body was still shaking. So Landon just pulled her close to him it was risky giving on they had only just met that day. Hope rapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. She hated being weak in front of people but she just couldn't help it. After awhile Hope fell back asleep so Landon gently laid her down before trying to go back to his bed but she didn't let go so he just stayed and cuddled her. Hope had a few more nightmares throughout the night so Landon just held her close and stayed with her so he could calm her. The next morning Hope woke up and Landon's wasn't there she was starting to believe it was a dream but then Landon walked into the room already dressed in his normal clothes. She wasn't sure why but everytime she thought about him or he got close her heart would start racing. It was the same for Landon. For the next few weeks everything went on as normal school had started back up so both of them were pretty busy but did hangout a bit. One night both Hope and Landon were sitting in their room glancing over at each other before Hope finally broke the silence. "Landon, um could we talk?" Hope asked almost instantly regretting it. "Yeah of course, what's up?" Landon asked before sitting down next to her and looking at her. Hope went to speak but her heart started pounding she became so nervous that she couldn't get any words out. "Hope?" Landon asked becoming concerned. "I-Uh." She stuttered. Landon hugged her close unsure of what else to do. Once Hope calmed down a bit she whispered. "I think I have feelings for you."  Just loud enough so he could hear it but she didn't look up at him scared of his reaction. Landon smiled to himself before pulling her face up gently before kissing her. "I have feelings for you too."

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