Holly Jolly (Part 2)

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About an hour after the boys left Nikki had woken up with most of her energy back. She hated using her powers because of just how much energy it took out of her. That wasn't even the worst of what she could do. She could do worse, way worse.

The sound of an object dropping snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked around and saw El with the millennium falcon just before where she sat. Nikki looked at the snacks in front of her and tried to find some El didn't munch on, but was quickly distracted by El standing up.

El turned, grabbed her sister's hand and started to drag her upstairs behind her. Nikki almost fell a few times trying to get her legs under her as they went up the stairs to the first floor.

When they got up the steps El released her hand and started to explore. Nikki looked around as well, not necessarily at the objects, but for people that could find them. After not seeing nor hearing anyone, she decided to join her sister in the living room.

She watched as El cranked back the handle on the chair in the middle of the room and her feet came flying up. Nikki took a step back from the sudden shock and thought it would be best to stay a way from the chair.

She walked over to the other side of the room to look at the photos she didn't get to see the other day. After a while she had gotten bored and looked to see what her sister was doing. She noticed El had moved from the chair to in front of the television, flipping through the channels.

Nikki looked back at the chair and started to feel her stomach sicken.


"All right, Nine." Brenner said tightening one of the straps on a metal chair. A chair that kept Nine's feet elevated so she can't run and had straps to make sure she can't fight back. Scraps were tightly wrapped around her wrists, ankles and waist. They were so tight that if she tried to fight them for a long time, she would have cuts on her skin by the end of it.

They would always do this to her. Once a week they would take her into a room that had only a single chair in the middle. They made her sit in it and they would strap her down. Every time it was the same thing. They would give a shot full of blue liquid. She would have a major reaction to it, like her inside were burning, and the side effect would last for a few hours. A few hours that felt like pure torture.

Why did they do this? Because she was too powerful. Even when she was 5 or 6 all the scientists knew this. They injected her every week with this liquid since she was 6. And the shot, they told her, helped in controlling her powers. It made her more tired when she used her powers and never allowed her to used too much. They didn't know the full extent of her powers or how they grew with her. All the scientists knew was if she missed more than a weeks shot, she could kill anyone she pleases.

"If you do well," Brenner continued his deal he told her every week when they did this. "You can go and see Eleven in her room tomorrow, okay?"

She nodded her head and braced herself for the hours of pain to come. She watched as one of the scientists walked over to her with the shot ready. It was the same blue liquid, the same amount as last week. She turned her head away as she waited for the prick to come.

The injection was always the easy part, it was the moments afterward that was the hard enough. It was moments of dead silence, waiting for the reaction to begin.

A few minutes later she started to feel the discomfort in her chest. Slowly, it spread to her stomach, then to her head, then to rest of her body. As seconds passed the pain got worse and worse making her wanted to move to try to get herself better. She fought against the straps and soon the pain was bad enough to get her to scream and cry, wanting it to stop.

The scientists left the room to let her suffer by herself. As the door closed behind them, the heard a scream that could make their ears bleed. A scream that showed how much the girl was going to go through.


Nikki was drawn out of her flashback by El grabbing her hand and leading her up the stairs to a pink room.

The girls stepped in and started to look around just like they had did in the living room. Nikki walked over the a photo board and looked at the photos with curiosity. It was a bunch of photos of a girl Nikki remembered as Nancy with a bunch of random people scattered throughout the board. Mike was in a few of them, but the others she didn't know.

Soon El joined her at the photos and tensed up at one. Nikki looked at the photo she was seeing but didn't recognize who the girl beside Nancy was. All she knew was that some bad happened to her, and El knew exactly what it was.


Mike, Lucas and Dustin crouched over the grass on the playground picking up different and only keeping a few of them. The rest they threw aside.

"How about this one?" Mike asked walking over to Dustin, showing him a rock.

Dustin studied it for a second. "Too big for the sling." He threw it aside and continued his search. "So, do you think Eleven and Nine were born with their powers, like the X-Men, or do you think they acquired them, like...like Green Lantern."

"Their not superheroes." Lucas disagreed. "Their weirdos."

"Why does that matter?" Mike stood up for them. "The X-Men are weirdos."

"If you love her so much why don't you marry her." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Mike sighed.

"Mike, seriously?"


"You look at Eleven all, like..." Lucas made his voice soft, imitating Mike. "Hi, El. El! El! El! I love you so much! Would you marry me?"

"Shut up, Lucas." Mike tried to push Lucas off of him.

"Yeah, shut up, Lucas." Troy walked up to the boys. "What are you losers doing back here?"

"Probably looking for their missing friend." James said with a smirk.

"That's not funny." Dustin glared at him. "It's serious. He's in danger."

"I hate to break it to you, toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead." Troy said coldly. "That's what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer."

The two boys laughed while the others sighed at them.

"Come on. Just ignore them." Mike said staring to walk away. As he was passing Troy, Troy kicked out his leg making him trip and fall hard on the ground.

"Watch where you're going, Frogface." Troy said high-fiving James and then walked away.

Lucas and Dustin helped Mike up.

"You all right?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah." Mike said, looking at the two boys walking off.

"Hey." Dustin said picking up a rock and showing it to the rest. "How about this one?"

"Yeah." Mike laughed.


"Yeah, this is it." Mike said handing it to Lucas.

"Oh yeah." Lucas agreed. "Yeah, this is the monster killer!"

Authors note
I like writing about Nikki's backstory more than I thought I would. I guess that's because that's something that I can use my ideas for.

Thanks for reading guys!

Love ya!! ❤️❤️❤️

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