The Body (Part 2)

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The boys quickly split up. Lucas and Dustin stayed downstairs to look through Nancy's old clothes and find something the girls could wear. And Mike went upstairs with the girls to put a little makeup on them.

In the end, El wore a pretty pink dress with a blonde wig and Nikki wore a pair of black jeans, a blue t-shirt that had flowers bordering at the bottom and a long brown wig that had a half up do.

When the girls were finished getting dressed the walked out of the room hand in hand. The boys turned their way and all of their eyes went wide in shock.

"Wow." Dustin said impressed. "They look-"


"Great." Mike and Lucas talked at the same time. Mike was staring at El, even Nikki could see that. She looked at Lucas and met his eye, making him quickly look away and act like he wasn't looking at her.

"Good." Mike caught himself. "You two look pretty good."

He said "you two" but his eyes never left El. Nikki smiled slightly, noticing the little smile El had.

El grabbed Nikki's hand and dragged her over to the mirror. The girls stopped to look at their reflection.

"Pretty." El smiled at her reflection. Nikki smiled at her sister, she did look pretty. "Good."

Nikki looked at her reflection and didn't know what to think of it. On the outside, she looked like a totally new person, a normal person. But on the inside, she was still the girl from the lab with weird powers that made her a weirdo and a freak. Powers that made her a monster to many people.

"Nikki?" Lucas's voice tore her graze from her reflection. He looked concerned, even a little confused. "You okay?"

She nodded and followed everyone out of the house. It was about time they should go to school.


The group rode through the town streets. El was on the back of Mike's bike and Nikki was on the back of Lucas's. As the buildings passed by the girls took every sight in.

Once they got to the school the boys parked their bikes and the girls followed them inside.

"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad." Mike instructed as he took the lead.

The girls looked toward Dustin and Lucas who made sad faces. the girls copied their movements earning nods from both of them.

An announcement came on the speaker making Nikki look to see where the voice was coming from. It distracted her enough to fall behind a little bit.

"Nikki." Lucas called from in front of her. He waved for her to catch up. "Come on."

Soon the group came to the AV Room and Mike tried the door.

"It's locked." Mike sighed.

"What?" Lucas tried the door himself.

"Hey El, do you think you can open it?" Dustin asked. "With your powers?"

"Boys?" A mans voice made the group jumped back. Mr. Clarke stood in front of them with a saddened expression. "Assembly's about to start."

"We know." Mike said starting to act sad. "We're just, you know..."

"Upset." Lucas finished for him smiling until he remembered he needed to act sad.

"Yeah, definitely upset." Dustin stammered.

"We need some alone time."

""To cry." Dustin finished, badly acting.

"Yeah, listen." Mr. Clarke nodded sadly. "I get it. I do. I know how hard this is but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then," he dug around in his pocket, pulled out his keys and threw at Mike. "The Hearhkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?"

The boys smiled victorious while the girls remained the same. Mr Clarke looked at the girls and looked surprised to see them.

He smiled kindly at them. "I don't believe we've met. What's your guy's name?"

Nikki's eyes went wide as El started to answer for them. "Elev-"

"Eleanor!" Mike quickly tried to create a story. "And that's Nicole. Their my, uh-"

"Cousin." Lucas helped.

"Second cousin." Dustin said, raising two fingers.

"Their here for Will's funeral." Mike sighed.

"Well, welcome to Hawkins Middle Eleanor and Nicole." Mr Clarke said, believing everything. "I wish you two were here under better circumstances."

El and Nikki glanced at each other quickly.

"Thank you." El spoke for the both of them.

"Uh, where are you from exactly?"

All the boys turned their heads towards the girls worried they would blow their cover.

"Bad place." El shook her head.

"Sweden!" Dustin blurted out.

"I have a lot of Swedish family." Mike played along.

"They hate it there." Dustin continued while getting a weird look from the girls.

"Cold!" Lucas added.

"Subzero." Dustin finished with Mr Clarke also giving them a weird look.

"Shall we?"

"Yep!" Lucas nodded and all turned to walk down the hallway.

They walked all the way down to the gymnasium doors and when they opened it made a loud noise that made people turn their heads towards them.

"Abort." Dustin whispered and both he and Nikki turned to leave. Lucas caught both of them and turned them around to take a seat.

The principal continued as they found a seat. Once they did, a familiar pit started to form in Nikki's stomach.

She looked around cautiously and her eyes landed on two boys laughing and making cruel jokes.

"Who is interested in this?" Troy laughed quietly. "This is so stupid."

Nikki watched, slightly angry as the boys chuckled and mocked the principal. Nikki turned to see if anyone else saw what was happening and saw the group all looking at the boys with hatred.

"Mouth breather." El whispered to Mike, who just looked at her.

Nikki looked at Lucas, who was sitting next to her, and immediately noticed how angry he was. His eyes were burning into the boys' sculls, his hands were in a tight fist and was slightly shaking from the anger.

Nikki carefully placed her hand on his shoulder trying to tear his eyes away from the boys. It worked, he relaxed himself and tried his best to pay attention to what was happening with the speaker.

Nikki half smiled and took her hand away. She felt like in some way, even if he might deny it, he trusted her. The tiniest bit.

And that trust meant more to her than he will ever know.

Authors note
Thanks again for reading!

Love ya!! ❤️❤️❤️

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