Holly Jolly (Part 3)

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Nikki and El managed to make it to the power lines with a few minutes to spare. As El paced, Nikki sat down trying to conserve her energy she had. She was almost all the way better, but not 100%. As she was walking up the hill she lost her balance a few times but managed to regain it with a little help from El.

"Three-one-five." El checked the time on her watch. "Three-one-five. Three-one-five."

El paced for a few more seconds before spotting something behind Nikki. Nikki turned to see a cat meowing at both of the girls. Looking back at El, Nikki saw her frozen in place. Nikki knew she was having a flashback. This wasn't the first time she had seen her do it.

Nikki stood up and softly placed a gentle hand on El's arm. Immediately El jumped out of her spot and looked at her sister.

"It's okay." Nikki assured, seeing the look of terror on her face.

"El! Nikki!" Mike's voice made the to girls whip their heads towards the three boys holding their bikes. "You okay?"

Both girls nodded not wanting them to know anything about what just happened to El.

Mike tapped his bike seat. "Hop on. We only have a few hours. El, you'll be with me. And Nikki, you'll be with Lucas."

Nikki looked at Lucas in time to see him roll his eyes. She knew he had been forced to be with her. Nonetheless, she nodded and got the back of his bike. Once Lucas got on she wrapped her arms around his waist making him tense a little at her touch.

Before she knew it, they were off heading for the woods. Ready to find Will.


The group of five had been walking for a while on a trail in the woods. Mike and El took the lead while Dustin, Lucas and Nikki were behind them.

Mike and El had started a conversation, leaving the others to their own silence. Nikki was constantly looking at the things around her with wonder. She hadn't been in the real world long and she wanted to see as much of it as she could.

She would look at how tall the trees were and the different shapes of the leaves on different trees. She looked at the rocks and the different sizes and colors they had. She wanted to see every detail of everything. That was until she felt the awful sinking feeling in her stomach again.

She started to slow down her tracks and breath slightly heavier than before.

"You okay?" Lucas asked noticing her face pale and her eyes fill with worry.

She nodded but it wasn't very convincing to him. Still, he let the matter drop but kept a close eye on her in case anything were to happen to her.


Hours later, the sun had gone down and the kids were still walking. Only now El had taken the lead and was walking quickly to their destination. Soon, El stopped and turned to Mike. "Here."

"Yeah, this is where Will lives." Mike said confused.


"No, no, this is where he lives." Mike repeated. "He's missing from here. Understand?"

Lucas, Dustin and Nikki had finally caught up with the pair but nobody seemed to be in a good mood. Especially not Lucas.

"What are we doing here?" Lucas asked with annoyance laced in his voice.

"She said he's hiding here." Mike caught them up.

Nikki looked toward the house. Why would he be hiding here? She wondered.

"Um...no!" Lucas shook his head.

"I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing-"

"That's exactly what we did." Lucas interrupted Dustin. "I told you they didn't know what the hell they were talking about!"

The group continued fighting but Nikki didn't listen. Instead, she felt her heart starting to race and the yelling started to muffle in her ears. Breathes were becoming shorter and her head started to pound. A high pitched ringing took over the muffled voices of the boys. She covered her ears to make it stop but it didn't work. Red lights seemed to be flashing around her as she felt an arm grab hers and set her on the bike. She heard a muffled 'hold on' before the bike started to move. Her breathes were getting too short and black dots started to cloud her vision.

Just as she thought she was going to pass out, everything returned back to normal like nothing ever happened. She looked around and saw emergency vehicles scattered everywhere right beside a lake. She got off the bike and ran with the boys and her sister to behind a fire truck.

They all watched stunned as they lifted a body out of the water.

"It's not Will. It can't be." Mike shook his head at the sight.

"It's Will. It's really Will." Lucas said sadly, making Nikki's heart ache at his tone.

Mike walked away from the sight slowly.

"Mike." El tried to say something but she couldn't. She placed her hand on his arm trying to comfort him.

He quickly slapped it away, making both of the girls jump. "Mike? Mike what? You were supposed to help us find him alive. You said he was alive! Why did you lie to us? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you both?"

"Mike." El whispered starting to cry herself.

"What?" He asked raising his eyebrows before running towards his bike to leave.

"Mike, come on." Lucas said with a few tears slipping down his face. "Don't do this, man. Mike."

"Mike, where are you going?" Dustin asked watching Mike get on his bike and leave. "Mike!"

Once Mike was out of sight, Lucas turned to Nikki. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?" He asked in a softer voice than expected.

Nikki shook her head. How would she know all of this would happen? "No."

He shook his head not believing the truth she spoke. He scoffed and left the same way Mike did, leaving Dustin and the girls behind.

Authors note
I honestly thought Holly Jolly would have had more chapters, but I guess not.

Thank for reading guys, I really appreciate it more than you know!

Love ya!! ❤️❤️❤️

Blood - Lucas SinclairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora