The Upside Down (Part 3)

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The ran into the classroom with Dustin trying to talk calmly to El. Mike and Lucas weren't far behind him with Nikki. They shut the door behind them and tried to navigate through the classroom with blinking lights.

Dustin set El on a science table while Nikki got a chair not to far from her.

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked kneeling beside her.

In all honesty, this was the worse she had felt since leaving the lab. Her body was full of aches and pains, it was hard to figure out where it hurt most.

She shook her head unable to say how she was feeling.

"Hey, hey." Lucas grabbed her shaking hands. "It's going to be okay."

"No." Nikki shook her head as tears filled her eyes and tumbled down her face. Her voice was barely there but it sounded like it had all the pain in the world. "No. Lucas."

"It's okay." Lucas tried to calm down the girl but by her reaction he knew she had a bad feeling about something. "I'm sorry about how I treated you before. You really are an awesome person. When we get out of here, I promise you, I'll be better."

"Lucas." Nikki sighed in pain.

The gun shots stopped and all of the boys gathered together in front of Nikki.

" it dead?" Dustin stuttered.

No. Nikki thought but before she could say it the classroom door busted open, letting everyone see the Demogorgon.

Chaos erupted from the boys as they started yelling at one another.

"Get the wrist rocket!" Dustin yelled pulling Lucas's backpack from him. "Get the wrist rocket now!"

They unzipped the backpack and Lucas got out his wrist rocket and got it ready.

"Get the rock, get the rocks, get the rocks!" Mike yelled at Dustin who was looking through the bag for them.

"Getting the rocks!" Dustin yelled back.

"Give me one." Lucas held out his hand as Dustin gave him one.

"Kill it! Kill it!" Mike yelled as Lucas released the rock. It simply just bounced off the skin of the Demogorgon making it angrier.

Nikki looked at El who looked back at her and both of them knew...

They needed to finish this.

Meanwhile, the boys tried to shoot two more times with no luck. Lucas grabbed another rock and loaded it in the wrist rocket. He aimed for the open mouth and released it.

The Demogorgon flew back hitting the black board. The boys stumbled back thinking the wrist rocket worked until they saw a light blue haze trap it in place.

El and Nikki walked through the boys, El had her head down and Nikki had her hand up with a blue orb shining brightly. Nikki tried to ignore the horrible pain shooting through her with every step. As she passed Lucas she gave him a small, thankful smile.

"Guys, stop!" Mike called after him. In the corner of her eye Nikki saw El raise her hand behind her then a scream was heard telling her that El pushed him out of their way.

As they got closer, the blue in Nikki's hand turned slowly into red, grabbing the life of the Demogorgon.

"Goodbye, Mike." El said next to her before turning to her sister. Both of them nodded and turned to focus on the monster. "No more."

El raised up her hand while Nikki used every last bit of her energy trying to crush the Demogorgon's life. She felt her energy draining quickly and when she thought she couldn't hold it anymore, she pushed herself farther.

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