The Body (Part 1)

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Later that night El and Nikki went back to Mike's basement with Dustin helping them. By the time the girls got back, Mike was seated on his couch looking through pictures that were drawn by Will. He did say anything to the girls as El dragged Nikki over to the fort.

After sitting in the fort for a few minutes, El found Mike's walkie talkie and started to mess with it. The crackling and weird noises from the machine made Nikki curious about it. She leaned her head on her sister's shoulder to watch her at work.

"Can you please stop that?" Mike said with a little more of an attitude. Nikki knew he wasn't so happy with them and he had every right too. They lead them to see their best friend's body being pulled out of a lake. It was their fault they saw it.

El turned off the radio and waited till Mike went back to the drawings before she turned it back on.

"Are you deaf?" Mike snapped at her. "I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other."

Nikki felt her heart drop at his words. Even though she had no idea about any of it, she still felt like she was the one to blame.

"You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't." Nikki felt El tense beside her. "Maybe you two thought you were helping but you weren't. You hurt me. Do you understand? What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you two. All along."

Both girls looked at him feeling hurt. Quickly, El looked back at the radio and started to mess with it again. Nikki knew her sister was up to something. To help Nikki placed her hand over El's and watched as a light blue haze formed in between their hands. El picked up the pace knowing her sister was transferring her some of her energy and it wouldn't last long.

Static filled the room, until it broke.

"So come on and let me know." A voice came across the radio. "Should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now?"

Mike ran over to the girls and knelt in front of them. El handed him the walkie, doing so made Nikki's hand fall off of hers. Nikki sat back and closed her eyes, drained. She tried to listen to the muffled voices of Mike and El, but soon the darkness got the best of her and made her fall asleep.

The last thing she heard before she completely fell asleep was El.



The next morning Lucas was able to stay home from school and he planned to spend it in his bed, mourning his friend. That was quickly cut short however by Mike pestering him on the walkie talkie.

Lucas, do you copy?

He didn't make an effort to budge. He thought if he ignored him long enough he would go away.

Lucas, come on, I know you're there! This is urgent. I'm serious.

He still didn't move.

I'm not gonna stop until you answer. Lucas. Lucas! Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas...

As Mike continued Lucas finally had enough and grabbed the radio. He sat up and extended the antenna.

"Go away, Mike." Lucas interrupted him. "I'm not in the mood, all right? Over and out."

No, not out. Mike stopped him from shutting of the radio. I'm not messing around, okay? This is about Will. Over.

"What about Will? You mean about his funeral? Over."

No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!

Lucas scrunched his eyebrows. "What?"

Get over here stat. And bring Dustin. Over and out.


The boys sat around the girls watching what they were doing. El was once again messing with the radio while Nikki help with transferring energy to her. However, after a while El shook her hand off, not wanting Nikki to waste all her energy again.

"We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?" Mike asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I heard a baby." Lucas sighed disappointed.


"Mike," Lucas spoke softly. Nikki could see that he was hurting and it hurt him to tell Mike what he thought it was. "You obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburn's next door."

"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you?" Mike looked at Lucas incredulously. "That was Will!"


"Lucas, you don't understand." Mike interrupted. "He spoke last night. Words! He was singing that weird song he loves. Even the girls heard him!"

"I heard." Nikki added trying to help, but backed out of the conversation due to the boys staring at her.

"Well, if the weirdos heard him, then I guess-"

"Are you sure you're on the right channel?" Dustin interrupted.

"I don't think it's about that." Mike stated trying to put the pieces together. "I think, somehow, El's channeling him. And Nikki is helping her when she makes that blue light."

"That's so awesome." Dustin's eyes went wide.

"Yeah." Mike agreed.

"Are you actually believing this crap?" Lucas asked pointedly.

"I don't know, I mean, do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water. He's dead!"

Everyone looked at him with a mixture of shock and hurt. No one wanted to believe that. And El was going to make sure that would happen. She grabbed the radio and started to mess with it again. Nikki offered to help by putting her hand on top of hers but it was quickly brushed away.

"Well, maybe it's his ghost. Maybe he's haunting us." Dustin tried to come up with a reasonable hypothesis.

"It's not his ghost." Mike shook his head.

"So how do you know that?" Lucas questioned.

"I just do!"

"Then what was in that water?" Lucas asked angrily.

"I don't know!" Mike replied honestly. "All I know is Will is alive. Will is alive! He's out there somewhere. All we have to do is find him."

The group went quiet and static filled the room. The boys turned to El, who was still trying to get the signal through.

"This isn't gonna work." Mike sighed. "We need to get them to a stronger radio."

Dustin's eyes lit up. "Mr. Clarke's Heathkit ham shack."

Mike nodded and smiled. "Yeah."

"The Heathkit's at school." Lucas intervened. "There is no way we're gonna get the weirdos in there without anyone noticing. I mean, look at them."

Nikki felt hurt by what he said. Somehow it stung more than what he usually said towards them. She looked down at her hands uncomfortable from everyone looking at her and her sister.

Finally, Mike broke the silence and the staring.

"I got an idea."

Authors note
This is probably one of my favorite episodes from season 1 or it's episode 8. I just love the two of them. What's your favorite season 1 episode?

Thanks for reading!

Love ya!! ❤️❤️❤️

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