Season 2 Teaser!!

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El woke up with a start on a cold dirty floor, in a room the resembled the classroom she and Nikki were last seen in before they disappeared into thin air. Immediately after her lungs filled with air she began a coughing fit from choking on some liquid of the upside down. Once she caught her breath she sat up and looked around the classroom. It was quiet, too quiet.

"Nikki?" El called out to her sister who was no where to be seen. "Nikki!"

She stood up and looked in every corner of the room to see no evidence of Nikki ever being there.

"Nikki!" El cried loudly hoping to see her sister's face pop out from somewhere. After getting no response, she felt tears starting to well in her eyes. "Mike?"

El left the classroom and made her way down the halls shouting, hoping for anyone of her friends or family to hear. "Mike! Mike! Nikki!"

She slowed herself to a stop, however, when she came across a glowing red hole in the wall at the end of the hallway. She step forward to get a closer look and saw men standing on the other side with flashlights pointing into it. She swiftly got herself away from eyesight and didn't go back until she was sure the men were gone.

She pushed her hand through and managed to break it through the barrier. She pulled her arm back in to see it covered in upside down slime. With one quick wipe of her hand on her clothes, she extended it back out and concentrated. After a few second the wall seemed to be falling apart to widen the exit for her.

She stepped forward once again and pushed her body through the barrier. Eventually, she broke through and landed with a thud on her knees, gasping for air. She looked around to see if anyone was around, but saw the coast was clear.

She quickly got to her feet and left the school. By the time she made it back to Mike's police cars and other emergency vehicles were parked outside, some with the lights on. She snuck her way around the side of the house to a window were she could see Mike through it. She saw lab workers surrounding him and interrogating him. Every question he gave back the same answer.

El felt her heart sink knowing she would have to leave for his safety. Still she couldn't leave just yet, she didn't know what was going to happen to her, to them. She didn't even know what happened to Nikki. Something told her she already knew what happened.

After a few seconds, El caught Mike's eye and she knew she had to leave when the lab workers almost saw her. She ran into the woods and found a place under a fallen tree to hide. As she heard voices coming closer than further from her, she could only think of the people she cared about.

She soon began to weep. Weep from fear, anger, and loss. But most of all she cried from loneliness, because for the first time ever...

She was truly alone.

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