The Weirdos on Maple Street (Part 5)

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"El? Nikki?" Mike voice rang through the basement as the two girls that settled in the fort looked at him and the other two boys. Mike carried two plates of food over to the girls and set it in front of them. "No adults. Just us and some meatloaf."

El looked down at the food in front of her and allowed Nikki took take the walkie talkie, she had just been messing with, out of her hands. El looked back up at the two boys behind Mike while Nikki stared at the food, starting to get that horrible feeling in her stomach again.

"Don't worry." Mike said reading the girls' facial expressions. "That won't tell anyone about you two. They promise. Right?" Mike asked looking back at Dustin and Lucas.

"We never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers." Dustin laughed nervously. Nikki looked up at the boy in fear that he was scared of them. He didn't look to scared, more in awe than anything else. She looked over at Lucas who had a hard expression to read. It was angry and concerned at the same time. The girls watched as Mike hit Dustin in the leg making both of them jump a little. "Ow!" Dustin recoiled.

"What Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared, earlier." Mike sighed at his friend. "That's all."

"We just wanted to find our friend." Lucas explained looking at Nikki. She looked down at her hands while the rest of the conversation continued.

"Friend?" El asked looking between Lucas and Dustin.

"Yeah, friend. Will?"

"What is friend?" El asked in a choppy sentence.

"Is she serious?" Lucas asked Nikki who confirmed his answer with one look. "Um, a friend-"

"Is someone that you'd do anything for." Mike quickly interrupted.

"You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards." Dustin added making the corners of Nikki's mouth turn up.

"And they never break a promise." Mike continued seeing they were starting to gain the trust of the girl.

"Especially when there's spit." Lucas pointed out making the two girls look at him in confusion.

"Spit?" El asked.

"A spot swear means," Lucas spit in the palm of his hand and connected it with Dustin's hand. "You never break your word. It's a bond."

El looked at Nikki who's small smile had dropped. Nikki looked back with a slightly disgusted expression and shook her head.

"That's super important, because friends, they tell each other things." Mike explained to El who was the only one listen. Nikki had all of her attention on Dustin wiping his hand in disgust. It was enough to have that tiny smile reappear on her face. "Things that parents don't know." Mike concluded.


After a while El finished her meal and eat some of Nikki's due to Nikki not feeling to well. The pit in her stomach was enough to make her appetite go away.

When El finished, she grabbed Nikki's hand and got her out of the fort with her. Standing up made Nikki's heart rate quicken slightly, it wasn't bad but it was enough to make her need to catch her breath.

"You okay?" Lucas asked her with a little worry in his eyes. She responded with a small nod and watched as El made her way to the table in the middle of the room. El sat herself in one seat with Nikki close behind, sitting in the one beside her. Her heart started to race a little more.

"What are the weirdos doing?" Lucas asked. El put her hands flat against the dungeons and dragons board and shut her eyes.

"El? Nikki?" Mike asked as the boys gathered around them.

"She's looking pale." Dustin pointed to Nikki. Nikki was in fact paling as her heart raced more making her take deeper breathes.

"Nikki?" Lucas asked with scrunched up eyebrows like he was trying to figure what was going on. El opened her eyes once again and pick up a wizard figure from the board.

She studied it closely. "Will."

"Superpowers." Dustin said in awe looking between the two girls.

Mike sat himself next to El and across from Nikki. "Did you guys see him? On Mirkwood? Do you know where he is?"

Neither of the two made eye contact as El swept the rest of the figurines off of the board and flipped it over. Everyone waited in anticipation as El put the wizard in the middle of the board.

"I don't understand." Mike shook his head in thought.

"Hiding." El tried to explain.

"Will is hiding?" Mike earned a nod in return. "From the bad men?" El shook her head. "Then from who?"

El grabbed another figure and placed it next to the wizard. The Demogorgon.

Finally feeling the pit go away, Nikki took a deep breath and settled her eyes at the sight in front of her. All of the boys were worried for their friend. Nikki made a promise to herself in that moment, she will help them find Will, no matter what.

Whatever it takes.

Authors Note
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've been busy. Anyway, I really wanted to get this chapter out to you guys and fast. So this might have a few errors and not be my best writing but I might come back and fix it when I feel like it. Until then...

Love ya!! ❤️❤️❤️

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