Chapter 45

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Seconds, minutes went by. Tension at both sides rose.
Lugia!" Greevil yelled, wanting it to break free.
The Master Ball suddenly made a small sound and stopped moving.
Michael fell to his knees, not yet fully realising that he had captured the Pokémon. 'Did I...?'
"How dare you, child! How dare you snag my Shadow Lugia! My one loyal subject! There's nothing left! But I will personally see to the total destruction of your Pokémon! Fall!"
"...Oh, help."
Greevil jumped out of his chair, looking as angry as possible, showing how evil he was.
Greevil sent out his first two pokemon as he walked up to his spot: Rhydon and Moltres.
"Another legendary Pokémon?!"
"Shadow Fire! Shadow End!"
"Shadow Fire???" Michael quickly stood up to send out his own Pokémon. "Use Confuse Ray and Stun Spore!"
The Stun Spore missed.
Michael threw a converted Ultra Ball at the weakened Rhydon, successfully snagging it.
Moltres hurt itself in its confusion as Greevil sent out his Shadow Exeggutor.
"Shadow Fire!"
"Breloom, come back! Aggron, I choose you! Crobat, use Bite!"
"Shadow Fire!"
"Quick, use Protect!"
"Shadow End!"
Michael converted another Ultra Ball to snag Exeggutor, but it got out.
"Shadow Fire!"
"Crobat, come back. Go, Walrein!"
Shadow End missed and Exeggutor got snagged this time.
"Go, Tauros! Use Shadow Sky! Moltres, Shadow Fire!"
Jolteon got sent out.
"Walrein, use Water Pulse on Tauros! Jolteon, paralyze Moltres!"
"Use Shadow Hold to prevent their escape!"
"Water Pulse! Thunder Wave!"
"Quick, use Protect!"
Michael threw a Snag Ball at Tauros, catching it.
"Go, Articuno!"
"Shadow Fire! Shadow Chill!"
"Help. Walrein, use Protect! Jolteon, paralyze Articuno!"
Moltres couldn't move, so Jolteon's Bite attack landed with ease and Walrein could get healed up.
"Use another Bite and use Water Pulse!"
"Use Shadow Fire and Shadow Chill!"
"Jolteon, no! Your turn, Houndoom!"
Michael revived Jolteon again and attempted to snag Moltres, failing big time.
Moltres attacked, but Articuno couldn't move.

The legendary birds were difficult opponents. They were strong and didn't want to get caught.
Pokémon had to be healed and revived numerous times and many Poké Balls were used.
At moments it looked like an impossible task.
When Moltres finely got caught, Greevil sent out his last Pokémon: Shadow Zapdos. Its Shadow Sky and Shadow Bolt were as strong as its team mates' equivalents.
It felt like forever, but the legendary birds were eventually securely snagged. The battle had been won.

Greevil screeched out of disbelief as he fell down onto his knees, landing with his hands in front of him.
"How... A mere child... A mere child crushed my cherished plan?"
"T...That's right."
Ardos came up with the elevator. He couldn't believe what he saw.
"W-what? This can't be! Grrr... It's your fault!" He yelled at Michael. "I won't forgive... There's no forgiving you!"
Ardos walked up to the defeated Master Greevil. "Grand Master! We're done here! We should blow up Citadark Isle with the child still on it!"
"What?" Michael yelped.
The two didn't hear him.
"But... If I did that, our Shadow Pokémon data and our subordinates would be lost as well..."
"Grand Master, such things can be replaced! We must ensure our own survival! I've readied a helicopter for out escape. We've got to leave now."
"Y-You're right..."
???: "Wait!"
Eldes had arrived to the scene.
"Please wait. You're willing to sacrifice everyone so you can escape? You should be ashamed!"
"Ashamed? Clinging to foolish pride will guarantee Cipher's demise! Cipher must survive. That is our first duty. The grand master feels the same way."
"Y-yes..." Greevil mumbled. "For Cipher's sake, sacrifices must be endured..."
"What are you saying?" Eldes questioned them. "The Shadow Pokémon factory has been destroyed! XD001 was defeated! Nothing remains of Cipher!"
"Silence!" Ardos retorted. "Cipher will live forever! If only this child hadn't..." He faced Michael, then Greevil again. "Grand Master! Please give the order to blow up Citadark Isle!"
"...Yes. It can't be helped. Don't begrudge us, child."
"Stop!" Eldes yelled. "Let's put a stop to this.... Father!"
Michael was shocked. 'Father?!'
"Don't call him Father! Call him the Grand Master!"
Eldes approached Greevil, kneeling down beside him. "Father, you've lost sight of what's important. You got carried away by this whole grand master nonsense. It isn't possible to take over the world by producing powerful Pokémon. Just think of this child... This child's pure heart won out over XD001. We were in the wrong."
"Silence, silence, silence! Why aren't you showing some spine! We've come so far!"
Eldes took a deep breath and ignored his brother's yelling. "Cipher is finished. Father, you yourself should know that more than anyone."
Greevil looked up at his son. "Ohhh..."
Ardos had enough of it, so he marched away. When bbeing some feet away, he sent out his Alakazam to teleport him and itself away to who knows where.

Eldes reached out his hand to Greevil.
"Now, please. Stand up. This is how it should be. The laws of the land will render judgement on what we have done."
Greevil reached for his hand. "Oh... Everything I did... All of it was a mistake..."
Eldes helped him up.
The two of them walked up to Michael. Eldes spoke to him. "Thanks to your courage, we were finally able to wake from our nightmare. Thank you. You'll have nothing to fear from us ever. You should return home to your family. Let us meet again, too. The next time we battle, it won't be as mortal enemies. I will look forward to it."
Michael stayed silent, but nodded to be polite.
They said their goodbyes and all of them left the island. Michael using Robo Kyogre. Eldes and Greevil using their own boat.

The skies around the island cleared up. The dark clouds disappeared, making place for the sun. The waves subsided and waters became calmer.
The atmosphere as a whole changed and everyone all around the region seemed to feel it. Many people left their houses to look up at the sky.
Citizens of places nearby the island could see the changes and started cheering at the beautiful sight.
People from more distant cities could only conclude what had happened by a special phenomenon, which had never occurred before. Small, shiny flakes started falling from the sky like snow. Everyone smiled, some even cheering, knowing something good had happened.


Michael had returned home to be reunited with his family and lab staff.
Jovi saw her big brother approach the HQ Lab.
"Big brother is back!!" She exclaimed and ran through the doors.
Lily smiled and followed.
"Big brother, big brother! Did you do it? You did, didn't you?"
Even though Michael was exhausted, he smiled and gave his little sister a pat on her head. "Yes, I did it. Cipher is no more."
Jovi smiled brightly.
Lily was caught up to her daughter. "I'm proud if you, my son." She said.

Some of the people Michael had met on his journey arrived at the HQ Lab later that day. They all wanted to hear the stories of Michael's accomplishments.
Relief and joy could be found with every single one of the visitors. They congratulated Michael, praised him and cheered him on until late in the evening - until Michael could fall asleep right there and then.
Having snuck to his room and reaching his bed, he fell asleep almost as soon as he laid down; taking a rest as long as his body and mind needed.

Pokémon XD: Narrated Gale of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now