Chapter 25

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Before heading towards the northern desert, Michael went back to the Pokémon HQ Lab - where he stayed the night.
His mother, Lily, was more than proud after hearing what he had accomplished.
Aidan was impressed about the fact that Michael had been snagging more Shadow Pokémon in the meantime.

Professor Krane walked from behind his desk when Michael entered his office.
"Michael, I've heard that you liberated Phenac! That's fantastic work! This time, we did get word from Nett about what happened. Michael, you really are out of this world."
"I, ehh... hehe."
"Oh, and he was very grateful for your saving Marcia, too. I'm concerned about what Cipher was up to in the desert. I think that needs to be looked into immediately. I'm counting on you. Cipher's conspiracy can be shattered only by you, Michael, and that Snag Machine!"
"And I definitely will! I'll drive off to the Norhtern desert tomorrow. Rumour has it Cipher could be busy there."
"As long as you're careful to not worry your mother to much, haha."
"Haha. I can't promise that, but I'll do my best."


*The next day*

Some Shadow Pokémon were able to get purified. So that's what Michael did first thing in the morning.
When that was done, Michael said his goodbyes to the lab's staff and drove off all the way to the region's eastern part, to the northern desert.

As he neared the location of the rumours, the place got sandier and harder to drive through.
"Come... on! I haven't found anything yet!"

Eventually, his scooter's tires bogged down in the sand. Michael kept trying to accelerate, but his scooter wouldn't budge. 'It's impossible to go any farther this way... I'll have to think of an other solution.'
He traveled back to where he came from on foot, wrestling with his scooter to get it through the sand. The remaining miles to Phenac City were drivable scooter again.


The lady who was sitting near the entrance gate noticed him and his sandy clothes enter frustratingly.
"You tried going into the northern desert, didn't you?"
Michael looked at his clothes. "What gave it away?" Realizing his tone of speech he apologized.
"As you might have noticed, the northern desert's sand is very deep. An ordinary scooter, like yours, couldn't possibly make it through that sand."
Michael grumbled. Then sighed.

He had gone to the local Poké Mart to restock on Poké Balls. Outside again, he received an e-mail.
Nett: "Michael, we've been asked to help locate a missing Pokémon. It was among those missing with the S.S. Libra. Please, visit us in Pyrite and speak with the missing Pokémon's owner."
'Alright.' He thought.


- Pyrite Town, Nett's office -

"Yo!" Bitt held his hand in the air when he greeted Michael. "I heard what happened in Phenac from Marcia. I'm amazed that they even managed to hold Justy hostage."
"He was in a tight spot. There were hostages."
"Ah, I see. By the way, that old gent came here with his granddaughter." He pointed to the people in the back with his thumb. "He's looking for help finding a missing Pokémon. If you don't mind, please hear him out."
Michael nodded and walked up to the elderly man and his granddaughter.
"I'm sorry... I'm at my wit's end..."
"No apologies needed, sir. What's the problem?"
"You're familiar with the news about the ship S.S. Libra's disappearance?"
"Yes, I am."
"Well... My granddaughter's Pokémon was on board, and it vanished with the ship. The Pokémon is one I found while tending to my garden. It was among my tiny bonsai trees. It's a new species, I'm certain of it!"
'A new species?! Whoaa!'
"Please, I implore you! Please find my missing Pokémon if only for my granddaughter's sake!"
"Don't worry, sir. I will go look for that Pokémon."
"Oh, thank you! You are so kind! Our Pokémon is named Bonsly. It looks very much like a potted plant. Please help us! My granddaughter has a photo of Bonsly. Please ask her if you may see it."
Michael tried to form a picture in his head as he smiled confidently to reassure the old man.
"We'll try collecting information on our own," Bitt started. "But to be honest, its like trying to find a needle in a haystack."
"For the time being, there may be nothing we can do but gather information while tracking Cipher's movements." Nett added.
Michael nodded, but only slightly. He then turned to the little girl, asking her to show the Bonsly photo.
"That one's cute. Okay, thank you. I will do my best to find it for you."
The girl nodded as she tried to hold back her tears.
"Hold on. Michael?"
"Huh? Yeah?"
"Your clothes are covered in sand. What happened to you?"
"I tried to travel to the northern desert. The sand there is very deep. It was impossible to travel any farther after a while The wrestle me and my scooter had stirred up lots of grains of sand. And... This is the result of it."
"Why were you going there anyway?"
"Citizens heard rumours about people, possibly Cipher, moving to and from there. I wanted to check it out, but couldn't."
"That's big news!" Bitt exclaimed. "That could be Cipher's new hideout!"
"But it may be difficult for an ordinary scooter to cross the desert. It won't be easy getting there to investigate."
Michael sighed as he knew very well that Nett was right.
"Well, for help with something like that, how about Perr in Gateon Port? If anyone can help..."
"Oh, yes, that's it! Good idea, Bitt!"
"Perr's an old buddy of ours. He runs a mechanical parts shop with his grandpa, Makan." Bitt explained.
"Perr? That guy that always wears a beanie?"
"Huh? You know the guy?"
"I've met him before, yes, when I needed to fetch something at his shop."
"Well, then we can cut right to the chase!"
"I'll get in touch with him." Nett said. "I'm sure he'll come up with the means for you to cross the desert."

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