Chapter 12

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Pokémon all healed up.
Newly bought Poké Balls from Agate Village.
Michael was good to go again.

At the end of the corridors at BF2, Michael had to use another elevator. He reached BF3.
'Ehh... This elevator?' Michael stepped into the elevator which was located directly next to the one he came from.
'Back up?' He looked around. Then concluded he found himself in a small gathering room. 'Hey, another healing machine! Nice.'
Keeping this room in mind, he took the elevator back down again and continued making his way through the hallways.
Along his path, several more Cipher peons and a couple of Scientists had to be beaten.

Somewhere at BF3, two scientists were gossiping in their break time.
"Have you heard? Prototype XD001's final adjustments are behind schedule at headquarters. If they can get Krane to give details about his purification study, all XD001's problems should be solved in one fell swoop."
"I think so, too. But he sounds quite obstinate and off-limits about the whole thing. I've heard Lovrina's getting incensed over this."
"Huh, what?! A kid in the lab?!"
"Ehh. Hi." Michael shortly waved at them.
"Hold still so we can catch you!"
"Nope!" Michael didn't hold still and battled both men before taking the next elevator. Houndour was able to let his heart get completely opened after the victory. However, Michael decided that getting the professor out of here was his current number one priority.

Back on BF2, a peon with a Shadow Carvanha tried to stop Michael; In vain. His Carvanha got taken away from him and his other Pokémon defeated.
Eventually, Michael reached a second, bigger gathering room on BF1. Two scientists were discussing about their interested topic.
"Whew. I never thought that Cipher's big man would deign to show up here in person. I saw him in real flesh and blood, and he's menacing! The sight of him gave me shivers!" One of them was ranting about. "Master Greevil's supposedly making a personal tour of all of Cipher's facilities. I think he wants to confirm that everything is fine so he can proceed with his plans without ending up with a fiasco like last time."
"Yeah." The one who was sitting agreed and leaned back in his chair. "Hm?" That's when he noticed Michael entering. "What?! Who are you?! You suspicious intruder!"
"The standing scientist, being alarmed, turned around. "How long were you there?! You might be just a kid, but we can't let you walk out!"
"Then, bring it on. I won't go down without a fight. Especially not now."
"Snubbul, Keckleon, grab him!"
"Houndour, Ledian, I choose you! Houndour, use Ember on the Snubbul. Ledian, use Supersonic!"
"Kecleon, evade it! Then use Astonish."
"Use the same moves!"
"Evade again! Then, Scratch and Bite!"
"Ledian, Aerial Ace on Snubbel to finish it off. Houndour, Shadow Blitz on Kecleon!"
The fainted Snubbul got replaced by a Shroomish. This Pokémon let the Aura Reader respond.
"Kecleon, Astonish!"
"Both of you, attack the Kecleon until it faints!"
"Shroomish, use Shadow Mist."
"Houndour, come back. Jolteon, your turn. Ledian, use Comet Punch!"
After the attack, Ledian fell asleep due to the Effect Spore.
"Shadow Blitz!"
"Ledian, wake up! Jolteon, Thunder Wave!"
Shroomish couldn't attack.
"Sand Attack! Comet Punch!"
On the next turn, Shroomish was successfully snagged.
"Are you really a kid?"
"Yep. Teenager, to be exact."
"Did you maybe come to rescue Krane?"
"Guessed right. Bring me to him!"
"Hmph. Don't bother trying. You don't know how scary Lovrina - she's in charge here - can be. She looks cute and all, but she's nothing short of terrifying. Get out of here while you still can. It's for your own good!"
"Hell no! Not without the professor!" Michael jumped towards the scientist. Just before he could jump aside, Michael was able to snatch the man's ID card off of him. The second scientist didn't even bother starting a challenge because he didn't have any Pokémon with him.

After obtaining the ID card - and healing up his Pokémon -, it was time to enter the locked elevator on BF1. Michael made his way through the laboratory section and ascended the stairs in the back. In the small room, he found out there were already two human beings, discussing their matter.
"You understand, don't you? It's wrong to turn ordinary Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon against their will."
It was Krane who spoke. The guy in a white, yellow hightlighed suit stayed silent.
Krane opened his mouth again. "Please, won't you help us stop this Shadow Pokémon plan? Join us and help us save Pokémon!"
"...Prof. Krane. I understand what you're trying to say, but I can't help you."
Michael couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer. "Professor!"
Both Krane and the other guy (Naps) looked up into his direction.
"Whoa?! You... Aren't you that kid I saw at the Pokémon HQ Lab that time?"
"That's me, yes." Michael answered with gritted teeth.
"Michael? Is it really you, Michael?!" Krane said as he took a small step his way.
"Are you trying to tell me that you came here by your lonesome to rescue Prof. Krane?" Naps faced Krane for a moment. "It's too bad, I'm still a member of Cipher. I can't very well let you folks go now, can I?" He faced Michael again. "As for you... you snagged my Teddiursa from me that time! I'll give you this. You've got guts to come here alone. But I'll fix you good so you'll never get out again!"
"We'll see about that! Houndour, Jolteon!"
"Rhyhorn, Murkrow!"
"Jolteon, Thundershock on Murkrow!"
The lightning bolt bended on its way, landing on the Rhyhorn instead.
"What? Oh... Lightning Rod ability..."
"Murkrow, Pursuit!"
"Houndour, use Roar on the Rhyhorn. Jolteon, try attacking the Murkrow again!"
Rhyhorn returned to its Poké Ball and a Beldum got sent out.
"Hmph. Smart move. Rhyhorn, second try!"
"Houndour, use Ember on his Beldum!"
"Rhyhorn, Mud Slap! Beldum, Take Down!"
"Jolteon, come back. I choose you, Spheal! Houndour, beat the Beldum with another Ember attack!"
"Slakoth, go. Rhyhorn, Mud Slap."
"Houndour, attack the Slakoth. Spheal, use Water Gun on the Rhyhorn!"
"Use Scratch!"
'Both my Pokémon's emotions are acting up... wait, his Pokémon will be loafing around.' "Houndour, Spheal, come to your senses!"
Both Pokémon responded to his call.
"Now, Shadow Blitz and Water Gun!"
"You're good, punk..." Naps said, audibly defeated. "Prof. Krane, you folks don't have the foggiest notion about how big and scary Cipher is. It's not smart to resist. You can go on about the poor abused Pokémon and all, but you should think about your own selves. That's my advice." Naps said and made his way out of the facility.
"Professor! Are you okay?!"
"Yes, I'm fine. Did you really come here by yourself?"
"Yes, I did. I didn't want to bring others here."
"That's amazing. But it's dangerous here. We'd better get out right away."
"You read my mind. Come!"
Krane didn't move quite yet. "My worst fears turned out to be true about Cipher. They weren't wiped out. This is just one of their bases."
"One of them? There are more?!"
"Yes. But the details can wait. Things could get complicated if they return. Let's get out of here, quick!"
"I'm not protesting. Let's go!"

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