Chapter 9

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"This is a cause for celebration!" Eagun raised his glass. "You've succesfully purified your first Shadow Pokémon without incident. Still, one can't be too happy. Not with the knowledge of Professor Krane's abduction."
Michael took a sip of his drink whilst listening to what Eagun had to say.
"You see, he was a frequent visitor to Agate up to several years ago. He was conducting extensive research into the Relic Stone, you see. He said that it was for completing an entirely new purifying system that his friend thought up. I wonder where the kidnappers have made off with Krane. It must be worrisome for you too."
"Yeah... I wasn't able to stop them... But that friend of his... was that...?"
"His friend was a nice, young man. You kind of remind me of him when looking at you. Hohoho."
Michael knew who he was talking about: his father.
"Ah! About that abduction, dear..." Beluh started. "Didn't you need to mention what Vander saw?"
Michael frowned when not recognising that name.
"Hm? Ah, yes! That's right! I needed to tell you about Vander, Michael. We have a friend by that name who lives on Mt. Battle, which is a place of training for trainers."
'Sounds logical, but okay.'
"Vander claims to have seen sinister characters out in the desert, where few people dare to tread. Sounds intriguing, yes? Mt. Battle is to the northeast. Be sure to visit it."
Michael took a last sip of his drink. He nodded afterwards. "Thank you, sir, ma'am. I'll be going back to the Relic Stone first. Then I'll be sure to visit your friend."
"Good day, dear. Take care."
"Oh, yes, Michael. May I have your P⭐DA number?"
"Oh, of course." Michael gave Eagun his number.
"Fine! If I hear anything, I will make certain to get in touch with you."
With that, Michael left their house and went to the Relic Stone to purify his Ledyba and Teddiursa. When that was done, he drove to Mt. Battle, curious of what that training facility looks like.


- Mt. Battle -

Michael was impressed with the size of the mountain and it's volcano. He almost bumped into someone if he didn't watch where he was walking halfway through the front lawn.
???: "Well, well. Didn't we meet at Gateon Port?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah! You were with Mr. Verich and the blue man...what was his name again?"
"You must mean Ardos."
"I remember."
"Have you come to train?"
"I might train a little here, yes. Gaining experience never harmed anyone."
"This is an excellent place for people to train. I've trained here myself."
"You must be strong then." Michael guessed.
The guy in red showed only a faint smile. "Back then, I only sought to become more powerful. I didn't need any other reason. As a result, I attained this status. But now, I've taken to questioning my notice for gaining power. I wonder what I'm fighting for. I ponder if I am putting my Pokémon under cruel stress... That's why I urge you to look into yourself. Ask yourself why you want to become stronger before you take that path."
Without saying another word, the man left Mt. Battle. Michael's eyes followed him for a bit before facing the facility again, looking up.
'I like participating in battles. But now, I also want to become stronger so that I can save the Professor.'
With that thought in mind, Michael entered the facility to find himself in the entrance hall.

"Welcome to Mt. Battle! Would you care to take our challenge for training? You battle 'till you're knocked out!"
"Sounds good!"
"Oh. Unfortunately, we're not open to the public right now. The facilities are closed for training novice trainers."
"Training wasn't the thing I was planning on in the first place, anyways. My first intention was to see Vander. He's supposed to be here."
"Oh? You're not here to train, but to see Vander, one of our Area Leaders?"
"Actually, Vander is in charge of the rookie training session. He's inside right now. If you're in a hurry, you may enter through here."
"Okay, I'll try."
The receptionist stepped aside so that Michael could walk through a pair of sliding doors. On the other side, he got met with a strong breeze. He found himself outside on a steel bridge. Looking over the edge, he gulped knowing that he could fall hard from here onto the stony area beneath him. He stayed in the middle of the bridge, crossing it to be met with a trainer on a big, round platform. She had low self-confidence, but was up for the challenge. The fact she was a rookie became clear pretty quickly. She was beaten within no time.
The second trainer: same story.
On the third platform (zone 3), two people were standing. One around Michael's age, the other being an adult.
"That's right." The adult complimented the youngster. "In a double battle, it's important that you understand the attributes and abilities of two Pokémon together."
"Okay, Vander. It makes sense!"
"Uhh, Vander?" Michael interrupted carefully.
"Oh? Are you a knockout battle challenger? I hate to disappoint you, but we're not running the challenge right now. We're in training, you see."
"No, no, no. Eagun told me to come here. To see you."
"Oh? Eagun sent you to see me? Why?"
"I'm not sure. Something about the desert."
"To hear about the desert, you say? Understood! I'll be happy to give you my account."
Michael straightened his back, glad he didn't come here for nothing.
"But before I do that," Vander continued. "I've got a little request."
"A request?"
"Just in appearance, you look to be an outstanding trainer. And I'm certain my eyes aren't deceiving me. So here's my request: to finish up my novice trainer's session, I'd like you to treat him to a battle!"
Michael's eyes brightened. "A battle, huh? I'm in!"
"Thank you for training with me!" The youngster smiled confidently. He sent out his Doduo and Spoink. Michael his Poochyena and Jolteon.
Spoink barely survived a Bite attack so was able to use an Odor Sleuth. On the next turn however, it got beaten. Poochyena's with Howl strengthened Poison Fang dealt quite the amount of damage to the Doduo despite the Growl it used. On the third turn, after the Doduo's Pursuit attack landed, Jolteon beat the rookie trainer with a last Bite attack.
"Oh, man! I feel Like I failed my school graduation exam!"
"Yes! Just as I thought!" Vander exclaimed. "That was a well-played battle. You too, Brandon! Why, it made me want to jump in and also join the fray." Vander paused for a moment before completely focussing on Michael. "Anyways, we should talk. But this isn't the place for that. Let's go back to the reception.


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